Four Diet Plans That Work


With such a wide array of diet plans to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which are the diet plans that work. The internet is flooded with hundreds of different diets that you can give a try. What you do need to understand is that everyone’s body reacts differently to diets and workout routines. With that said, here are four diet plans that you will want to look into further.

1. Personality type diet

As mentioned, everyone’s body reacts differently do diets and exercises. This is precisely why the personality type diet is one of the diet plans that work. The premise behind this diet is that your personality type determines what you eat and what your body will have a positive reaction to. Instead of guessing what you should eat to lose weight, this diet will help you plan out what is right for you based on your personality.

2. Medifast

Next on the list of diet plans that work is Medifast. This diet consists of five meal replacements per day. Typically the five replacements include shakes, bars, soups, oatmeal and puddings. With this diet you are going to eat every two to three hours while drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day. If you follow the plan effectively you will see weight losses of two to five pounds a week.

3. Weight watchers

This is by far one of the longest-running and most well known weight loss programs around. It encompasses healthy nutrition that is based off of calorie control. While some diets will get you to lose the weight, the same diets do not help you keep the weight off. This is what makes weight watchers so effective as it believes in a healthy lifestyle well after the initial weight loss occurs.

4. NutriSystem

The last diet to take a look at is NutriSystem. This is often compared to the Jenny Craig diet as the two are very comparable. It is a portion-controlled diet that focuses on getting you back on the right track in a short period of time. Instead of worrying about cooking, shopping and counting calories, NutriSystem will help you get your life back in the right direction by controlling what you eat.

There are a plethora of diets for you to choose from on the internet. This brings up the question of how do you identify diet plans that work? You may have to fall victim to trial and error in order to see what works best for you. Instead of wasting your time looking through hundreds of options, research more in-depth the four diets listed in this article to determine if one of them is the best fit for you.


Source by Robbie S Tucker

How Can You Choose a Diet Plan When There Are So Many Out There?


There are so many diet plans that are so totally different, it can be really frustrating. What can make the decision even harder is that most of the diet plans out there are actually created by qualified people. It’s not just dieticians but also doctors and nurses alike that are contributing. So, how do you choose? Hopefully, this article will be able to narrow the choices down for you.

We’ve all been there. Just about the time you finally decide on a diet plan another health pro comes up with a totally different one. You have the diet that’s high protein and low carbs while another pushes lower protein amounts. Then there’s the one with no eating just imbibing special drinks, and another where you just eat salads.

Does veganism create absolute powerhouses or weak, frail people? Are eggs good for you, or the worst thing you can eat? What about milk? Does eating fat make you fatter? Is pasta good or absolutely off limits? Depending on what book you’re reading, the “official” answers to these questions can vary wildly.

So, what can you do? How about just using the most common sense approach known to man. Follow the results! Try a plan for a set period of time like for a week or two and monitor your progress. If you’re headed in the right direction, and have lost weight then continue. Still, not losing weight, then try the next diet plan and see how that works for you.

If this doesn’t appeal to you, then how about just going back to the age old standard. To lose weight, just eat less calories than you use. This is a commonly accepted truth because this is the way the body is designed.

We use the calories consumed as energy for our body to perform. Eat too much and the extra calories are stored as body fat. If we eat less calories than our body needs then it will begin to use the stored fat for the energy. If the diet trend says that calories don’t matter, I would tend to suggest you use your common sense.

There are many convincing programs that try to pitch their diet by claiming that you can eat whatever you want and don’t have to exercise. Common sense would tend to disagree.

What you eat and how much you move are ALL that matter when it comes to losing weight. The fresher and more natural your food, the better. And, when it comes to exercising, don’t go overboard. If you’ve never lifted weights, don’t start with the heaviest. If you’ve never run a marathon, don’t try to run one without building up to it. Common sense rules here too


Source by Shelia Lirette

Weight Loss Tips – 6 Hot Weight Loss Tips


1. Set a Goal. This is maybe the best step you can take. Set up a goal, an achievable goal, and then start to create a way you can achieve this goal. Not only is this motivating, but it gives you a clear picture of what your after. Setting a goal is a power statement, it really charges your plan, and gets you going in the right direction.

2. Take it one step at a time. People get overwhelmed when they think about losing weight, or dieting, there's the strict diet, all that exercise, no more favorite foods, going to be feeling hungry all the time, it's a pretty scary thought. So just take it one step at a time. Maybe today go for a 10 min walk at lunch, tomorrow maybe have a salad for lunch, the next day take the stairs instead of the elevator. By taking it one step at a time, you will easy your way into a great weight loss program before you know it. Chances are, that it will be more successful.

3. Find a friend. Having a friend is a great way to get back into shape. Pushing off of each other for motivation will create a positive reinforcement that you just can not get by yourself. There will be days you just do not feel like working out, or eating right but having a friend their giving you that extra push maybe the difference you need in achieving your goal. A friend can really add that extra motivation, you may even find your self-going well beyond your original goal.

4. Include weight training. Weights can really help transform your body and give you that more defined look. Did you know that after puberty, you actually start losing muscle at a slow rate, I guess the phrase "if you do not use it, you lose it" is really true with muscle. Including weight training can help in a few ways: One, it builds your strength, and it's always good to have that extra strength to lets say move something, like that flower pot or table that you could not move before. Two, muscle burns fat, so the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns. That extra muscle can really turn you into a fat burning machine.

5. Drink lots of water. Drinking water helps to lose weight by boosting your metabolism rate, you should really aim to drink 8-12 glasses a day. Drinking lots of water through out the day, minimizes those crazy food craving and reduces your appetite. Drinking lots of water also helps reduce water retention, which gives you that bloated look. So remember to try to get at least 8 glasses of water a day.

6. Give up Soda. Soda is loaded with sugar, which are just empty calories. Did you know that a 20-ounce bottle of soda roughly cares 16 spoonfuls of sugar that is over 200 calories of pure sugar, which are just empty calories. Instead, replace soda with water. If it's the fizz you miss, that drink sparkling water with lemon, it's very refreshing. Just by dropping that daily soda, you could drop 20 pounds in a year.


Source by James Ripley