500 calories per day

Diet Plan

Go on a 500 calorie per day diet plan is a very popular form of diet taken by a large number of people is recent time. Its popularity has increased over time and continues to grow. That said, it probably has its own risks and flaws, but if you’re the kind of person that does not mind taking risks when it comes to losing weight in no doubt the 500 calorie diet plan per day is for you!

The best thing about going on a diet low in calories, as an individual is able to lose their unwanted extra weight very quickly. A diet is considered low in calories when it comes to consume foods no more than 1200 calories per day. These diet plans such as 500 calories a day diet plan can be risky to do without the right precautions before going into it. Like anything and everything, a little research and especially a visit to your dietitian or nutritionist professional will undoubtedly lead you on the right track. So if you are planning to go on a diet as a 500 calorie diet then please visit the appropriate physicians appropriate consultation.

This article will help you determine if a 500 calorie diet is good for you.

There is no secret that people lose weight if they burn more calories than they consume every day. Everyone knows this, but what most people do not know is the sad and scary that a low calorie diet can actually do more harm than you think. When the body starts to crave more energy or calories, it will start to have a negative impact on your metabolic rate resulting in your body eats away your own muscles. The reason for this is because the body wants to convert the muscles in the energy it needs to perform normal activities of daily and as there is a lack of any food in the body, it will just eat away muscle. To lose in the first place fat, increase muscle mass is the first thing that needs to happen, and with the continuous supply of muscle mass in the body, which in turn could lead to your body having an overall negative result .

500 calories a day diet plan is recommended for some people, but it all depends on five key factors:

Gender: Male / Female

Height: Tall / Short

Activity level: How active are you? Highly active activity / Limited

Body Shape :. / Underweight

and finally and most importantly, your health and fitness General overweight status

For people who are overweight and more or less coming off a regular diet of consuming about 2000 to 5000 calories a day, going to and from a 500-day diet plan can be almost like going on a hunger strike to starvation. All of this would only slow down your metabolism rate to conserve energy for the body to use.

Once you have started on a 500 calorie per day diet plan, your body starts to become very used to the fact that you live outside very few calories per day. So much so that if you want to use back to your original eating high calorie consumption you will gain weight even faster than before, which would only make your situation worse than it was before starting on the diet low in calories.

As men and women are different in many ways, so are their food consumption patterns. A typical average woman would require a daily intake of 1200 to 1300 calories per day while an average typical men require 1500 to 1600 daily calorie consumption. As you can see a variation of factors must be considered when taking a 500 calorie per day diet of food so it is good and very important to seek appropriate medical experts before starting a diet low in calories like this .

Finally, with proper care and proper medical advice of doctors and physicians lose weight with a diet plan such as 500 calories a day can supply achieve weight loss Step outside of what you expect the same. Unwanted weight and fat quickly detaches you could ever imagine but do not be too hasty as it can also be risky if not done with proper consultation and advice before embarking on such a low calorie diet .


Source by Dino Sanchez