Lose Weight Quick With Healthy Eating


How to Eat Yourself Thin

How to Lose-Weight-Quick Diet: Do's & Do Not's


1. Eat 5-6 small meals a day

By eating several small meals, it will help keep your metabolism up which means your burn more calories. If you want to lose weight quick you need to keep your metabolism revving and working for you.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients and natural sugars. Eating more fibrous fruits, such as apples and pears, will fill you up more.

3. Drink water throughout the day Your body needs water to function. Drink water with each meal and it will help fill you up too. Doing so can help prevent you from overeating because you will feel full.

4. Eat lean meats Lean meats have less fat. Simply put, the less fat you eat, the less fat you gain. Ask for lean cuts where you buy your meats or just check the package. Hamburgers can be healthy if you buy the 85% fat free ones rather than the cheaper 75% ones.

5. Eat your carbohydrates earlier in the day Carbohydrates provide the energy your body needs to exercise and get through your day. By eating them earlier, you get the energy your body needs and can be burning it through the day when your metabolism is higher than at night when you are settling in from the day then going to bed.

6. Dinner should consist of protein and vegetables Limiting dinner to a meat and vegetables goes along with the above statement. Carbohydrates basically provide instant energy and if you do not need them, they get stored, which means you gain weight, rather than burn it off. This combo is the perfect dinner to help you lose weight quick.

7. Eat foods high in fiber Foods high in fiber will make you feel full. You do not have to eat as much as you would if you were eating sugary carbohydrates such as cookies to start feeling full. You will also be taking in fewer calories.


1. Avoid the 100 calorie snack packs Most are not very filling or healthy which means you will want another or something something more to eat shortly after eating the so called 'snack pack'.

2. Do not starve yourself Believe it or not, doing so will do more harm than good in the long run. By starving yourself, you are training your body to store whatever fat you take in, so you do not lose weight. You are also training your body to slow your metabolism down which means you will burn off calories at a much slower rate.

3. Limit your junk food This is a common sense of course but it is important to be aware of what you are eating. One cookie could have 100's of calories in it.

4. Avoid juices and sodas Check the label on what you drink. You may be surprised to find many drinks which appear to be healthy actually have a lot of sugar and calories in them.

5. Cheat early in the day if you are absolutely craving something By giving in to your craving earlier in the day, you give yourself the rest of the day to burn off those calories rather than having them go right into storage as you are going to bed for the evening. Sometimes you just need to give into a craving so you satisfy it and can focus on your goal to lose weight quick without the distraction.

TIP / TRICK: Try to cheat in moderation – have a scoop of ice cream, not the whole container.

6. Limit alcohol consumption Alcohol is empty calories. Typically when you drink alcohol, you also tend to snack and before you know it you have taken in 100's if not 1000's of calories. If you do alcohol, try to chose a light beer or a clear liquor mixed with tonic water.

TIP / TRICK: Alternate an alcoholic drink with a bottle of water to still allow you to drink, but maybe not as much. It is possible to lose weight quick if you can follow some reasonable healthy eating habits. These are just a few tricks to get you moving in the right direction and before you know it you will have that lean body that you have always desired.



Source by Rachel Riley

Top Effective Ways to Lose Weight Fast – Here Are Free Weight Loss Tips


The internet is swamped with many tips on effective ways to shed off weight fast such that it can be difficult for dieters to decide which program is best for maximum results. No need to panic, though reducing weight can be a challenging task, there are plenty of free effective tips to shed of body fat fast that work and will produce best weight reduction results that you have always wanted. So if you want the best way to shed off unwanted body fat fast and keep it off permanently, this article will show you which methods work.

1. Effective ways to Lose Weight Fast Tip # 1

If you read a lot of weight related books and guides, you will discover that one of the repeatedly emphasized tips to maximum weight loss includes proper diet and nutrition. Usually this is easier said than done because dieters find themselves going back to the foods that made them fat and discard the meal plan altogether. One of the top tips to keep in mind is to change your eating habits gradually until you eliminate all unhealthy foods. I know how hard this can be that’s why i recommend that you do this gradually instead of all at once. In order to lose weight easily, you have to understand that food is a very important aspect of your journey to lose weight. Whatever types of food you eat can either increase your weight or help reduce it. The top effective ways to lose weight fast through proper diet and nutrition is to eat foods that accelerate weight reduction and also help to reduce weight fast such as raw fruits and vegetables, organic meat, fish, eggs and plenty other unprocessed foods..

2. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 2

The second tip to effective weight loss is to avoid all processed foods and carbonated drinks from your meal plan. I mention this quite a lot in my articles because though important, most dieters ignore it and wonder why they just can’t lose weight fast. Your meal plan is a very important part of your weight loss goals and one of the top effective ways to lose weight fast is to concentrate on raw organic foods that do not contain any sweeteners or additives. The additives almost always contain sugar which is high in calories and bad for weight loss. Another tip includes avoiding carbonated drinks and sodas which also contain sweeteners high in sugar. These additives or addictives as i like to call them make you crave for more and more.Instead, a tip on the effective ways to lose weight fast is to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, this will not only flush out toxins from your body but water will help you to lose weight fast by curbing out cravings for sweets and biscuits as you feel fuller with each gulp. A plus for water intake is that it does not contain any calories therefore making it one of the top effective ways to lose weight fast. Water intake will also boost your metabolism and keep you energized from all your intensive workout routines.

3. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 3

The third top effective way to eliminate body fat fast is to stay motivated and to persevere. When starting a weight loss program, most dieters think they can just apt and get started and start seeing results today. Weight loss does not work like that, most dieters fail with it because they lose motivation with their workout or perhaps their cardio routines are too long and boring or maybe they hate half the food on their meal plan. Weight loss can be a challenge but it is not impossible. You need to stay motivated in order to achieve your weight loss goals. Find a workout partner, join a gym, be innovative with your meal plan, if you don’t like cabbage use lettuce instead, have fun and don’t beat yourself up too much. If you cheat, don’t stop just get back up and keep focusing on your weight loss goals. One of the top effective ways to maximum weight reduction is to stay positive and surround yourself with people who want to achieve weight loss so that you can learn and share.

4. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 4

Working out is one of the top effective ways to reduce weight fast but if you want maximum weight loss, you need to take it up a notch. Long hours of boring cardio are not going to help you out on this one, you need to combine strength training with cardio to achieve maximum weight loss. For top effective ways to lose weight fast with exercise, it is recommended to get a trainer if possible. A common mistake that dieters make is to workout specific parts of the body where they want to see weight loss like the arms, the thighs or belly. There may be some exercise routines or machines meant for these specific body parts but if you want top effective ways to lose weight fast, you need to workout out all the large muscle groups in your body, work the entire body and you will drop the scale numbers. When was the last time you saw a fat person with really thin arms, not a pretty sight. You need to workout your entire body for a better sculpture and slim looking body.

There you have you top 4 effective ways to lose weight fast and keep it off permanently. I know how hard this can be but though challenging, you can do it. Think of that sexy body you want and how great you will look in that bikini. Think of those nice sexy abs you’ve always wanted, you can achieve weight goals that you deserve, get started today and start seeing results immediately.


Source by Michelle Hatwiko

Surviving The South Beach Diet Phase One


The South Beach Diet isn’t a short term diet or a “fad” diet where you’ll see quick results and then gain all of your weight back. It’s a way of changing how you eat for your entire life. However, as with any change there’s a period of adjustment that will be hard for you. In the South Beach Diet, that period of adjustment is Phase One, in which you’ll need to take two weeks to learn how to remove all of the harmful carbohydrates and fats from your diet. This will include a lot of foods that you love, such as fatty cuts of meat, whole milk, all alcohol, all sweets and just about any kind of starch that you’ve come to love! Phase One is hard, but once you’re over it you’ll be healthier (and thinner) for years to come. The key, of course, is surviving the hard part, Phase One. Here are some tips to get you through the South Beach Diet Phase One.

Start a Countdown: By the end of Phase One, you probably won’t even crave bad carbohydrates or fats any longer, but during the first days or week, you will. Instead of thinking that this is how you’ll be eating for the rest of your life, count the days down until the end of your two weeks. If you’re thinking that the end of the two weeks means you can eat something that you love, it will be easier for you to put the candy bar down instead of eating it. And once you get to the end? You won’t want that candy bar anyway!

Keep Bad Food Out of the House: Even if you’re the only one in your house doing the South Beach Diet, everybody else will have to pitch in and help you out for the first two weeks by not having “bad” food there to tempt you. Before you start the South Beach Diet, get rid of ALL of the bad types of food from your house (particularly sweets, sodas and starches, which do the most damage). If you have a bag of candy in the cupboard, it will be a hundred times harder to resist eating it than if you have to leave your home and go to the grocery store to buy candy when you’re starting to crave it. Set yourself up for success by having no sweets or any kinds of “forbidden” phase one foods in the house during the first two weeks.

Have a Support System: You’re going to need help to survive Phase One. This doesn’t just mean people who will make sure there’s not bad food in the house. It also means people who will listen to you when you’re struggling, and, most importantly, who will hold you accountable for what you eat each day. In a best case scenario, you’ll have a buddy who you’re doing the diet with and you can be each other’s support system. If you’re flying solo on your South Beach Diet, though, have a friend that you can call each night who will let you talk through what you ate that day and any struggles that you’re having.

Once you make it through the South Beach Diet Phase One, you’ll be on a smoother road to success. However, surviving Phase One is the biggest challenge of the diet! Follow our tips above, though, and you’ll increase your chances of success not only for the first two weeks but in creating a healthier you for the rest of your life!


Source by Rick Gibb