New Diabetes Diet Plan


The difficulty of finding an effective diet plan for diabetes is sifting through vast amounts of conflicting information. If you are new to diabetes, it is the ideal time to take action. Hopefully this article will save you time! Find a new diet for diabetes.

I have recently been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. My family has a history of diabetes from my father, then a few years ago, my brother was added to the list.

The experience I have gained to watch family members confront the disease motivated me to act quickly. Do not take your head in the sand approach, do not think that this potentially devastating disease will go away, most likely without decisive action will worsen your condition. With the help of good diet plan, you can do much more than simply control the disease. In my case, I actually reverse it.

A new diabetes diet plan should be your first line of resistance. Weight management is an essential element in the fight to control diabetes. Reach your ideal weight will give your body the best chance to fight the disease and in some cases a reversal of your state.

In doing my research on new diet plans for diabetes, I found very little specific diet plans made for diabetics, and those I found, were so limited and boring I felt would eat more than one sentence of a joyful experience. My research led me to other weight loss and lifestyle programs. The programs I have emphasized, if the components needed to work safely for a diabetic in need of weight loss, and continue as a guide to healthy living. The programs I found, all had a common approach regarding weight loss. I chose a program that correspond to the guidelines set out below, and thereby obtained very positive results

1) A rapid phase of weight reduction !; drop your weight quickly. This step is needed to quickly able to control or reverse your condition. With out going down to your ideal weight diabetes will flourish in obese environment

2) The second step. is a more coherent approach to losing weight, but slower. This step constantly re-apply appropriate food choices and eating habits. Weight loss is somewhat controlled and regulates glucose peaks. All steps require a balanced approach to nutrition. Small meals are usually needed to keep your metabolism working at its peak. Eating the right food and control portion sizes, eating frequently all have a positive effect on the ability of your body to effectively balance blood sugar and at the same time continue to weight loss

3) The third step. is a stage where the program focuses on long-term food selection choices and eating habits necessary to maintain an ideal weight. A type of grazing food consumption approach will always keep you full at the end of the day, you will see that you have consumed far fewer calories than if you were to have sat and ate larger meals 4. The benefits of eating this way are; a faster metabolism rate, which essential for weight loss, balanced blood sugar, do to the small amounts of digested food at one time.

It is obvious that the food you consume should all be the right foods. Fiber and lean protein you feel full. The slow rate of digestion and slow release of sugars into the bloodstream fiber and protein are key elements of any new diabetes diet plan. Avoid refined carbohydrates is important. You do not need to completely eliminate carbs, just be very aware of when you eat and the portion size. Remember the key to a successful life is the variety and flexibility.

You do not have to sacrifice the variety, the feeling of fullness, and tasty food choices when you find the right life plan works well for diabetics and non-diabetics.

Last but not least, exercise is a key to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. No plan worth the paper it’s written on if it does not promote exercise. Exercise should be alternated with something as minor as a short walk to a longer fast walking. You do not need to go out and beat the heck out of your body to achieve health and weight loss.

Good Health

Charles N Lambert


Source by Charles N Lambert