Alternate Day Diet Plans – Do Alternate Day Diets Live Up to the Hype?


Alternate day calorie restriction diets are all the rage in 2010. Alternate day diet blogs are popping up everywhere. This article will tell you about the different alternate day duets and how they work. More importantly, you will find out how well they may work for you.

What Exactly Are Alternate Day Diets?

This type of diet is based upon “calorie shifting” principles. Calorie shifting is a scientifically proven method of losing weight by eating more calories one day and less the next, The diets we will examine here follow these principles, but do so in different ways. The biggest advantage of eating this way is the effect it has on your metabolism. By making your body think it is not dieting, your metabolism will continue running highly and your weight loss will happen faster and for longer periods. All of these diets require some exercise, but they can all be considered cardio free diets.

Below are descriptions of the most popular alternative day fasting diets:

QOD Diet

The QOD Diet is a diet program based on a book that is all about on days and off days. On your “On Days” you are allowed to eat fairly regularly, but you must watch your sodium and potassium intake. On your “Off Days” you are relegated to eat only 500 calories and only 200 of them are allowed to come from protein. Again you are asked to limit sodium and potassium.

On top of that you are asked to take supplements and protien powders to help regulate what you ingest. This will help facilitate faster weight loss according to the creators of this alternate day diet plan.

Up Day Down Day Diet

This diet takes the Qod Diet a little farther because it does not require using so many supplements and potions to help with weight loss. It starts with the induction phase where you are on “Up Days and Down Days” (sounds familiar right?). During induction you will be restricted to 500 calories and you are not as constrained by sodium and potassium. This makes the diet a little easier than the QOD. On down days you are allowed to eat regularly as long as you don’t “purposely over eat”

That last statement is a little more ambiguous and tough when you are starving yourself the day before.

After the induction phase you go to the maintenance phase where your down days are eating 50% of your normal eating routine.

The Every Other Day Diet (EODD)

The EODD goes even further towards the ultimate alternate day diet. The EODD has different phases like the Up Day Down Day Diet, but they work the same in each phase. The reason this diet is more refined is that it incorporates the SNAPP Eating Plan which tells you exactly what to eat. So on “Burn” days you eat exactly what the SNAPP Plan tells you.

On “Feed” days you can eat pizza, hamburgers etc. as long as it is during the times outlined in SNAPP. The rest of the meals you eat whats told in the plan.


Source by Raquel Jacobsen

Create a Diet Plan You Love


Late night TV, magazines, book shelves and everywhere else you turn today, people are claiming to have found the ideal solution to your weight loss troubles. One group tells you to cut out all of the fat, good or bad, in their mind, it will all make you balloon out. Other people have this horrible fear of any carbohydrate, knowing this is going to quickly raise your blood sugar level and turn into fat. It seems there are very few people who come out honestly and say what we all know is true, not every diet works for every person.

Here is the secret they all claim to have patented: the best way to lose weight fast for you is a diet you’re going to stick with for the rest of your life. It honestly doesn’t matter if you’re cutting carbs, cutting fat or adding up daily points. The diet you love and enjoy is the diet that’s going to work for you. If you’re cringing at what your diet plan has on the menu for lunch tomorrow, odds are you’re going to quickly ditch it as soon as you hit your target weight, assuming you make it that far.

A truly fast weight loss diet will not only make sure you’re menu plan has less calories in it than you’re burning, it will also suggest you include some sort of exercise in your daily schedule. Raising your heart rate for a short period of time will have a lasting effect on your metabolism, sometimes cranking it up for many hours.

When you stop to think about it, there is no reason you have to follow somebody’s published diet plan in order to be successful. Why don’t you customize your own diet plan and make something that’s going to work for you. That doesn’t mean you eat fat and carbs all day long and call it your own special diet. That’s not going to help you get in any better shape. In fact, this is what people do everyday in America and they’re only getting bigger. What works best for you and helps you lose weight is a diet plan that includes the foods you like, but also watches your calories to make sure you’re getting less than you’re burning, and balances the ratios of fat, protein and carbohydrates.

The first step to your customized and personalized diet plan is to figure out what you’re eating everyday as of right now. To do this, start taking notes on everything you eat. Write down every cookie and chip that touches your lips and take the time to figure out the ratios of the vital nutrients. If you find out your fat intake is greater than 30 percent of your daily calories, you’re probably going to want to cut that back. If you’re carbs are over 30 percent, bring those back a bit. Look at the high carb foods you ate last week and ask yourself what you’re going to reduce this week.

Make your diet fun and make it something you enjoy and look forward to each day. Take it week by week and don’t rush into this. If you’re looking at things with the right mindset, this is a lifelong process, not a short sprint to lose a few pounds. If it takes you 6 months to get your diet worked out and just the way you like it, so be it. At least you’ll have something you can continue for the rest of your wonderful, healthy and fit days.


Source by Victoria Jamison

How Can We Find the Perfect ‘burn Fat’ Diet Plan? Tips to Guide You Getting the Most From Diet Plans


Be careful in choosing your burn fat diet plan. There are so many diet programs offered these days with all their guarantees. It is not too hard for us to find one, but choosing the right one is the tricky part.

Most diet programs force us to drastically change our lifestyle and eating habits which is quite hard to do and to maintain. The complexity of such diet programs will most likely fail us in reaching our weight targets. The more difficult and complicated a program is the bigger chance it has in failing. These programs do work, but most are too difficult to cope up for a great length of time.

Another problem faced in some diet programs is the consumption of expensive supplement and food. They say that these rare and precious foods are healthy and good for the progress of our diet, and it is true. Foods such as rice milk or goat milk do do a lot of good for you, but it won’t help at all if it is just cleaning out our money savings. How about the supplements? If a nutrition program really is good, then it should never have to rely on supplements in order to succeed.

The burn fat diet plan mostly gives an output of a few kilograms of weight loss, but does weight loss equals to muscle building? This is another problem. The so-called diet programs are only helping us in losing weight, but it is not balanced with the shaping of our muscles. It does burn the fat, but it doesn’t feed the muscle.

Over all, choose one with the easiest and simplest program to follow, the one that really helps weight loss not only through fat burning diet, but also through muscle building.


Source by Beta Nisa