Easy Dieting Tips – 10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight Without Officially Following a "Diet"


Here are 10 easy dieting tips you can follow that are actually based on common-sense:

  1. Don’t eat any food within the 3 hours prior to going to bed. If you absolutely must have something, have some water, some Crystal Light or chew some gum.
  2. Space your meals out every 3 to 4 hours, maximum. Do NOT eat less than 3 hours after the start of your previous meal. t is important to space out your meals to let your metabolism get to work and digest your food.
  3. Eat each meal only until you are satisfied. Do not eat until you are full. If you eat until you are satisfied, no longer hungry, but are not stuffed either, your body will be able to most efficiently digest the food. Otherwise your body will story it as fat.
  4. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
  5. Get a full night of sleep consistently every night.
  6. Drink a minimum of 8 ounces of water per day (1 cup) for every 10 pounds of body weight that you want to lose.
  7. Choose healthy alternatives when you have a craving to munch on something: Eat nuts instead of salty junk foods. Eat fruits instead of cookies, brownies, cake, or ice cream.
  8. Limit your portion sizes when eating out at restaurants. Restaurants typically serve food in portion sizes that are more than double or even triple than what you should be eating to lose weight and be healthy. Oftentimes, one restaurant meal contains more calories than what your body requires in a single day! Order the smallest size and cut even that in half. Pack the other half to go or save the other half for later. Better yet, split your meal with someone else.
  9. If you experience the temptation to indulge in an unhealthy food or are put in a social situation where you cannot say no or resist the food, then the simple solution is to sample the food. Just take enough of the food for one or two bites, enough to satiate your cravings.
  10. Do not starve. Starvation will not work. Deprivation is not conducive to weight loss.

Weight loss isn’t easy. Dieting tips like these can have a huge impact, though. If you follow these easy dieting tips, you can lose weight, all without having to “officially” follow a “real” diet.


Source by Hyder Khan

Tips for Permanent Weight Loss


Permanent weight loss is something that can be quite challenging to achieve. This is due to the kind of diet most people engage in. But it is possible to shed unwanted weight. The amount of calories people take will determine their weight. If you want to lose weight permanently, you need to reduce the carbohydrates you intake. It is very difficult to lose weight and maintain a desired weight without cutting down the amount of carbohydrates you take. When you consume low carbohydrates, you will have low appetite for food. This will reduce your craving for sugary foods that are the main the contributors of weight increase.

Another salient way of achieving permanent weight loss is by reducing the fats you take. Research has shown that fat-rich foods are high in calories. This is what makes the body gain weight rapidly. The accumulation of fats in the body can lead to body weight increase. Instead of fats, you can go for vegetables. This is because they have low caloric content. Low-starch vegetables are highly recommended. Also take the ones that are rich in fiber.

It is advisable to take at least 25 grams of fiber per day in order to achieve permanent weight loss. The most recommendable type of fiber is insoluble one. When using diet to achieve weight loss, it is advisable to avoid switching foods in a radical manner. This is something that should take place slowly. It is not wise to introduce your body with new foods suddenly. Take time to do this. You should start by slowly introducing small quantities as you increase the quantity. It is good to set you mind so that you adapt to the taste of the new foods.

When you want to attain permanent weight loss you should ensure your health is your priority. If you set your health as a priority, you aim of attaining permanent weight loss will be attained. Despite the fact that you want to attain your desired weight, it is good to ensure your health is a priority. It is not good to be too anxious to adapt ways of weight loss that will affect your health. There are a number of healthy ways through which you can lose weight. Healthy eating is highly recommendable. You can make use of reviews to know the right way of weight loss that will not affect.

Doing regular exercises is another great way of permanent weight loss. There are a number of exercises that you can do to attain weight loss. The main challenge that most people face is that of maintaining the desired body weight once they achieve it. Most people who have lost weight have attested to gain it back. This is the main challenge. In order to maintain this weight you need to do regular exercises. This is what will see any excess fats in the body shed hence retaining your desired weight. Physical activities are vital in burning calories hence lower your weight. Take part in exercises that will raise your metabolic rate.


Source by Amanda A. Smith

Tips on How to Make Quick Healthy Meals


If you work full time, the last thing you will want to do when you get in from work is cook a full meal. Being able to cook quick healthy meals is a skill that most of us should acquire. Cooking a healthy balanced meal should not be time consuming. Here are a few tips.

Plan your meals – Planning your meals is a great time saver. Always plan your meals ahead each week. Do it by having a meal planner. You can plan your meal planner before you do your weekly shopping , this way you will save money too, as you will know what you exactly need to buy, so make a shopping list.

Pre-cook the basics – You can prepare the basics and freeze them, such as if you like to make pizza, prepare your pizza base ahead and freeze it, or make a few that will get you through a few pizzas. Or if you’re too lazy, buy the frozen pizza basis. If you’re cooking a curry, cook the masala or the paste for it ahead and freeze it, and when you need it just defrost it and add to it whatever other ingredient you want to it, whether its a meat or a vegetable. Or you can cook curry on your day off and make extra and freeze the left overs for when you want a quick meal and there’s no time to cook, just buy some naans, Indian bread, from the supermarket and freeze them as well to eat with the curry.

Cook a one pot meal – When you are in real rush and have nothing prepared try a one pot dish, where there are few basic ingredients used and doesn’t use too many ingredients either. Everything is cooked in one pot so there is minimal mess to clean up as well. One pot meals can be such as, pasta with chicken and broccoli, rice salad, or spaghetti with sun dried tomato sauce.


Source by Sham Said