How to Get Rid of Fat


This is the most popular question among the people who seek for losing weight. As we know, there are three main categories of weight in our body; fat, muscle, and water. Among all three categories, fat is the one which is most prominent and common. If you lose the fat from your body, not only you become slimmer, but you become healthier as well. There are many methodologies used for getting rid of fat. Let’s discuss a few of those in this article.

Modifying your diet is the main way of getting rid of fat. This method makes sure you lose existing fat as well as no fat is taken in to the body. Therefore, this is also a preventative measurement that anyone can use if they are interested on how to get rid of fat. There are a number of theories developed by many scientists about losing fat by dieting. On top of that, there are many authors, sometimes with no proper qualification in the field, have written hundreds of books as this is one of those subjects that anything and everything can be sold. Anyway, you need to be careful when choosing a dieting plan and you are advised to consult a qualified person. The bottom-line is that any dieting plan is good as long as it provides you a balanced nutrition and less calorie intake.

Next method suggests you aerobic exercises with controlled calorie intake. Aerobic exercise helps you in two ways to get rid of fat; by exercising the cardiovascular system and by burning calories. Both of these help losing fat fast. Anything such as running, walking, playing a game are considered aerobic exercises as they make your heartbeat accelerated and sustained. Aerobic exercises should be accompanied with a proper dieting plan for the best results.

Toning and strengthening your body muscles is the next method on how to get rid of fat. The body muscles contain a fair amount of fat and the process of getting rid of this fat has two advantages; losing fat and strengthening the muscles. When muscle fat is lost and the muscle is strengthened, muscles will have a proper and attractive shape. There are many formal and informal exercises for toning and strengthening your muscles and you need to consult a qualified person for choosing the best one for you. The exercises suitable for you may vary depending on your body type, sex, weight and many other factors.


Source by Natalina Odus

Truth About the Seven Day Diet


What is a seven day diet? The term is pretty self-explanatory, it is a diet program that is to be followed for a seven day period and promises substantial weight loss. Some examples of seven day diets are the cabbage soup diet, the fruit and vegetable diet and the General Motors Weight Loss Program. While some of these diets have been effective, they are not the healthiest choice for anyone who wants to lose weight. This is why none of these programs has been recommended by a physician as a safe way to lose weight: most of the weight lost during this diet is in fact muscle mass, and not fat.

In addition to this, the seven day diet may lead to 'yo-yo dieting', where the person on the diet keeps gaining the weight lost and has to resort to the diet again. For example, if you lose 10 pounds the first time you use the diet, you may gain back 20 pounds, as your body members the diet a period of deprivation and starts storing fat to ensure you have energy reserves, and it slows down your metabolism , while you may be tempted to overeat to make up for the previous week. The next time, you'd try and diet off the 20 pounds you've earned, but after a while may end up gaining even more. This cycle of weight loss and gain is very unhealthy and quite de-stimulating too.

In spite of all the risk factors, many people decide to go ahead with the seven day diet anyway. While it is not advisable, its impact may be minimized by progressing onto a healthy eating plan and exercise program after the diet, using the weight lost during the seven day program as a motivation factor to keep going with the healthier program. Most use this diet as a way to lose weight fast just before an event, so that they can wear clothes they bought hoping they'd ever fit.

The good news is that most seven day diets do incorporate healthy elements such as drinking lots of water and eating more fruits and vegetables that make a great start for any eating plan. So, while the best option is to change your lifestyle so that you're getting more exercise and making healthy eating options, if you're in a real pinch, you might choose to jumpstart your fitness program by going on one of the seven day diets out there. Just remember to consult your physician before you begin to make sure it does not adversely affect your health.


Source by Natalina Odus

Effective diet plans to lose weight


you saw this awesome dress in the window, but you know they will never have in your size. It’s time to go to the beach, but you’re too embarrassed because you know you do not want your belly hanging over your shorts. All your friends have talked about how you should lose weight and look and feel much better. You are always tired, and you wish you had more energy.

Whatever the reason, if you are a man or a woman, being overweight is still a problem. It gets in your way, and makes you feel less active and less attractive. We all had a weight crisis at some point in our life, unless you’re one of the lucky few who we certainly will not mention here. Whether any of the situations mentioned earlier or a personal epiphany, time eventually comes when we decide to take charge of our own lives and solve the problem.

First stop! Diet plans to lose weight? Nothing is more important to take a good long look at what you eat and check if you eat more than your body really needs. Calories in = calories out usually means that you maintain the same weight and have no stored extra fat. But if calories in calories> on, it’s pretty obvious what that means. All those extra calories have to go somewhere, so that your body is the packrat little attention to what it is, stores them away for a rainy day in the form of fat.

So where are we now? Yes, the plan provides to lose weight. There are many resources now online, in bookstores and libraries, and good old established organizations such as the American Heart Association that have been specially created to help people on their way to a healthy lifestyle for advice on diet plans to lose weight. If you do not want to do – it – yourself approach, you can always consult a nutritionist who will help you get on track with customized diet plans to help you lose just the right amount of weight according to your schedule.

Like all good diet plans to lose weight, however, it would also be better if you have backed with a consistent exercise routine to strengthen your muscles and you feel fit. This is also a great mood booster.

So what are you waiting for? Pick up a book, do a search on Google, make an appointment with a nutritionist. Your health is in your hands.


Source by Natalina Odus