How to Make Fat Loss Diets Work


There are many fat loss diets out there. The problem is that they seem to make their fat loss diet too strict or complicated. One fat loss diet that will always work is to eat less calories than your body needs. There are many variations on this like Weight watchers or eDiets, but it is all really the same. Eat less and you will lose weight. This article will discuss how to do this.

To get started, you need to figure your basic metabolic rate. This is how many calories you burn each day just for your normal bodily functions. This does not include calories burned by exercise or activities. To estimate this simply take your weight and multiply it by 10. If you would like something more exact there are many BMR calculators available online.

Now that you know how many calories you burn, you need to lower your calorie intake. I takes 3.500 calories to lose one pound. So if you would like to lose 2 pounds per week, you need to lower the calories you consume by 7,000 that week. This would mean lowering them by 1,000 calories per day. You should never eat less than 1,500 calories per day. Any lower and it could be dangerous to your health and you body could go into starvation mode and you will not be able to follow your fat loss diet.

The great thing about this diet is that you can eat what you want as long as it is within a certain number of calories. If you still do not lose weight, perhaps you need to limit you sugar intake. Spikes and valleys of your blood sugar can wreak havoc on your fat loss diet.

To make you fat loss diet even more effective, you should try to spread your meals all throughout the day. You should be eating about every 3 hours 5-6 times daily. This helps stoke your metabolism and it keeps it running fast.

If you follow these simple instructions you should be successful on your fat loss diet. If you are still not losing weight, perhaps there is an underlying cause and you should see a doctor to see If this is the case.


Source by Wendy Lawson