Weight Loss in Women: The Importance of Weight Training


Weight training is important for everyone looking to improve their health and overall fitness levels. Weight training allows the skeletal muscle to develop in strength and size. Resistance training allows for the development of lean muscle in particular. Lean muscle development is the single best way to lose weight and keep it off. For long term weight loss in women, the importance of resistance training is stressed.

Women usually shy away from weight training because they are afraid of bulking up which only depends on the type of weight training implemented. Most weight training for women is for the purpose of building lean muscle which allows women to lose weight faster and burn more calories than regular non intensive exercise.

In addition to losing weight faster, resistance training allows women to build a stronger cardiovascular system and a stronger immune system which will allow women to battle sickness and disease successfully and keep sickness and disease away.

Another benefit of weight training is to strengthen bones and fight against osteoporosis which is especially important for women who start losing bone mass from the late thirties onwards with increased bone loss occurring after menopause. Weight training helps you fight and win the battle against bone loss.

The importance of weight training or resistance training in women can not be underestimated. Women and men have a different biomechanical system which means that women have to work twice as hard in order to have the same results as men. Testosterone allows men to generate more force and build more muscle.

By implementing a resistance training program, women will be able to enjoy faster weight loss since lean muscles burns more calories per day. Metabolism determines the amount of calories burnt per day. Some people naturally have fast metabolism while others do not. A fast metabolism usually leads to maintaining a proper weight. The single best way to increase metabolism and burn fat faster is to build lean muscle. In order for the muscle to grow, more calories have to be burned which leads to weight loss.

The other benefit of adding resistance training is that even after the exercise, calories will continue to burn for a few hours more than if you use a low impact exercise program. This is due during the rest period after each weight training workout, the muscles need to be repaired and to grow and in order to do this, the stored fat reserves will need to be used up which leads to more and faster weight loss than you would achieve if you do not incorporate weight training.

With any weight training program, proper form and technique is important in order to avoid injury and serious damage. Although you should not feel any pain when strength training, the muscle has to be stressed in order to build the lean muscle. Tools such as dumbbells, resistance bands, weight machines, etc can be used to achieve and build lean muscle.

Simply maintaining low calorie and low carb diets will not help you achieve long term weight loss and proper fitness. Resistance training will allow women to achieve greater and longer term weight loss and improve overall health. This allows women to lose weight and keep it off the right way.


Source by Wendy Stanton

Weight Loss Tips – 6 Hot Weight Loss Tips


1. Set a Goal. This is maybe the best step you can take. Set up a goal, an achievable goal, and then start to create a way you can achieve this goal. Not only is this motivating, but it gives you a clear picture of what your after. Setting a goal is a power statement, it really charges your plan, and gets you going in the right direction.

2. Take it one step at a time. People get overwhelmed when they think about losing weight, or dieting, there's the strict diet, all that exercise, no more favorite foods, going to be feeling hungry all the time, it's a pretty scary thought. So just take it one step at a time. Maybe today go for a 10 min walk at lunch, tomorrow maybe have a salad for lunch, the next day take the stairs instead of the elevator. By taking it one step at a time, you will easy your way into a great weight loss program before you know it. Chances are, that it will be more successful.

3. Find a friend. Having a friend is a great way to get back into shape. Pushing off of each other for motivation will create a positive reinforcement that you just can not get by yourself. There will be days you just do not feel like working out, or eating right but having a friend their giving you that extra push maybe the difference you need in achieving your goal. A friend can really add that extra motivation, you may even find your self-going well beyond your original goal.

4. Include weight training. Weights can really help transform your body and give you that more defined look. Did you know that after puberty, you actually start losing muscle at a slow rate, I guess the phrase "if you do not use it, you lose it" is really true with muscle. Including weight training can help in a few ways: One, it builds your strength, and it's always good to have that extra strength to lets say move something, like that flower pot or table that you could not move before. Two, muscle burns fat, so the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns. That extra muscle can really turn you into a fat burning machine.

5. Drink lots of water. Drinking water helps to lose weight by boosting your metabolism rate, you should really aim to drink 8-12 glasses a day. Drinking lots of water through out the day, minimizes those crazy food craving and reduces your appetite. Drinking lots of water also helps reduce water retention, which gives you that bloated look. So remember to try to get at least 8 glasses of water a day.

6. Give up Soda. Soda is loaded with sugar, which are just empty calories. Did you know that a 20-ounce bottle of soda roughly cares 16 spoonfuls of sugar that is over 200 calories of pure sugar, which are just empty calories. Instead, replace soda with water. If it's the fizz you miss, that drink sparkling water with lemon, it's very refreshing. Just by dropping that daily soda, you could drop 20 pounds in a year.


Source by James Ripley

Men on a Diet – How to Help the Man in Your Life Get Healthy


Implementing a weight loss program for men seems to be more difficult than for women, simply due to the perceived stigma of “men on a diet”. Women are always on diets, and they discuss it with their friends, and they talk about it when they lose weight or gain weight, and it’s all acceptable discussion. Men just don’t do this.

Generally, men suffer from being overweight because of several factors that can be relatively easily remedied. Not to say that a man will lose all the weight he wants easily, but making concessions in the following areas will likely produce impressive results for most men in a shorter amount of time than they would for a woman.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

While certainly not the rule, many men drink beer, and by simply eliminating or drastically reducing this practice, a man can substantially affect his overall weight. Fortunately there are also some very good light beers now on the market, which will not produce the desired weight loss as quickly, but is certainly a step in the right direction.

Eat Less Red Meat

Clinical studies have shown, not only by weight calculations but also by incidents of heart and colon disease, that men have a disproportionate amount of red meat in their diets as opposed to what they should. Red meats are higher in fat content and do not digest as easily as lean meats, or fish and poultry. Substituting red meat with a leaner choice is a good step, but overall men need to consume more fruits and vegetables in place of meat products.

Eliminate Fast Food

As men still live under the added stigma of not being able to cook, untrue as it is but still hanging there, many men will rely on fast food and carry-out for a majority of their meals. A cheeseburger from a fast food restaurant will have many times the amount of calories and fat than a homemade cheeseburger from a lean ground beef mixed with ground turkey. Likely, the one made at home will actually taste much better also!


Men need to get more exercise! Daily exercise including a brisk walk to raise the heart rate for at least ten minutes will not only help contribute to weight loss goals, but also make the heart, circulatory system and muscular system more healthy. Since men have more muscle mass than women, they can enjoy more rapid benefits from exercise, working out and weight training. And while we have already conceded that it’s not necessarily a commonplace social topic for men to discuss dieting, it is absolutely hip for men to join the gym.

Again, while not to say that men have an easier time losing weight than women, it is medical fact that many of the issues women have with their weight are hormonal. Men tend to respond more quickly to weight loss techniques, and produce lean muscle more quickly than women. By implementing the steps above, most men will quickly realize the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.


Source by Bernice Eker