How to lose weight fast with diet ketogenic


Many people are interested in how to lose weight fast because they do not have the patience to follow a diet and see results in more than a month. They either want to look great for a special event, or they are so frustrated and tired of their situation they absolutely need a quick solution. In this case, one of the best options is the ketogenic diet because it is not as restrictive than others and it allows you to eat most foods that you like.

What is the ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet is a diet rich in fat, adequate protein, low carb burning fat for energy. Carbohydrates are limited to a maximum of 50 grams per day, which means that the total calories that enter your body will come from carbohydrate (5%), protein (30%) and fat (65% ).

Of course, exercise is very important in this scheme. You must be willing to take the sprint and go to the gym regularly. If you want to know how to lose weight fast, you now have your answer :. With the ketogenic diet you will lose 7-8 pounds in the first week and 44 pounds in less than two months

How to lose weight fast with the Keto diet plan.

Although the ketogenic diet allows you to eat when you are hungry, you should set the exact times for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you don ‘t need more than that a small snack between meals

An example of a diet plan for a day:

1. For breakfast, you can have two hard boiled eggs, 100g cheese, whole wheat bread and a cup of coffee. If you really feel hungry before lunch time, you can have a mixture of nuts as a snack (30-50g).

2. For lunch, you can prepare any type of meat as long as it is combined with fresh vegetables. Cheese, eggs and cream are also good options. As a snack, choose the cream cheese with berries.

3. For dinner, you can have fish with vegetables.

What you need to avoid eating and drinking

must be avoided milk and cereal, fruit yogurt, canned meat and melted cheese. Moreover, in order to maintain your weight after the ketogenic diet, adopt a low-carb diet and do not give up exercise.

Getting Started

If you were wondering how to lose weight fast while eating a substantial meal, you can now see that the ketogenic diet achieves two goals. Before starting a weight loss program like this, you should always consult your doctor. With the approval of your doctor and a good plan to follow if you are caught your follow a new Keto Diet.


Source by Bill Elsenrath

1200 Calorie Diet – Daily Plan


One of the best secrets Asian women use to get ultra-thin is to keep a strict diet routine that keeps their total calories around 1,200 per day.

The thing is that if they do so without feeling hungry or starve, and that way it is easier to stay on the plane for long periods of time. And they also do so using foods that can provide the best nutrients and healthy ingredients that allow them to stay fit and happy throughout the year.

Today we will look at the plan to eat in one day that will keep you on a 1,200 calorie diet while feeling full and satisfied

1200 Calorie Diet – Meals Daily

Honestly, it is impossible to learn all of the true secrets that Asian women use to get ultra-thin, even after just giving birth, from the plane of feeding a single day. But you can pick up some ideas that can help you in the short term the routine below. Here is a basic-easy plan to follow:


1 x whole wheat muffin with good size spoon of peanut butter. Add 1/2 a normal banana and you’re done!

MID-morning snack

1 x apple with a handful of natural almonds.


x 2 slices whole wheat bread, 3 x ounces of low-salt turkey breast, 1 x slice of low fat cheese, a piece of lettuce and tomato.

Add one spoon of mustard and tasty dessert for having a beautiful orange.


x 1 cup low-fat yogurt content (try “Greek” yogurt, it has a higher concentration of proteins).


x 4 ounces skinless chicken (grilled, boiled or cooked is fine)

x 1 cup steamed broccoli and 1/2 of a cup of organic brown rice.

evening snack

x 1 cup low-fat (1%) milk and two low fat calorie cookies

Important notes for success

Whenever I’m on several meal plans 1,200 calorie diet and routines with my weight loss clients, I stress that they are not to go below a minimum of 1000 calories a day in total.

Often what happens is that while on the program, they tend to lose weight fast, and they assume that by cutting calories even further they will drop more pounds. In reality, the opposite is true, once you get below 1200 calories, or your metabolism will begin to be limited because it thinks you are starving.

Once this happens, it becomes extremely difficult to lose weight, it is important that you stick to the 1200 calorie diet plan that your healthcare professional recommends. The last thing you want to do is to have your hormones, metabolism and other bodily functions begin to shut down from lack of nutrients or calories … stay in 1200 and losing!

What If You Can not Always Lose Weight?

If you can not seem to ever lose weight, even using the diet of 1200 calories above, you will need to learn a method without a secret that women Asians do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month … without starving or doing crazy workouts.


Source by Catherine Cheng

Examples Plans Mayo Clinic Diet – Menus Free meal for busy people


The Mayo Clinic Plan promotes a nutritious diet of fruit and vegetables with starches, proteins, and dairy products. With this plan, you eat essentially unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables with whole grains, good fats, and lean protein. The goal is to eat low calorie foods in large portions: fruits, vegetables, poultry, fish, legumes and whole grains. Low-fat dairy products and unsaturated fats are also part of the recommended menu. The Mayo Clinic also states that this program can help reduce the chances of contracting heart disease as he lowers his cholesterol and blood pressure

Below is a pan three-day meals you can follow :.

o Day One: For breakfast, you can have oatmeal with a slice of whole wheat bread and a? cups sliced ​​fresh strawberries. For lunch, dieters can eat a salad with bread southwestern half or whole wheat pita bread. Dieters can snack on seven pieces of whole almonds and a cup of green or red grapes. For dinner, he can eat spaghetti with marinara sauce and combine a slice of whole wheat bread and a cup of cantaloupe

o Second day :. The diet can have two pancakes topped with tablespoons maple syrup and margarine, a year and a half? cup of fresh blueberries and a cup of honey melon. For lunch, dieters can eat dill pasta salad with spring vegetables and a small apple. For dinner, dieters can eat rosemary lemon chicken and have it with an apple

o Third Day :. The diet may be poached egg with toast and orange juice, two slices of bread rubbed whole wheat and enriched in calcium cup of orange juice. For lunch, it can have a pita tuna-salad and a small apple. And for dinner, it may have a pita pizza tomato-basil.

On the first two days, skim skim milk should be taken with each meal.


Source by Harold McDaniels