3 Day Diet to lose 10 pounds


The 3 day diet is to say a fad diet, weight loss diet that had gained rapid popularity, but in a completely whose popularity was gone. He had been a well-known diet 1985. The 3 day diet is a regimented diet plan that is still in existence in law and is practiced by some to have a rapid weight loss, reduces cholesterol , cleaning, and boosted energy levels. This is purely a diet that does not recommend any form of exercise with diet.

The 3 day diet is often incorrectly referred to as the Cleveland Clinic Diet. This diet should be followed for the duration exactly three consecutive days. This must be replaced by a normal diet for the next four to five days, after which the 3 Day Diet plan should be chosen again. Those who follow the 3 Day Diet plan are guaranteed to lose weight up to 10 pounds within just three days. If this diet is followed for the duration of one month, you can lose up to 40 pounds in 30 days. However, it is a question of fact that weight loss due to the 3 Day Diet is probably the weight of the liquid, not the weight of fat.

A strict diet of foods specified in the exact proportions shown to be had when following the diet 3 days. Overfeeding and underfeeding specified amounts deprive dieters out the benefits of the Diet Day 3.

Given below is the 3 Day Diet Meal

For the first day

  1. Breakfast: Take a cup of black tea or black coffee, one slice of toast with two tablespoons of peanut butter and grape fruit halves
  2. .

  3. Lunch: Take a slice of toast and half a cup of tuna
  4. .

  5. Dinner: Take two slices, about three ounces of any type of lean meat. A cup of beets, a cup of green beans, an apple (a little), and a cup of ice cream with vanilla (normal size).

For the second day

  1. Breakfast: Take one egg, half a banana, a slice of toast and a cup of black tea or black coffee
  2. .

  3. Lunch: Take half a cup of tuna or cottage cheese and salty crackers five regular numbers
  4. .

  5. Dinner: Take two slices of beef, a cup of cabbage or broccoli, half a banana, half a cup of carrots and half a cup of vanilla ice cream (regular size)
  6. .

For the third day

  1. Breakfast :. Take a cup of black tea or black coffee, Five pieces of regular crackers, an apple and an ounce of cheddar cheese
  2. Lunch: Take a cup of black tea or black coffee, a boiled egg, a slice of toast
  3. .

  4. Dinner: Have a cup of tuna, a cup of cauliflower, a cup of carrots, a cup of melon, and half a cup of regular ice cream with vanilla
  5. .

diet, consuming the diet 3 days, with prescribed foods take more than 9 glasses of water or other non-caloric beverage. No substitutes may be used for any type of food in this regime. No seasonings and flavors are allowed. However, it may include salt and pepper to taste.

magic force behind

Wondering how this diet helps you lose as much weight with such a short time? There is no record of how the Three Day Diet works in cleaning the system, fat burning, improved energy levels, and lowers cholesterol. However, the way it works in weight loss is supposed to be as follows.

This unique blend of magic works specified foods to create a particular type of metabolic reaction in your body. Certain types of chemicals in these foods are believed to improve your metabolism and burns fat at a higher rate than is normally burned.

The return to the normal diet of style after the three day diet is to prevent your system from slowing down its metabolism to return to store fat and keep you from going hungry. As you switch this diet three days with 4-5 days normal diet, you can make countless days of this kind of diet.

The disadvantages of the plan 3 Day Diet

  • The diet is very low in carbohydrates. Since carbohydrates are responsible for water retention, weight loss is primarily due to the cleavage of carbohydrate diet. So once you return to your normal eating habits, you tend to regain lost weight.
  • The diet does not offer you the nutrition your body needs.
  • The diet is very monotonous because of which the dieters tend to like their old eating habits better, so come back again. Thus, in most cases the resolution to lose weight is left half way through.
  • The belief that the Diet Day 3 work because of a unique metabolic reaction, is not based on a solid foundation.
  • Losing weight is also achieved due to the severity of calorie restriction, which is not good for your health.
  • Since this diet involves cutting a lot of calories that you take should work for the three days.
  • If you are a regular scheduled exercise, you should restrict your exercise in the minimum possible as you will experience lower energy levels. And that can take you down the device and to return to your normal routine can be difficult.
  • Rapid weight loss is not a permanent position, and you are likely to recover the lost weight soon.
  • The fad diet can get your body into a starvation mode.


Although the diet advises a strict diet, it is best to drop it, if you feel very dizzy, or too run down. Take good care of yourself.


Source by Jack Swagor