Jenny Craig – Important Facts on the Jenny Craig Diet Which Would Help You Lose Weight Fast!


The Jenny Craig diet is a mind-action-body weight loss program that helps dieters to lose weight fast. But before one begins to spend hundreds of hard-earned dollars on the Jenny Craig program (mind you, it’s not very cheap), it makes sense to get acquainted with certain facts about the Jenny Craig diet first. The Craig diet plan surely holds a lot of potential but when huge money is at stake, it would be better to gather the relevant knowledge about the plan’s method of functioning and other aspects to make the most off it. To help you out in that very pursuit, here are certain important Jenny Craig diet facts that make weight loss easier laid bare for you:

It Is A Comprehensive Program

For those who have been through the conventional weight loss program memberships which require you to exercise hard and eat miserly, the Jenny Craig plan is a big relief. The program is a comprehensive weight loss schedule which takes care of all related aspects from provision of prepackaged healthy meals, one-on-one consultation from health experts to strategically chalked-out exercise plans in sync with individual needs.

There Is Lots On Offer- Something Suited To Every Need

Unlike other weight loss programs, the Jenny Craig method is lot simpler and really accommodative. So there are no stringent policies and guidelines and one can basically choose the plan which is best suited to his/her individual needs and conveniences. So you could become a part of the Jenny Craig world by either signing up with one of their Jenny Craig Centers, or by signing up for their Jenny direct at-home program. Further, there are a variety of plans to choose from. You could opt for Jenny Tune-Up, the Jenny On-Track program, the Jenny Rewards program, the Gold program or the Platinum program- depending upon how much you require and what your pocket allows. So the offers are really flexible- ranging from a 30 day trial program in the name of Jenny Tune-Up to a lifetime platinum membership.

They Do Not Ask You To Overdo

The program is based on developing a healthier relationship with food, with the view that no food needs to be abhorred and one simply needs to keep a watch on the nutrition front and the serving portions. The overall insistence is on a healthy lifestyle so it’s not going to be like setting extravagant goals that ultimately come to shatters. Particularly good news is that the program is overseen by a team of dieticians and medical advisers and is based on standard dietary guidelines, including those set by the US Government. The quality standards can be expected to be really high therefore while at the same time nothing extraordinary would be expected to be put in by you. So you would be able to please the experts even if you lose 2 pounds a week (and that in turn would keep your enthusiasm in place too!)-remember that the idea is to achieve sustainable results.

The diet, I must admit has nothing of the revolutionary quality to it but the way it is proposed and executed makes all the difference. The Jenny Craig diet HAS done a lot of good to many by freeing them from the shackles of obesity and if you have the required determination and the zeal in you, I see no reason why it should disappoint you in ridding yourself of all those excess pounds.


Source by Anneline Smith