Diet plans that work fast – How are security and are they effective


There are so many diet plans on the market today that it can be a bit overwhelming to try to understand what plan is right for you. Many diet programs promise rapid weight loss. But, do these quick weight loss diets really work? How are they safe? These are just a few questions you should consider if you are thinking of trying one of these diet plans.

Does Fad or crash diets really work?

Diets that promise instant weight loss as the grapefruit diet, Scarsdale and Cabbage Soup Diet, can be very effective to drop pounds quickly. Many people use these types of plans to look their best for an important social event.

Although these diets can be effective in the short term, they are not very conducive to long-term or permanent weight loss. People who drop 10 or even 15 pounds on crash diets usually end up gaining back the weight they lost and adding extra pounds on top of that.

How Safe are the quick weight loss diet plans?

Regardless of what type of plan you choose, you should always consult a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program.

Because crash diets severely restrict the amount of calories you consume can have negative side effects. Often times people complain of headaches or dizziness when on a crash diet. Other side effects that people are generally report severe gas, bloating or diarrhea.

Another negative aspect of rapid weight loss diets is that they tend to slow down the metabolism of your body. Most crash diets allow you to eat only a few calories per day to force your body to slow your metabolism to a crawl. This is the main reason why most people end up gaining more weight than before.

What are the alternatives to fast weight loss diets?

If your goal is to lose weight and keep it off then you should consider a diet plan that will help you change your eating habits permanently not only for a short period of time. Making healthier food choices and eating foods that will help you boost your metabolism, rather than slow down, you will start to lose weight at a steady pace and have much more likely to keep the weight permanently.

Losing weight is not an easy proposition requires a mental strength that many people seem to miss. However, with the right plan and the right mind, you will find that once the weight comes off it remains for good!


Source by Alex F Hernandez

Low Carb Diet Plan for Women


Low carb diet for women can help you obtain a perfectly lean body you always dream of. But for the plan to work, there are several things you need to know. First, you must know what type of food you can eat, and then you must strictly follow the plan for a lifetime. Once you return to your regular eating habits, you will gain weight again.

The basic principle of the low carb diet for women is that you need to increase your protein and reduce your carbohydrate intake. When you increase your protein intake, you will gain muscle mass. This muscle, in fact, will burn calories during your rest time. As a result, you will lose your fat and gain muscle.

This is the secret that has been used by Asian women maintain their thin face since there are hundreds of years. The rule is simple, you should eat twice as much of natural protein as you do non-white carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, sweets) for every meal you eat. When you mix protein and smaller portion of natural carbohydrates that you can get from vegetable or fruit you burn fat more efficiently. The recommended natural proteins are fish, chicken, tofu, eggs and lean meat.

You need to prepare your meal plan for an entire month. The problem with low carb diet is people get bored easily when they eat the same food over and over. Therefore, you must prepare in advance your meal plan, just to make sure you do not get bored. If you are not sure where to start, you can get low carb diet plan for free on many health websites.

One more thing that can help you burn fat fast, you must combine your low carb diet with regular exercise. Not only will you burn your fat faster, but you will be perfectly shaped toned body with great resistance.


Source by Jasmine J

Direct Diet Plan – advantages and disadvantages


If you plan to lose weight, why would you consider or not to consider the Diet Direct diet rather like a good plan to spend? What are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?

What is a Direct Diet Plan

The direct diet plan is based on the philosophy of substitute meals other meals you replace, the more weight you lose. This plan specifically to fat reduction and ultimately weight loss. It uses own meals Wonder Slim supplements brand replacement and Company proteins that are not only delectable but also perfectly portioned

Its advantages :.

Easy to follow eating plan. What do you eat for your three meals and three snacks are already predetermined. You just choose what in the package.

You do not have to bother counting calories. The planned day of meals are composed of regular meals and snacks with the required number of calories a carefully balanced combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats. The overall calorie intake comes from 1000 – 1200 calories; 126g – 129g protein; 112g – 137g of carbohydrates in; and 15g – 28g of fat for women. For men, the figures are slightly higher: calories, 1500g – 1700g; protein, 148g – 165g; carbs, 177g – 202G; and fat, 21g -. 39g

preparation hassle meal. All meals are packed and you need little or no effort to prepare. You can follow the plan while traveling or working. Because what your meals and snacks for the day are already prepared, you can be on the diet, even when you are at work or even while traveling. Even if you care about kosher food, you can still suffer the plan.

proved effective. According to a randomized controlled trial published in the Journal Nutrition, 9:11, 2010 “assessed the meal replacement diet was an effective strategy for producing robust initial weight loss and achieve improvements in a number of health-related parameters such as body fat percentage and lean muscle mass, pressure and pulse blood, and satiety, to name a few.

Although the meals were evaluated Medifast 5 and 1 plan, it is assumed that own meals Diet Plan Diet Direct Wonderslim more. or less comparable to that of Medifast

However, these are disadvantages:

Presence of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. According to researchers, aspartame can trigger or worsen in you brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, mental retardation, lymphoma, and many others. It can also cause headaches and migraines, dizziness, seizures, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems and much more.

Also, your body produces insulin in the first sweet taste. But since aspartame has no carbohydrates, resulting in feelings of hunger and cravings for sweets you.

You are not learning about healthy eating, or you change bad eating habits because you are just replacing usual fast food with another type of fast food.

This is your choice

Embarking on a direct regime Wonder Slim Diet Plan or any other meal replacement diet plan, if proven effective, must be made with the advice of your doctor to avoid any possible side effects of the consumption of certain food components.


Source by Troy Maclean