The 10 Part Plan


So, let's start at the basics. You want to lose weight, but how to start?

I am going to briefly outline a 10 part plan. I will be going into each part in more depth in my free weekly e-zin, but the workable bones are going to be here.

1. WHY? To lose weight, we first need a motivation. Although we all know this, quite often what happens is that we take someone else's desires as our motivation and then fail. The motivation must be ours own. It does not matter how basic it may be, if it lights a fire of desire in us, it will galvanize us to achieving our goals. Fitting back into an old pair of jeans, kindling the passion in our partner, finding a new partner, living to see our kids / grandkids grow up; Whatever the reason is emotional or for physical health, the WHY must always be satisfied.

2. DREAMS. A diary with our end results clearly marked and pictureally shown always helps. A picture of you in earlier years, the perfect beach, the grandkids, the perfect partner; a reference you can turn to help you stay focused on the why and your goal. Here the jokes and stories also help!

3. PLAN. All great journeys are planned, and this is no exception. Knowing your goal and then how you intend to reach it, sensibly, is absolutely essential. This way you always know if you are on track, if the course is a little too hard so you can adjust, or too easy ..

Without a 'map' you will probably get lost, de-motivated and then give up.

4. FRIENDS AND FAMILY. We need these guys as allies, or at least on the side. Having your mates coming round with pizzas or Ben and Jerry does not help. I will be covering the easiest ways to handle these guys in a couple of weeks, but at the moment, avoid orlist …..!

5. FOOD. To lose weight, we must eat. It may seem to be contradictoryorily, but if we do not eat, and eat well, the body 'panics' and starts to store. To aid the body lose weight it needs regular balanced delicious meals. Taste is important. It also needs fears and diversity. Remember, the body is not just the arms, legs, head and torso, it is emotional as well. If you feel cheated, or have serious craving, this effects your body and also your willpower.

6. MENUS. Like the plan above, meals should also be planned, probably at the start of a week, but with options so that if the unforeseen happens you will have room to move and it will not hinder your progress. Discipline is important, but so is the ability to be flexible.

7. SUPERFOODS. Adding these to your diet can help no end. In the special report I talk about every day superfood's and how you can use them.

8. WATER. Water is absolutely essential, we need it to help move the gunk out! Also to hydrate and puff out our cells, which helps the rejuvenation.

9. SLEEP. This is when your body recharges and rejuvenates, and can also break down the fat to be removed. To start with, while your body adjusts to the changes you are making and is spring cleaning you will probably need more.

10. EXERCISE. This can mean a walk in the park, running up stairs, dancing in the bedroom, sex, or taking an exercise class. Exercise helps kick start our metabolism which allows us to burn calories faster, tones and stops flabbiness as the fat comes off, and helps or hearts and lungs rebuild and strengthen. Start off gently and build as you get stronger and more confident.

I hope these pointers help, happy slimming!


Source by Sam J Nicholas

Sleep better to lose weight


Losing weight involves more than changing your diet and exercise plan. We must also ensure that he or she sleeps well. Studies have shown that those who have at least 8 hours of sleep at night have lost weight more easily than those who slept less. What is the reason sleep as an important contribution to weight loss?

First sleep factor has something to do with the hormones in our body. Persons sleeping fewer hours have higher levels of ghrelin called hormone leading to cravings in most people. Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that regulate appetite by sending signals to the brain. While ghrelin is up, leptin production goes down and a load of calories results. Another stress hormone called cortisol is produced more if you are sleep deprived. Higher Cortisol levels tend to promote better appetite and you may well think that you are hungry, even though you are actually not. In a situation of loss of weight, higher cortisols can affect the body’s ability to burn calories.

Loss of sleep translates to poor health that the body has a physiological need for repairs and regenerates tissue to promote cell renewal and to build bones and muscles. Losing sleep naturally prevents the normal functioning of various body processes. Your immune system and growth hormone are affected if you do not sleep well. Even your ability to lose body fat becomes more difficult.

interrupted sleep habits can lower the metabolism rate of the body to burn fat. With a loss of sleep, your body’s metabolism of sugars and starch slows down and the excess glucose is converted to fat and stored. Further excess blood sugar in the body often leads to insulin resistance, a high risk factor for more serious health problems, including obesity.

poor sleep naturally leads to feelings of low energy and poor concentration. Our physical and mental well-being is the first to suffer. The body reacts by loading more calories by eating well compromise our goals for weight loss. Deep sleep is also known to stimulate the learning capacity in our brains. If we get enough sleep, our mental capacity to help us improve weight loss.

Here are some tips to get you started on your way to sleep better:

  • Have a fixed bedtime. Go to bed at regular times can create habits body can recognize and adjust. Naps if taken should be short and not to run into your regular bedtimes.
  • stop working for half an hour before bedtime. This allows your mind to calm down and prepare mentally.
  • No heavy meal at least two hours before bedtime. However, taking a snack or milk may help induce sleep due to amino acid called tryptophan found in food that can help promote sleep.
  • Keep comfortable room with slightly dark and well ventilated. Have warm blankets and pillows and make it appear very comfortable. In the warm climate environment, start the air conditioner and time of the air to stop 4 hours later.
  • avoid strenuous exercise at least 3 hours before bedtime. Exercise increases the temperature of your heart, making it more difficult to fall asleep.
  • No coffee, alcohol or tea at least 6 hours before bedtime. If you take decaffeinated beverages, some flexibility is permitted. Otherwise these are stimulants that should be avoided.
  • Take a hot bath for half an hour before sleep.
  • Learn to relax. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and muscle relaxation.

The connection between sleep and weight loss is not difficult to understand. Most people snack more to compensate for lack of sleep. So it’s time to get your body into a better sleep routine for healthy weight loss.


Source by Jessie Mcfarland