The Importance of Leg Exercises for Your Overall Health


There are two words that you always hear mentioned together when people are talking about getting healthy. Those words are "Diet and Exercise". Ever since we were children, we've all heard the phrase, "You are what you eat", because everything you consume gets absorbed in your bloodstream and becomes part of your body.

As adults, we have seen our metabolism level off and slow down over the years. When we try to lose weight, it's much harder now than it was in our teens and early 20's because it takes more effort to get our bodies into calorie burning mode. Many doctors agree that after you are in your 20's and beyond, most of the excess weight you gain can be controlled by what you consume. Those same doctors will still tell you that eating right is not enough to keep your body in good health.

Exercise is extremely important for overall health because it works out our muscles, improves our circulation, breathing, and has a positive impact on our vital organs. Exercising is like placing our bodies in Express Clean-Out mode. The same way drinking extra water helps flush the junk out of your system, exercising and sweating cleans out your pores and excess body debris, like broken down muscle tissue.

So why are we putting a big emphasis on leg exercises? Could not I get in great shape by swimming or lifting weights? Yes, you can, but we believe legs are the most important part of your body to work out because they are your largest muscle group. If weight loss is your goal, the way to burn the most calories is to work out your biggest muscles that require the most energy. Many people think doing sit-ups will help them lose their beer belly, when in reality it will only give them stronger abs underneath their gut. If you really plan on losing all that weight through sit-ups, you will have to do several thousand each day.

Look at distance runners. They are some of the skinniest and healthiest people you will ever meet. We are not suggesting that the skinnier you are making you healthy, because there is a point when you can become malnourished. But distance runners are always exercising their legs (lots of running) and they never have obesity problems.

Leg exercises do not only benefit your health in terms of weight loss, but it can help solve other problems like back and neck pain. Many chiropractors will tell you that most back and neck problems come from two sources: bad posture, and imperfections in your walking, which start down at your feet. If you slouch, or are honched over a lot, it would be a good idea to do some upper body stretching and strengthening to fix your posture. However, if your back and neck pain comes from the way you walk, you might be able to correct some of it with leg exercises.

First, you will probably want a good shoe insert, but how will leg exercises solve a problem that starts in my feet? Well, with any muscle in your body, when it is weak or out of shape, it does not hold your skeletal system in as good of alignment, and there is a higher chance that your joints will be moving out of proper alignment; even if this just a minor misalignment. When it comes to nerves and bulging disks, it does not take much to send a sharp spasm of pain through your body.

When neck pains start from your feet, it's because your ankles are out of line, which throws your knees off, then your hips, your back, shoulders, and then your neck. Having strong, healthy legs will keep your ankles and knees in much better alignment, and you will have more stability to withstand a fall or sudden impact without long term damage.

Finally, your legs are what carry you around. If you have weak legs it will always be a struggle for you to get out of the house and keep up an active lifestyle. Doctors say that a sedentary lifestyle is the cause for more premature deaths and severe health problems than cigarette smoking. So when get yourself out of the house, remember to give your legs a little extra work. You might walk funny for a few days, but in the long run you'll be doing your body a huge favor. And do not forget to keep eating healthy meals.


Source by Adam Ricci

Weight Loss Success – Extreme Self-Discipline Made Easy


How many times have you decided that another diet did not work? Was it the diet that didnt work or your self-discipline that failed? Just about any diet will eliminate those unwanted pounds, when you learn to use your self-discipline.

Everyone has self-discipline to one degree or another. If you are not fit, you simply need to learn to use your self-discipline.

Prior to joining a health club in 1987, I was very undisciplined in every area of ​​my life. For example, in the middle of a freezing North Dakota winter, I received a utility company notice that my power would be shut off immediately since since I had not paid my bill.

Of course I had not paid my bill, I could not find it. Because I did not want to freeze, I quickly paid the bill. I realized being undisciplined and procrastinating was not a good lifestyle.

Because of my undeveloped self-discipline, I took 5 years to get my 4-year degree. I just did not bother to exert myself. Developing self-discipline requires energy. Energy comes from exercising. Once I began exercising in March 1987, my energy level steadily increased. I began to realize that I was in control of my life.

Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. Conversely, the less you use your self-discipline, the winner it gets.

The first step to developing self-discipline is simply understanding this: you CAN develop extreme self-discipline! Get the notification out of your head that you do not have self-discipline.

The second step to developing self-discipline is to set up your environment for success. Toss all your trigger foods. How do you expect to be successful at weight loss when you are constantly tempted by those tasty, crunchy foods in your pantry? It is much easier to say no once at the grocery store than have to say no hundreds of times daily to those same snacks.

Replace all fat-promoting foods with fit-promoting quality foods. In Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, , I provide extensive lists of fat-promoting versus fit-promoting foods which will teach you exactly how to eat for weight loss success.

Finally, join a health club. Gaining control of your discipline requires energy. Energy comes from regular physical activity, not channel or Internet surfing. Exercise eliminated my procrastination and lack of self-discipline.

After I began exercising in March 1987, everything in my life changed. I no longer had to take several naps every day. I began to get things done. I quickly completed my college degree. I wrote Step by Step Phonics, competed in natural bodybuilding competitions (and won), ran 5 K's, got in shape after two kids, started a business, wrote Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, and had the energy to accomplish every goal I set .

Do you realize, my friend, the amount of energy and talents that you have not tapped into because you have not utilized your self-discipline? What you can accomplish will amaze you once you simply use your self-discipline.

What are you waiting for? You have things to do. Accept that you can and will develop self-discipline. Second, eliminate all those fat-promoting foods. Read Lose the Lies Lose the Weight, if you need motivation. Finally, join a health club. Once you take these action steps, you will create the life and fitness results that you desire. Take control of your life today.


Source by Laurie L. Bell

What Is The Definition Of An EASY Diet When It Seems As If The Majority Are Difficult To Stick To?


Are you tired of going on diet programs claiming to be "easy" only to find out in the first week that it is STILL difficult for you to stick to the program? Is it your fault? Is it because you just do not have the willpower? Or, is it because most of these diets out here are only concerned about making their programs APPEAL to people instead of actually being simple, effective, and natural so that you'll stick with the program and get results? I think I would pick the latter!

My friend, if you want to know the true definition of an easy diet program so that you can find one and FINALLY get the body of your dreams, then I would like to help you today in this article I have written. This is because I was once in your shoes before, and once I found out the "truth", I have been on somewhat of a mission to help others finally breakthrough the nonsense and start getting RESULTS!

Alright, if you want to know the definition of an easy diet program, here are the 5 things that make a diet "easy" …

1. No severe restrictions – Not only will strictly restricting nutrients have an adverse effect on your body and metabolism, it is also extremely difficult trying to stick with a diet such as this. Eliminating carbs and fats, or decreasing calories WAY TOO MUCH … are all things that are considered "severe restrictions". I highly recommend you avoid dieting like this.

The side-effects of this type of program are digestive issues, a slow metabolism, yo-yo weight loss, very low energy, a weaker immune system, and believe it or not … even more.

2. No depriving – Depriving yourself of never eating those foods you were so used to in theory may sound like a good idea because those foods are bad for you. And yes, you absolutely should not eat those foods in the long run. But the key word here is "absolutely". In other words, this is something you should not do in the beginning of your diet. No matter how strong your willpower is, if you completely deprive yourself of foods you were used to in the beginning, it is a VERY high percentage chance that you'll end up giving up on your diet and returning back to your daily poor eating habits .

Restricting things too much is most certainly a surefire way to make dieting more of a nightmare than a natural lifestyle change.

3. It has to be based on eating regular store-bought foods – Getting your meals mailed to you or you being forced to shop in expensive health food stores is another thing that can make diet too difficult and expensive. If the program is based around eating normal (healthy and natural) foods that you can get from the store, then not only will you save a LOT of money, you will also find it easier to stick to the program.

4. It should not require you to become a statistician – What I mean by this is you should not have to count every single calorie, macronutrient, micronutrients, the percentage of this or that, etc., etc. Now yes, you most certainly want to keep track of what you are eating to avoid overeating and to also keep track of your progress. However, it should not get to the point where you have a thick book, special calculators, and all types of measuring tools. Otherwise, you will probably find yourself going crazy after awhile!

5. The bottom line – The diet has to produce fast, natural, and permanent results. And that's because seeing and feeling results = motivation to stay consistent with your program, and you will also find it easier to stick to a program if it is producing consistent and fast results!


Source by Avy Barnes