The Master Cleanse – What is the Lemonade Diet?


First of all, let’s get one thing straight. The Lemonade Diet isn’t a weight loss diet. Yes, most people lose weight while they are on the Master Cleanse, but most people also gain all of that weight back if they go back to their standard way of eating once they finish it. What the Lemonade Diet actually is designed for is detoxification. It is basically a modified fast.

In a real fast, the only thing you’d consume is water. But for the Master Cleanse, you drink lemon juice (fresh!) mixed with maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. In addition to the standard lemonade drink that you consume through the Cleanse, in the mornings you also drink a salt water flush in order to get your bowels moving and eliminating more sludge. In the evening, you drink a Senna tea for the exact same purpose.

Generally, it is considered ideal that you follow the lemonade diet for at least 10 days and many proponents of this fast actually use it for much longer. I’ve seen some claims by folks who say they’ve followed it for a month or longer.

Some of the benefits claimed on behalf of the Master Cleanse are better skin tone, improved energy, increased stamina and better mental alertness. Many people who have completed it often say that that they look and feel younger and that it also eliminated a lot of aches and pains and stiffness. I personally wonder if some of these changes are a result of food allergies that haven’t been fed for 10 days. I know myself that when I was on a nearly completely wheat-free diet, I felt many of these same benefits.

Who developed the Master Cleanse?

Stanley Burroughs first wrote the book, The Master Cleanser, which outlines the detox diet, in 1941 and it has been in print ever since. It also remains as controversial as ever. Proponents of the Master Cleanse insist that the Cleanse is an efficient method of clearing toxins built up in the body, particularly in the intestines. This is generally something that western medical doctors scoff at, insisting that the ingredients can’t possibly be having a benefit, but for the thousands of people who have undergone the Cleanse and actually have frequently repeated it, this doesn’t seem to hold sway.

Since fasting itself has long been practiced by humans throughout history, I believe that its efficacy may not be something that can be easily codified by allopathic medicine. The benefits of any fast are not purely physical and are certainly not meant to be. All fasting is meant to benefit the mind and spirit as well as the body. So I believe the best way of judging whether the Master Cleanse is effective is to simply try it yourself.


Source by Emma Martin

One Week Detox Diet Plan


The most popular one week detox diet plan is called the Master Cleanse. This detox is designed to be ran for at least seven days, usually 10 days. The benefits include increased energy, weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds per day, and better skin complexion. 

Although the benefits of the master cleanse are many, the diet is not as easy to complete as you might think.  Many of the people who start the master cleanse quit after the first day, and some don’t even make through the first day.  Some people make it the whole week of the cleanse, but they cheat by doing things like eating, which affects the results of the detox.  But if you are able to finish the cleanse without cheating, the benefits will really be felt and shown.

The one week detox diet plan has a main component which is a lemonade cleanse drink.  This detox drink contains pure organic lemon juice, pure organic maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and filtered water.  As you can see from the ingredients, the purer the ingredients, the more effective they are during the detox.  This lemonade drink is to be drank 5 to 10 times per day. 

The master cleanse is considered to be a fast.  You are not supposed to eat at all on the cleanse, and the only things you can drink are the lemonade drink, water, a laxative tea, or a salt water flush drink.  Sticking to these rules are vital in maximizing the results of the one week detox diet plan.


Source by Martin Laritz

Best diet plan to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks


Many people have trouble losing weight. This happens because they use poor diet, poor eating habits, no discipline, or they think the weight will fall by itself. If you want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, you first need to get the best diet plan, it is. When you have that you have to follow the best diet and keep your motivation. If you do this, you will see the pounds drop!

The first thing you can do if you want to lose weight is to find the best diet. There are many diets out there, but only some of them work. You can use calorie shifting diet, Master Cleanse diet or an intensive training program. All these diets can make you lose some serious weight.

calorie shifting diet is also known as the best diet plan on the Internet. He manipulates your body by changing the calorie intake you eat every day. This will be your metabolism and a higher metabolism means more fat burning. So the more your metabolism is, the faster you burn fat. This diet can help you lose up to 20 pounds in just 2 weeks.

You can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks by doing exercises. With exercises I mean intensive exercises. There are all kinds of what you can do this, for hiking, swimming, cycling or running. Each time you do this diet, you should be aware that you are physically ready for it. Because you can hurt yourself quite easy while doing these exercises. In addition, you can combine this with the best diet plan, calorie shifting. Combined with much higher metabolism intensive exercises is great weight loss. You should lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks at the combination of the two.

Keep in mind that when you do one of these diet plans that you are mentally and physically ready for it. It takes both. And also do not forget, if you really want to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, you should not forget that you need a firm commitment. So it really does not come without following diets or no exercise. You found this information useful you saw here?


Source by Stephan Vrugteman