Losing Weight – Are Diet Plans Really Effective?


There are numerous diet plans out there, but how do you know if they really work? Celebrities endorse some of them, but you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes and not all of us can afford the personal trainer who helps them with their high-intensity workouts. You know that exercise is a huge component in any diet program, and not all of us are motivated enough to hit the gym. We want to lose the weight, but we always look for the easiest way to do so. We figure if we go on some diet that cuts our meals to a quarter of what we normally eat, then we will lose the weight. That may be true, and you may drop an inch or two; but you also have to do the exercise to tighten and tone your muscles.

Some of the familiar weight loss programs are: Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, Medifast and Diet.com. These are all programs where you pay to have meals sent to you. Some programs are strictly online and some require you to weigh in on a regular basis. Most of the programs also provide you with a counselor to help you through and to give you the support that you need. There are quite a few opinions on whether or not these kinds of diet plans actually work.

The only way you are going to know if a diet works is to try it out yourself. You have to sit down and decide how much you want to actually spend on the program. How much are you willing to pay for pre-prepared and proportioned meals delivered to your doorstep? Would you rather find a good diet plan where you can purchase your own ingredients and make the meals yourself? Do you trust yourself enough to prepare your own meals or do you feel that you would still make and consume larger helpings? These are all questions that you need to answer, honestly, before you can start any diet plan.


Source by L.K. Reid

Four diet plans that work


With a wide range of diet plans to choose from it can be difficult to determine which diet plans that work. The Internet is flooded with hundreds of different schemes you can give a try. What you need to understand is that everyone’s body reacts differently to diets and workout routines. That said, here are four diet plans that you want to look into further.

1. The personality type diet

As mentioned, everyone’s body reacts differently to diet and exercises. This is precisely why the diet of personality type is one of the diet plans that work. The principle behind this diet is that your personality type determines what you eat and what your body will have a positive reaction. Instead of guessing what you should eat to lose weight, this diet will help you plan what is good for you based on your personality.

2. Medifast

Next on the food list provides that work is Medifast. This scheme consists of five meal replacements daily. Generally, five replacements include shakes, bars, soups, oatmeal and puddings. With this diet, you eat every two to three hours while drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water daily. If you follow the plan effectively, you will see the weight loss of two to five pounds per week.

3. Weight Watchers

This is by far one of the oldest and best-known programs of weight loss around. It includes a healthy diet that is based out of control calories. While some plans will make you lose weight, the same diets do not help you keep the weight off. This is what makes Weight Watchers effectively, because it believes in a healthy lifestyle long after the initial weight loss occurs.

4. NutriSystem

The last regime to take a look at NutriSystem is. This is often compared to the Jenny Craig diet as the two are very similar. There is a portion-controlled diet that focuses on getting you back on track in a short period of time. Instead of worrying about cooking, shopping and counting calories, NutriSystem will help you get your life in the right direction by controlling what you eat.

There are a plethora of schemes for you to choose on the Internet. This brings us to the question of how can you identify diet plans that work? You might have to be trial and error victim to see what works best for you. Instead of wasting your time looking through hundreds of options, more in-depth research the four schemes listed in this article to determine if one of them is the best solution for you.


Source by Robbie S Tucker

Food hygiene: Diets? That have the highest rate of success


There are plenty of healthy eating programs that will help us achieve our goal of weight loss, but how do we decide which will work best? Which are more efficient, faster or easier, and how we choose

Here are some of the most popular healthy diets, with examples of their beneficial and harmful factors 😕

Low-fat diets

There are many diets low in fat popular for us to choose, Weight Watchers is one of the best known. The Weight Watchers diet plan has many options within their overall program that allows us to easily balance our diet. It is expected to reduce our fat and calorie intake, without the pressure of actually counting calories, and using many tools. They use a point system that categorizes all ordinary foods daily, which allows us to easily calculate exactly how many points we are allowed to eat per day. With this system, it is so easy to keep track of how many points our snacks, meals and drinks contain, which help to prevent us from overeating.

A major advantage of a diet low in fat such as Weight Watchers is that no food is limited. We can almost eat anything we choose, provided that we have calculated them in our daily allowance Points. The main problem with this flexibility is the temptation to eat too much unhealthy foods, simply because we can fit them with our daily allowance Points. For best results, it is much better to stick to healthier foods, store surplus points to allow us to enjoy special treats maybe once or twice one week.

Another advantage of a Weight Watchers plan is availability. There are many local meetings held across. If we are limited by time or can not attend a meeting, it is also possible to follow the plan online. Meetings and online membership provide unlimited support and we provide tips, recipes and constructive help when needed.

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is most known for the benefits for heart health. This plan is a simple and effective way to lose weight and improve our health and general well-being. The basic foods that make up this plan are both delicious and nutritious. It consists of lots of fresh fish like salmon, mackerel and sea bass with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, olive oil and moderate amounts of pasta and bread.

option The Mediterranean diet is not a low level of fat, but the fat consumed are healthy rather than unhealthy, and are beneficial to our health and wellbeing. There is an unlimited variety of nutritious and delicious foods allowed on this diet, making it easy to follow and can be maintained long-term, unlike other diet plans available.

low carbohydrate diet

The Atkins diet is probably the best known example of a diet low in carbohydrates. This plan involves a significant reduction in carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, bread, flour, fruit and sugar. The main components of the diet are meat, cheese and other dairy products, small amounts of fresh vegetables. The high fat content of this diet has attracted much criticism over the years.

A low carb diet can be extremely restrictive, we may have to sacrifice most favorite foods we enjoy. This deprivation often leads to difficulty maintaining this diet for any extended period of time.

There are other alternative low-carb diets, an example is the South Beach Diet. This scheme allows a greater intake of carbohydrates, but the emphasis is on more complex carbohydrates rather than simple. This means that we focus on high-fiber whole grains rather than refined white flour products. Lean protein, heart healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables complete the package of food, creating many similarities with the Mediterranean diet.

When we look at all the different plan options, we must consider what will be the best choice for us. None of us are the same, and we all have different tastes and requirements of our chosen diet. An ideal choice would be the plan that incorporates the kind of food we like the most and that allows us to eat some of these foods as regularly as possible.


Source by Dave Townley