Negative Calorie Diet Review – Does it Work?


The name alone got our attention with this diet. The Negative Calorie Diet piqued our interest, as we were wondering how it could work. How does someone eat something that has “negative calories”?

We did some research and found out that while all foods have calories, some foods use more calories for digestion than they actually contain. Because of that, people are able to burn calories while they eat.

We went around the internet and realized a lot of people are trying this diet out. After our research was complete, we found out some important information about this diet that should help people decide if it is right for them.

First, it will make you lose weight. Most people were able to lose one to two pounds a day on this diet, which is very impressive. However, at the same time, you are only allowed to eat fruit and vegetables, so there were some complaints. Quite a few people were not ready for a diet that would not allow them to have any meat. Some people were irritable about the lack of choices, while others were bored with their food intake.

What we decided after reading different accounts is this is a good diet for someone who needs to get on track with weight loss. However, it is not meant as a long term solution. Eventually, some fat will need to be added into the diet. One cannot eat this way forever and stay healthy.

Those who are looking for a quick way to lose weight can probably benefit from this diet. It is important to keep in mind, though, that this is not meant to be a long term solution. It can be used as a way to jumpstart the metabolism and begin weight loss, but eventually protein will have to be introduced back into the diet.


Source by John Tenn

The Real Reason Counting Calories Doesn’t Work


Most people have the right idea when they want to lose weight that they should track their calorie intake. It’s true that calories do matter when it comes to weight loss but counting calories has some serious errors. These errors are typically what breaks a diet and leaves the dieter frustrated and back at square one.

Many nutrition labels are inaccurate when it comes to the calories listed. The tallies are oftentimes wrong. We know that one gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, one gram of protein contains 4 calories, and one gram of fat contains 9 calories. Next time you see a nutrition label, pull out your calculator and do a little check for yourself. You will notice the number you get from your calculations is not the same as that of the nutrition label. There could be a difference of enough calories on a consistent basis (that you’re consuming) that is preventing your weight loss results because the true calories are unaccounted for.

Another big error occurs when you track your calories using only a volume measurement. Here are some examples:

– A regular bag of quick oats says a serving size is “1/2 cup (40 grams)”. Most people will measure out a 1/2 cup serving and count the calories of a 1/2 cup serving and go about their day. The problem is that a 40 gram serving when weighed on a scale is actually less than 1/2 a cup measurement. A 1/2 cup measurement of quick oats is somewhere around 54 to 56 grams which is a difference of around 60 calories that are unaccounted for. If you have 1/2 a cup per day, at the end of the week this is an extra 420 calories. Those 420 calories can be preventing you from losing weight or slowing down your progress.

– All natural peanut butter has a label that reads one serving is “1 tbsp (16 grams)”. Most people take either a regular dinner spoon and scoop out their serving or they take a true tablespoon and measure the peanut butter by volume. If you are not leveling off your volume measurement, it’s likely you’re taking more peanut butter and calories in than you’re accounting for. It’s easy to take a spoonful of 32 grams instead of what the nutrition label reads as 16 grams. This could be a difference of

nearly 100 calories that are unaccounted for. If you do this daily, by the end of the week that is almost 700 calories you’re eating which is more than what you thought. This extra 700 calories can completely stall weight loss.

Trying to “eye-ball” or estimate too often can prevent weight loss. It has been shown that people do a very poor job at estimating calories. When you are consistently estimating, it’s simply that, an estimate, it’s not accurate. It’s possible for a small brownie to contain upwards of 600 calories depending on the ingredients in it. Most people might estimate a brownie as only 200 calories, that is a 400 calorie difference that is unaccounted for.

So now that we’ve seen where the errors can occur, what can we do about them?

Track your macro-nutrients. Your macro-nutrients are your proteins, carbohydrates and fats. When you keep a log of your macro-nutrients using a smartphone app you will always hit your daily target calories because the calorie total is more accurate than a nutrition label.

Use weight instead of volume to measure food. By using a small kitchen scale to weigh your food you will be significantly more accurate when tracking your calories. You will also understand what true portion sizes are when you visually see food and liquids weighed out. Now, keep in mind that you don’t have to weigh your food forever but weighing your food when losing weight is going to give you the most accurate numbers and therefore the best results.

As we can see, there can be quite a few errors with tracking calories alone. When you become accurate with your tracking, you will finally get the weight loss results you want with ease.


Source by Jessica Ann

Special K Diet Plan – Does it Work?


Well What Is the Special K Diet Plan?

Now, we’ve all seen it on TV. The lady in the lovely red dress? Well what exactly is this Special K Diet plan?

Kellogg’s Special K Diet plan is quite easy to follow. It comprises of three meals a day, two of which are a measured amount of the cereal with skimmed milk, while the third meal is a well-balanced meal.

Along with it, the dieter can eat unlimited amounts of fruits, salads, coffee or tea without sugar. However, this diet should not be carried out for more than two weeks, during which, the dieter on an average loses a jean size.

Does the Special K Diet Plan Work?

It’s claimed with the Special K Diet Plan you can lose as much as six pounds in about two weeks. It’s a high carbohydrates low fat diet, which is said to be beneficial in the long run.

To answer the question, “Does the Special K Diet Plan work”?, I would say although effective (if applied properly) it does not protect you from keeping the pounds from piling on again! as it’s quite easy to be tempted to snack in between meals which will cause you to pile on the pounds and this is highly likely; unless you have strong will power as the Special K diet plan lacks fibre and is highly processed. Hence, it is not recommended for a long term weight loss procedure.

Admittedly, if done the WRONG way, weight loss can be one of the hardest things to accomplish-it takes a lot of motivation and willpower to lose those extra pounds and keep them off.

Many people will try fad diets, which may work well in the short term but can do more harm than good in the long term. Plus, the weight can simply come straight back.

In order to effectively and easily lose weight, you need to practice good exercise and eat a healthy, sensible diet pulling from all five food groups. Only then can you lose weight and keep it off completely.


Source by Vee C