Bowflex Diet Plan Details – Amazing Online Step-By-Step Diet Plan For a Bowflex Body – Guaranteed


Are you puzzled on how to put on muscle size while shedding body fat? Are you looking to build that Bowflex Body? Then you need to have the Bowflex Diet Plan Details.

Here is how the Bowflex diet works: The basics of the diet are that it is a simple 60:20:20 ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. In other words, a high carbohydrate program. Bowflex has created complete menus, an eating plan designed for maximum fat loss, nutritional value and effectiveness. The Bowflex diet plan allows for 5 meals per day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner (BLD). Also 2 snacks. A mid-afternoon and a late-night snack. The first two weeks you will consume 1500 calories, men and 1200 calories for women. The breakfast, lunch and dinner calories never change. You pick and chose the menus and of course you can even use your own recipes. The point is a healthy weight loss. Remember since you are dieting– drink plenty of water. . That is a very important strategy to follow

The Bowflex diet plan details for the 6 weeks are as follows.

Begin Week 1 on Monday and continue through Sunday. Week 2 is a repeat of Week

— Week 1 & 2:

Men 1500 calories per day.

Women 1200 calories per day.

— Week 3 & 4:

Men 1400 calories per day.

Women 1100 calories per day.

— Week 5 & 6:

Men 1300 calories per day.

Women 1000 calories per day

Everything in the Bowflex diet plan has been made simple so even the most non-kitchen man or women can succeed. Actually very little cooking is required. All you have to do is read the menu, select your foods and just follow the instructions. It is really that simple! The challenge in the Bowflex diet plan is in knowing which foods to choose.

It’s important that you read the nutrition information and make the Supermarket manager your friend. Ask questions if you are not sure. If you are over the age of 40 don’t forget your reading glasses if you use them. The type on these labels is very, very small.

What you eat is just one part of the Bowflex diet plan. It’s not one of those diets where you feel hungry or bad. However, you do need to pay attention to what you need in order for the program to be successful to you


Source by Frank Sherrill

Weight Loss Diet Plan for Women


Different people have different fitness goals; while some focus on having large, bulky muscles, other focus on losing weight. While some go to the gym everyday to tone their muscles and have more muscular definition, others go to develop firsthand knowledge about bodybuilding. Most women focus on having and maintaining a slim physique and having a toned muscular definition. However the secret to achieving any fitness goal is determination and just hard work.

Regardless of the fitness goals that you have and the training regimen that you have adapted, any good workout program has to include a proper diet. Particularly for weight loss purposes, a well balanced diet is imperative in order to give your body proper nutrition. However, some women in an effort to see drastic results reduce their food intake to the point where it becomes anorexic. A fitness goal should always be oriented for long-term results and you must be able to sustain it. A well-rounded physique requires a healthy lifestyle and not only a couple of hours at the gym.

Unfortunately, the diet industry has undergone so many commercial infiltrations in creating weight loss diet plans for women, that for an inexperienced female, it has become exceptionally difficult to decide on a diet plan that is suitable for her. The basic function of a diet is to minimize the calorie intake of an individual so to maximize the results that follow regular exercising. A women's diet depends on her current food habits and how much of an effort she has put into following the program.

Healthy diets include but are not limited to different fruits and vegetables and steamed protein like chicken or fish. Most dieting programs will also advise you on staying away from junk food like fried chicken and pizza or anything else that has been fried. The most efficient weight loss diet plan for women will focus mainly on complex fibers, protein and omega-three acids. Foodstuff containing carbohydrates and other forms of fat should generally be avoided. Most dieting programs are going to advise you on eating at least 4 times a day. The reasoning behind this rule being that by having regular intake of food in measured quantities one does not have to go hungry.

A weight loss diet plan for women is going to have limited choices of food but keep in mind that there are numerous innovative and tasty dishes that are based on the items listed in your plan. Once you can appreciate the functionality of a diet in your fitness program, you can come up with your own recipes and venture on to try new herbs and supplements.

Obviously, for some people it may be a bit difficult to exercise control. In situations where you can not resist the urge to digress from your dieting program always remember your goals. You are making an attempt to lose weight because you want a long and healthy life. Doing exercises at the gym is simply not enough if you want to lose weight because, without food restrictions you will simply consume all the calories that you burn. Find a program that is based on your needs and aims, then losing weight will not seem like such a difficult task.

If you are serious about weight loss and seeking a community of others all working together to help themselves go to my resource box below and click on the website link there now and enter you contact information to open the site.


Source by Mac Rogerson

Weight Training Diet Plan for Women


While on a strength training routine, it is recommended to take enough calories for supporting body activity and muscle development. However, these calories should come from foods that are rich in complex carb, lean protein, fiber, and good fats. Such food helps in burning existing fat, resulting in healthy weight loss. On the contrary, having a very low-calorie diet will slow your metabolism and you will risk losing the lean muscle mass.

In general, a proper weight training diet plan should focus on daily protein intake to build the muscle mass. It is recommended to consume around 1.5 to 2 g of protein (preferably lean protein) per kilogram of your body weight. And for women who are exceptionally actively, it is recommended to consume more amount of protein. Make sure that around 25 percent of your daily calories should come from lean protein. Around 25 to 35 percent of your calories should come from healthy fats (including Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids) and another 40 to 50 percent must be in the form of complex carbohydrates.

As already mentioned, whole foods are better than supplements like pre-mixed protein shakes and meal replacement bars. For a healthy weight training diet plan include foods like fish, whey protein powder, egg whites, lean meat, oatmeal, whole grain breads, fruits, and fresh vegetables. Greek yogurt and tofu are good sources of lean protein. Also, include brown rice and quinoa in your weight training diet plan, as they are good sources of healthy carbohydrates. Fats too are important, but that should come from unsaturated sources like salmon, almonds, olive or safflower oil, mackerel, avocado, ground flax and natural peanut butter.

An ideal weight training diet plan for a woman should focus on keeping hunger in control. Thus, have frequent small snack-sized meals to provide nutrition to your working muscles. And each meal must include a serving of protein, a healthy carbohydrate and a small amount of fat. Meal timing is important in strength training diet plans and you must eat in every three to four hours. This prevents extreme hunger and overeating. Additionally, it prevents the body from turning to your muscle for fuel. To get better results from your weight training, it is recommended to split one meal up around the workout time. Eat half of the meal to provide protein to muscles to use during the workouts, and the other half after the training session to help your muscles to repair and grow.

A woman opting for weight training sessions can begin her day with a fat-burning breakfast of low-fat turkey sausage, spinach sautéed in olive oil, egg whites and an orange. For a mid-day snack, you can have a smoothie, mixing soymilk or any low-fat milk, whey protein powder, berries, and bananas. You can drink half of this drink before the strength training session and the other half afterwards. Lunch may include brown rice or quinoa, broiled salmon or mackerel, red peppers and mushrooms. You can have cottage cheese with apple or dried apricots and pistachios for mid-afternoon snacks. For dinner, have baked sweet potato with honey glazed turkey or pork tenderloin, and steamed green beans. Also, minimize your share of protein drinks and protein bars; if you are having them make sure, they have low carbs and low sugar. Though some bars are healthy, most of them are sugar sticks with protein powder mixed inside. The exact serving sizes of your meals will depend on your targeted or recommended daily calorie intake, which is calculated based on your age, weight, activity level and weight training goals. Finally, have at least 8 glasses of water or more everyday as a part of your weight training diet plan.


Source by Larry J Scott