Lose Weight by Eating for Your Blood Type – Fad or Fact?


Several years ago, a very interesting new idea with regard to weight loss became all the rage: eating for your blood type. This concept answered the age-old question of why not all eating plans work for all people. That much seems undeniable – people are very different with regard to the types of food that works for them, as well as the type of exercise program. A weight loss rule that works for one person will not needlessly work for someone else – that much we know.

Some experts started to link this to blood type. There are four main blood types, and according to this way of thinking, each type represents a body type. If you eat the food that is right for your type, you will lose weight effortlessly. Conversely, most weight problems are the result of eating the food that's wrong for your type. As well, there are types of exercise that are suitable for some types and not for others.

Although mainstream science ridiculed this idea, thousands of people followed the eating plan for their blood type and many had excellent results. This is the theory: the different blood types evolved at different times in human history, and even nowdays people with those types have habits that are specific to humans at that stage of evolution. This may sound confusing, but it's clear with an example: According to this theory, 'o' type blood, because it's the simplest type, evolved first. At that time in human history, people had not yet developed agriculture. They were primarily hunters, and ate meat and greens; they ate at no wheat, and no dairy, because those foods developed later on with the advent of farming. Humans at that time in history also practiced vigorously.

So, if you have 'o' type blood, your body is similar to this early human physiology. If you eat a lot of carbohydrates and do not exercise vigorously, you will have weight problems and other health problems, because you are not eating and exercising in the way that is right for your blood type and body type. To lose weight and be healthy, if you have 'o' type blood, you have to eat plenty of red meat and vegetables, and very little wheat or dairy. You should also have a strenuous physical activity, like running or weight lifting, that you practice several times a week.

But if you are a type 'a' or 'b', for example, that advice would be all wrong for you. These types developed somewhat later, after agriculture was established, so these individuals can and should eat more fruits, vegetables, and grains. People with 'ab' type blood are lucky; their type evolved last, after humans had incorporated all types of food into their diet. So 'ab's can basically eat anything – within reason – and not gain weight.

Over the past six or seven years, many people have followed this plan and lost a lot of weight. There are a few problems with it, though. First of all, as stated before, there is no hard scientific evidence that shows that people with different blood types are physiologically different. It's an appealing idea, but it can not be proved as yet. Also, some of the blood type diets (particularly the diet for type 'o') are very restrictive. In fact, the type 'o' diet is rather like Atkins at its most restrictive, and some nutritionists feel that this might lead to problems with high cholesterol in the long run. On the other hand, proponents of the diet argument that type 'o' people are precisely those who can afford to eat a lot of meat without negatively affecting their cholesterol level. If someone with a different blood type ate in this way, it might be a problem, but not for "o's". And it is certainly true that some people develop or do not develop cholesterol problems seemlessly to their diet intake.

If the theory has no basis, though, how would we explain the weight loss that so many people have experienced? It may be simpler than you think, actually. Any one of the four blood type eating plans, if followed correctly, would have you eating healthy, more natural food. Some, like the 'o' diet, are also quite restrictive. It seems likely that these diets make you lose weight in and of themselves, regardless of what blood type you are!


Source by Michael Bens

Burn 15 Pounds of Fat Fast – Discover the Top Diet of 2009 to Burn Off Stubborn Fat Fast!


Do you want to burn 15 pounds of fat … and actually keep it off this time? Well, take just three quick minutes out of your busy day to read this article and learn more about the most effective and the top diet of 2009 to burn fat fast!

Have you tried other dieting systems with no luck? Let me ask you a question, were the diets that you were trying fad diets and celebrity diets? You see, those types of diet programs are ineffective because they break the core principles of a healthy lifestyle that will guarantee you'll burn off fat. Those types of diets encourage dramatically reducing calories or restricting nutrients from your body. Your body will not burn off fat by doing those things … it will actually store fat as a way of protecting you ….. go figure!

The best type of dieting system that will help you burn off fat, lose pounds, and actually keep it all permanently, is a new dieting system called calorie shift created by the popular diet program, Fat Loss 4 Idiots. This diet system works because you'll be able to get the amount of calories you're likely to get daily, except with this diet you will be taught how to shift those calories from the foods that you will eat into raising your metabolic rate to a very high level.

So, if you're ready to burn 15 pounds of fat … or more, in three weeks or less, than I highly recommend for you to look into and tryout the calorie shifting diet plan.


Source by Avy Barnes

Weight Loss With The Volumetric's Diet


The Volumetric's Diet was created by Barbara Rolls PhD and is a very popular diet that has been part of a weight loss program for a number of very successful doctors.

Volumetrics is based on a very simple fact – people like to eat! And that if people are given a choice between eating more or eating less then in 99% of cases they will always choose to eat more.

The Volumetric's Diet is not based on deprivation like many other diets. It's based on this natural human preference just mentioned and the natural human dislike for dieting (ie hunger and unhappiness).

The basis of the Volumetrics diet is finding foods that you can eat lots of while you are still losing weight. Volumetrics focuses on the feeling of fullness that many other diets exlude. According to Rolls, people feel full because of how much food they've eaten and it has nothing to do with calories, grams of far, protein, carbs or anything else. The trick is to fill yourself up on foods that are not full of calories. In most cases, following the Volumetrics diet will allow you to eat more and not less while you are still easily losing weight.

In 2000, Barbara Rolls and her co-author Robert A. Barnett released The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan detailing her theory. She followed it up in 2005 with The Volumetric's Eating Plan which provided even more recipes while reminded people of the basis of the diet.

You may be wondering who Rolls is and what credentials she has. She's the profession of nutrition and directory of the Laboratory for the Study of Human Ingestive Behavior at Penn State University. She's written well over 200 research articles and based on the Volumetric's diet large on the work she has done in her laboratory.

In the Volumetric's diet, there are no banned foods, nor foods separated into good and bad foods. You are urged though to evaluate foods based on their energy density, which is a vital concept for the diet.

The energy density is the number of calories in a specific amount of food. Some foods, particularly fatty foods, are much more energy dense than others, ie they have a lot of calories packed into a small amount. Water is the complete opposite because it has a zero energy density.

By eating foods with a high energy density you are consuming a lot of calories. By eating less energy dense foods you can not only eat more, but you get less calories too.

Some very low energy density foods include things like soup or broths, fat free milk and non-starchy vegetables. In contrast, some of the very high density foods include things like crackers, chips, cookies, chocolate, nuts, oils, butter, etc.

At the heart of the Volumetric's Diet are foods with a high water content, such as vegetables and fruits, which are often up to 95% water. These will fill you up without adding too many calories. Of course, you could drink a lot of water and consume no calories at all, but you would still feel hungry.

The Volumetric's Diet also recommends eating foods with filling fiber, lean protein (ie not fatty meat) and some healthy fats such as those you find in fish. You can still eat energy dense foods like sweets, fats and alcohol, you just eat them a little bit more sparingly that you would have before.

At its root, the Volumetric's Diet is very clever. It is essentially a sensible eating program that almost any nutritionist would recommend. Reduce your calorie intake, lower your fat intake and eat lots of vegetables and fruits.


Source by Jason Johns