7 Day Diet Plan Rice – Lose weight quickly


Here are seven days rice diet to help you lose weight fast. This feed should be used for at least three days and a maximum of 2 weeks. .. From 3 days you will lose 1.5 pounds a day

In this regime, it is recommended to use unclean brown rice for all dishes

one day

Breakfast: an apple, rice (80 g of dry grains) mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Green tea without sugar.

Lunch: vegetable soup, vegetable 150 g of different vegetables salad, except tomatoes, 80 g of boiled rice mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil.

Dinner :. Vegetable broth, 80 g of boiled rice with 2 large carrots

2 days:

Breakfast: orange, 80GB frice mixed with a teaspoon of low fat sour cream.

Lunch: vegetable broth with boiled vegetables and 80 g of rice.

Meals: Lunch rehearsal day 2.

3 days:

Breakfast: a pear and 80 g of boiled rice.

Lunch: vegetable broth, salad cucumbers mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 80 g of rice with mushrooms fried in olive oil.

Dinner :. Bouillon, 80 g of rice with white cabbage

4 days:

Breakfast: fruit salad with 2 tablespoons of rice flakes, 80 g of rice mixed with a low fat milk fat or cream.

Lunch: vegetable broth, 80 g of boiled rice with radishes and carrots.

Dinner :. Bouillon, 80 g of rice mixed with 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds

5 days:

Breakfast: 80 g cooked rice with raisins.

Lunch: vegetable soup, 150 g of vegetable salad made of different vegetables except tomatoes, 80 g of boiled rice mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil.

Dinner :. Vegetable broth, 80 g of rice with 2 oranges

6 days:

Breakfast: 80g rice with two dates, 4 walnuts and a pear.

Lunch: vegetable soup, cucumber salad mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 80 g of rice with mushrooms fried in olive oil.

Dinner :. Bouillon, 80 g of boiled rice with 1-2 apples, a cup of tea with a teaspoon of honey

seven days:

Breakfast: 80 g of boiled rice with a apple and a pear, organic yogurt 1 glass of fat-free, sugar-free tea.

Lunch: vegetable broth, a portion of green salad, 80 g of boiled rice with tomato and green beans.

Dinner: broth, 80 g of boiled rice with 2 large carrots

Dinner should be no later than 19 hours and it is also recommended to drink a large glass of water before each meal .. Try not to consume liquids for 1.5 -. 2 hours after each meal


Source by Paul J Green

The easiest fastest Fat Plan meals loss ever


Are you ready for super simple super easy, the fastest fat loss diet, never ? Well – let’s get right to it. The parties listed here are perfect for a 150 pound women trying to lose weight fast – you may have to adjust the top portions or down to suit your own individual daily caloric needs. The great thing about this plan is that it has the correct amount of calories you need plus He pays particular attention to the parties at each meal and how you combine your foods


Ezekiel bread a piece

1whole egg

1 oz cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon guacamole

AM Snack

a protein bar (as nutrilite diet or South Beach)


3 oz chicken breast

Salad with spinach, tomato, cucumber, bean sprouts, etc.

1 tablespoon choice of dressing

PM Snack

2 oz protein powder

2/3 banana

1 teaspoon of peanut butter


3 oz steak (lean cuts)

2½ cups Broccoli

2/3 teaspoon of olive oil

Remember, this plan is just a starting point – you may have to adjust up or down portions depending on your weight, body composition, and objectives of individual re-shape from

Combined with keeping a food diary written -. one of the most powerful tools in fat loss around – this fat loss diet might be all you need to start your weight loss efforts. All background information is removed and I simply describe exactly what you need to do – so go ahead and start losing fat today


Source by Forest Vance

Raw Food for athletes – not as difficult as you thought


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’ve heard of raw food; today I’ll give you a raw plan for athletes. Although I can not say I really handy a raw food diet, much of what I eat is vegan and raw. Let’s review what a raw food diet is exactly … it’s a diet that consists of 75 percent raw food (uncooked) and is herbal. One of the biggest reasons to eat raw, is that when you cook your food, many very healthy enzymes are removed.

Many of you are probably wondering what you can eat on a raw food diet. Well, usually they consist of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, cereals, juices, legumes and herbs and spices. It may not seem like much, but if you are careful, you can lead a very healthy life on a raw food diet. You get all the vitamins and minerals you need all these foods, really! When I was following a similar regime (although I cooked a lot of my food and drinking such things as fortified soy milk) I had more energy than ever, my skin got clearer, and I lost weight.

look at an example of a meal plan raw diet …

Breakfast – Chop some fresh fruit to make a fruit salad (. ex cantaloupe, strawberries, apples, blueberries). Top your salad with almonds, flax seeds and gray, and wheat germ

Lunch -. Make salad mixed with spinach, onions, parsley, peppers, tomatoes and olives. Mix with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle some flax seed or sprouted lentils, yumm

Dinner – Make a soup of mixed vegetables first, enjoy a side half a lawyer, and end with a raspberry and banana smoothie.

Here is an example of a recipe for a “red hot soup raw tomato”: Mix 4 tomatoes, 1 red pepper, 1 teaspoon ginger root, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 4 green onions, 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, a little water and a pinch of cinnamon together …. and voila, enjoy!

Now, as I hope most of you are work and are athletes, this might not be enough to eat every day. What I do to make sure I always have a Ziploc bag of dried fruit and nuts to snack on me when I start to get hungry between meals.

This is a very healthy diet to be on, and has been known to have anti-aging properties, but beware! It can be very difficult to maintain this diet due to social (which happens when you go to a dinner, for example?) And business reasons. But most importantly, you need to watch what you eat. I mean you still have to worry about maintaining a balance diet, this means, for example, making sure to eat lots of legumes and nuts to get enough protein on a daily basis.


Source by Kara Jackson