A Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan is Not Just About Losing Weight


A healthy weight loss diet plan is one where you not only lose weight but also keep your body healthy in spite of you having to shed the extra flab. Much as you would hate it, the fact is that when your body loses weight, it could undergo some hormonal changes. In so happening, the body could have been negatively affected.

A good healthy diet plan is something that needs to be implemented regularly over a period of 4 months to a year. This amount of time is necessary to see the sustained results of the weight loss program. Not following a weight loss program for this time could have you face the worst scenario, putting back on all the weight you lost in no time at all!

Here are some key points you should note about a healthy weight loss diet plan

  • A good weight loss diet plan would ask you to cut down on your binge eating habits. Please note – Cut down, not get it down to zero! It is taken that more often than not you would go to the nearest donut shop if you have been doing so for the last 10 odd years. If you try to curb your craving, it could work for a day or two, but one fine day, you are bound to freak out and then the problem would assume uncontrollable proportions.
  • A good weight loss diet plan will ask you to reduce the consumption of carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks can not be broken down easily once inside the body and hence can cause some fat accumulation.

The most important thing to remember about with any weight loss diet plan is – the importance of exercising. People think that by controlling their eating habits, they could reduce their weight. And to be fair to them, they still might but exercising, which is an integral part of a healthy weight loss diet plan allows people to get the best results.


Source by Jodie R Smith

Top Weight Loss Diet of 2009 – The Best Fat Loss Diet of the New Year


Are you currently seeking out the top weight loss diet of 2009 so far? If so then I’m sure that the diet I plan to explain to you will be by far the best fat loss diet of the new year for you to experience. This diet I’m speaking of involves actually eating pretty much what you would normally eat and actually encourages eating to help make it work, although in a very specific way. The best weight loss diet of 2009 without a doubt is the calorie shifting diet.

So what can I expect from the calorie shifting diet?

The main objective of the calorie shifting diet is to have you eat, but specific food groups at certain times of the day so your body can maximize its ability to burn them off at that time. For example you might eat fat at lunch on Wednesday but on Thursday you only eat fat at breakfast and have carbs at lunch etc. It basically confuses your body so it can never adapt to your eating pattern and as a result your metabolism doesn’t know when to slow down so it continues to go ahead at full pace. The overall goal is to essentially prevent your body from ever resting its metabolism, so you effectively gain a metabolic rate equivalent to your maximum daily level at all times.

What about when I come off of the diet?

The best part about this diet is that it has proven to be the top weight loss diet of 2009 for good reason it can actually keep the weight off for good. You see when you confuse your metabolism in the way that calorie shifting does you effectively force your body to keep its metabolism going at full tilt, even when you finish. This effect even carries over when you go back to your old eating habits. However its recommended that you return to the diet again for a brief period of time to maintain your elevated metabolism, thankfully this is easily done since the diet is so easy to follow and doesn’t limit you in the way other diets do.


Source by Rachel Archer

Reasonable Weight Loss – How to Select Your Best Diet


The diet maze is getting bigger by the day, so what can a person do to find a reasonable diet that will give them lifetime weight management. You need a diet that will change your eating habits along with losing the weight you already have.

To select your best diet will take some research on your part. My advice would be to stay with a natural food menu and stay away from the diet pills. Real food in the proper amounts will improve your health and well being.

Learn to eat properly to start with. Never skip breakfast. Your body has gone without food during the whole night and now you expect it to go to lunch time with no ill effects. You body is going into the starvation mode and saving what fat it has to stay alive.

Eat a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat at every meal. They all work together, so do not think that you can do without one or the other. A diet that is not balanced will eventually cause you some harm.

A well balanced diet with 3 meals and 3 snacks will help you lose weight and give you the vitamins and minerals your body needs to maintain good health. It will also help you to avoid binge eating, which causes so many people to lose control of their diet and just give up on the whole idea.

A good nutritionist is the best way to find a diet to match your particular needs. People are all different sizes and shapes with different health problems, so your diet should be planned for you and your circumstances. A reasonable diet would be an eating plan for life and not something that just lasts for a few weeks.


Source by John Demusz