My First Diet Program for Fast Weight Loss and Fat Burning to Lose Weight


My first diet program for fast weight loss and fat burning was copied from my sister. She lost a lot of weight, and I didn’t like the way I looked and thought I would feel better by shedding some excess fat.

Like any dieter, the only information I knew about was “calories.” At the time, my sister was telling me that calories caused body fat to accumulate. Being young and naive, I set out to rid myself of calories. I stopped eating, save for an egg and one piece of toast for breakfast, nothing for lunch, and salad and chicken for dinner. I quickly lost 13 pounds.

I felt great when I could fit into clothes that were previously too snug, but became exhausted and just damn irritable and mean. The diet ceased being a diet when I broke down and obliterated myself with an unending stream of food: cookies, ice cream, cake, pizza, etc. — all in a period of six hours.

I felt so mad, discouraged, and upset after that. Instead of getting right back on the diet that was severe, but still accomplishing what I wanted, I gained 15 pounds in a few weeks by eating relatively normal. Now, 2 pounds fatter than when I started my first diet, I began to strategize.

I needed a new diet — a better one. Everywhere I looked from the newspaper to magazines, to the library and book stores, I found plenty on the confusing topic of weight loss. I purchased all of it. I read everything. I reasoned I would absorb and digest every bit of info out there on dieting and become an authority!

Surely, if I read everything available pertaining to the subject of weight loss, I could figure out or find the best diets and disregard the bad ones. Well, in doing so, I became more confused, as I’m sure many of you are right now.


Source by Jack Landry