Finding a Free Weight Loss Plan – You Do Not Have to Go Broke to Get Fit


Some weight loss plans leave you much lighter than ever before: in your wallet. From the expensive, required foods, the meetings and weigh ins, the required supplements, vitamins, and everything else that comes with it, it’s no wonder you lose weight. You can’t afford to eat anything any longer, or sadly, much of anything else. Don’t even think about going out for an evening with the girls. Your money is all tied up in your weight loss efforts. Sure, you will have lost weight in a few weeks, but none of your friends is speaking to you and your bank account is a sad, deflated reminder of the cost.

You can find a free weight loss plan, one that is perfect for you and your own lifestyle. There are diets that are meant for people who eat out most of the time, or those who like to experiment with foods in their own kitchen. There are diet plans that focus on easy to find and inexpensive products for some of your meals during the day. They are also easy and convenient as well. The benefit for any of these is the lack of meetings and weighs ins or the products that you cannot technically afford.

Before you start looking for your free weight loss plan, you have to set your goals and define what is important to you. For instance, you might say that you are interested in getting more fruits and vegetables or more fiber in your diet while you are working to lose weight. Make sure that you list all of the goals that you have in mind and then find a plan that will keep them all in mind.

A free weight loss plan is not necessarily worse than one that you pay for. It is just different. If you are a fan of math and nutritional guidelines, you can devise your own plan. Start by looking at your estimated calorie needs for the day and then figure out how to get the right foods and nutrition into the diet plan you are working on. If you are not a fan of working out your own plans though, you will have to find a free weight loss plan that will spell out menus for you to follow.

There are a number of great resources to use to find your plan, including the library, the internet and your doctor’s office. In fact, the doctor may have a number of different, safe and fast weight losing plans that he can recommend to you if you ask. Other options, like the internet, can offer several plans but some of them may not be as healthy as others. Read every free weight loss plan carefully before you start so that you know that it is safe and that you can actually follow it correctly.


Source by Alan Chai

Weight Loss – Obesity, Diets and Holistic Health


Diets are defined in the traditional sense of following a specific eating plan for weight loss / obesity.

Sure, following any of the hundreds of plans that have been promoted in the last few decades may result in some weight loss, but the benefits typically do not last.

Sadly, there is no magic bullet. No, not even those prescription medications that are common these days. Sure, they may result in shedding some pounds, but I've been observing nasty side effects in people that use them, and without lifestyle changes are made, the pounds will come back.

The average American keeps getting heavier, especially children, and the new miracle diets keep coming, and the average American keeps getting heavier, especially children, and …

I suspect you get my point.

But wait, I have this diet that works and I offer a guarantee and … Gotcha! Sorry, there are no simple, miracle solutions / plans. There was never any and there never will be.

I am happy to report that what does work for weight management, always has and always will work, is this: careful food selections, self control, occasional splurging (yahoo!), Acceptance of how God made you, and eating slower, smaller more Numerous meals.

This is the holistic approach and it's what I advocate.

Why do not you see this type eating advice advertised on TV or in magazines anywhere? It's because nobody makes any money when you do it. Surprise! In fact, many people will make less money when you follow a healthy holistic eating lifestyle, sometimes doctors because you will likely be ill less often.

Please become aware that the media and it's advertisers are becoming increasingly talented at getting and keeping our attention, particularly when it comes to our physical appearance. They place pictures of beautiful people with gleaming muscles (they are oiled), rippling six pack abdomens (they are airbrushed or do dozens of sit-ups immediately before the picture is taken), or even yet the people are taking steroid type drugs to enhance Their physiques. These "models" are not representative of we typical humans. You and I need to be wise to this, even though we enjoy looking.

Also, be wary of some of the food products, their claims, and what's in them.

The top 10 deceiving "healthy" foods that lead to weight gain and other health problems:

– margarine, because it lacks the essential oils necessary for a healthy cardiovascular system.

– artificial sweeteners, because they contribute to inflammation

– soy, because it can mimics the hormone estrogen

– most granola bars, because they contain excess sugar

– most dehydrated fruits, because they have added sugar

– most juices, because they lack pulp and contain excess added sugars

– whole grain products, because many people have hidden gluten allergies

– commercially grown apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, and imported grapes because they are the top 5 most chemically treated produce and contain toxins.

– all orange juice, because it is well known to increase inflammation

– commercially raised chicken because it's likely raised indoors, given antibiotics and probably hormones for faster growth

So scrap the diet plans and get the mind set that weight management benefits lifelong "good" eating habits. Simplistic is not it? Better yet it's either difficult or expensive.

So what's a person to do? The answer is this: small changes done consistently. Step one takes getting your thinking right first. Your brain has to change before your body will. Without that, all diets fail long term.

Here are a few tips:

– Eat smaller quantities and more often
– Eat fresher foods
– Eat organic grown varieties
– Eat slower
– Do not drink more than a few sips while eating
– Start a garden
– Eat more variety
– Add more fresh herbs and spices

Get to know the list of the 10 most chemically treated produce (avoid them), some detox / cleansing routines, recipes, and even some tips on simplistic gardening. These realistic weight management tools will produce results that last. Do not hesitate to seek professional guidance if needed.

I also recommend eating a big salad every day, possibly making a meal out of it by adding some quality protein like walnuts, fish, chicken, or beans.

And yes, do not worry, we can still enjoy goodies like ice cream on occasion, but with self control please.

Follow the above guidelines for the best management of weight loss / obesity.


Source by Dr Tom Potisk

Daily Diet Plan


Having trouble dieting every day? Well, let’s start with the agenda of the day. Depending on your work schedule, you should try to do a quick workout when you wake up in the morning before going to work. Remember this is just a workout too fast for anything you tired to work, but to get the blood flowing and help you stay alert. Your training will cause the body to start burning calories to start your day. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Remember to drink water throughout the day.

When lunchtime comes right not to run to the nearest fast food restaurant near you. If you have to settle for something quick, you could go to the subway for example; However, this does not mean that you get one of their chicken teriyaki submarines or go heavy on anything. A simple cold cuts with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, maybe just a little mustard will be fine. Sure, you’re going to want some things, but instead of eating your normal game just eat half now and the other half for later. This is so you do not consume so many things that will hurt your diet.

Sometime after you get home from work, you can eat a small snack and then start your workout. This time, the workout should be longer than from what you did in the morning. So instead of working on the basis of date, you can simply go for a walk. You burn calories as you walk so you do not have to worry about a full workout every day.

Now it’s time for dinner. Remember to try and stay away from fatty and fried foods as well. For example, instead of fried chicken substitute for cooked chicken. Instead of using vegetable oil extra virgin olive oil. Just enough to cover the skillet or saucepan your help. This will help keep the calories down. Also as for seasoning make sure lightly season your dishes. Just enough to taste is good, but do not exaggerate. For dessert eat only a smaller portion than you normally do and make sure it is not too much sugar, etc.

The key is to eat small portions of things you like and healthy mixed diet. For example, when you make a sandwich instead of white wheat bread using bread. It is healthier. Snacks between meals will help you balance things so that you are not starving yourself until the next meal comes. This is so you do not torture yourself. If you do not eat anything between meals, then you would be most likely to start eating during meals or tune your eating the same parties before starting a diet or even more.


Source by Candis B. Collins