Life and Easy Diet Program


The problem with most diet plans is many people don’t have a time or energy to follow the plan. Even though many of those diet programs can actually work, but they are still useless unless you can follow the program strictly. However, the good news, there is easy diet program that anyone can follow. Even though you won’t get drastic result, you can expect to lose between 1 to 2 pounds every two weeks or so.

You should not consume sugar or salt at all

Sugar and salt can literally destroy your diet. When you consume sugar, your body will turn the sugar into glucose, the glucose then turns into body fat. As for salt, when you consume salt, it will prevent your body from releasing water. If your body hold water while you are on diet, it will be harder to shape your body.

Eat high protein foods

Consuming foods rich in protein can help gain muscle mass, the more muscle mass that you gain more fat that you will burn. From now on, you should always remember to eat foods that high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Eat 6 meals per day

The more frequent you eat, the faster your metabolism when your metabolism active your body will burn faster. As a result, you will lose weight faster. Remember to eat meals that rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. It will be useless if you eat meals that high in carbohydrates even if your metabolism active, you won’t lose weight at all.

Drink a lot of water

Water is one of the most important elements of any diet plan. Drink a lot of water will help to flush your system and shed some weight faster. Water will also help your body metabolize stored fat effectively.


Source by Jasmine J

Lose Weight Quickly With 3 Simple Effective Techniques


Are you one of the many individuals who continue to fight the battle of the bulge? Well then you are probably like many of us who search the internet to find solutions on how to lose weight quickly but are bombarded with so much conflicting information.

There are so many weight loss programs out there that promise to help you lose weight quickly. Whilst some of them do get results, there are those that are basically just fad diets and these types of diets will only sabotage your goals for permanent long-term weight loss.

Below are some simple but effective tips that can not only help you lose weight quickly but also keep the weight off permanently without affecting your health.

1. Lifting Weights

Often overlooked, lifting weights is an extremely powerful yet straight-forward technique which will burn fat quickly and help you achieve rapid weight loss. Of course it requires you to do some work, but if you want to lose weight successfully it is absolutely necessary that you work your muscles.

Weight bearing exercise builds lean muscle on your body giving it strength, flexibility and an attractive appearance. Even better, your muscles will continue to burn fat for hours after you have finished your weights program. Unfortunately many people who try to lose weight through exercise place too much focus on cardiovascular exercise. Whilst cardio work does play a significant role in weight loss it only contributes to part of the results. By incorporating weights into your weight loss program you will enjoy the benefits of your body working for you.

Packing on lean muscle and burning fat are not the only benefits of lifting weights. Packing on muscle will give you plenty of energy and increase your overall strength which will make difficult tasks you encounter much easier. In addition you will have more self confidence and a new improved body image. So before you spend all you exercise time on the treadmill or elliptical machine, start lifting weights and burn fat quickly as a result.

Park your car

Today as a society we have become so dependent on our motor vehicles. We do not think twice about using our car to travel somewhere even if it is only around the corner. When we use our car unnecessarily we are missing a perfect opportunity to help achieve rapid weight loss. If you swap your car for the bike or just walk to your destination you can literally burn hundreds of extra calories every day. Sure, it may take a little longer to get there, but the benefits gained far outweigh the extra time. Now remember to gradually adjust your body to this extra exercise slowly over time. Start with shorter trips and keep your speed at an easy pace. That way you will not place too much stress on your body too soon. After the journey you should feel energized and slightly tired not completely worn out. As you begin to change your daily routine to include more exercise you will find that your rapid weight loss goals are much easier and achievable.

3. Drink plenty of water

This would have to be the most simple and effective rapid weight loss technique available, yet few people take advantage of it. The number one enemy for most dieters is high calorie, high fat food. So obviously limiting your intake of those unhealthy foods will have a positive result if you wish to lose weight quickly. Many dieters though only focus on the calorie count of the foods they eat and overlook the number of calories they consume in beverages. Juice, milk, pop and alcohol all contain high amounts of concentrated sugar and typically are extremely high in calories. The best zero calorie beverage which is refreshing and the ultimate in quenching your thirst is water. By substituting water for most of your normal daily fluid intake you will be reducing hundreds of calories. This one change to your diet alone will impact immensely on your health and help you lose weight quickly. Water, perfectly designed by nature, will make you feel healthy, energetic and as a bonus, flatten your tummy. What is more, your heart and your teeth will be grateful to you for reducing your daily sugar intake.

So you see that 3 simple but very effective weight loss tips have the ability to help you lose weight very quickly. Use these healthy suggestions in combination with your diet regimen and you will no doubt achieve your fat loss goals quickly and easily.


Source by Samantha Goodman

Lose Weight Quick With Healthy Eating


How to Eat Yourself Thin

How to Lose-Weight-Quick Diet: Do's & Do Not's


1. Eat 5-6 small meals a day

By eating several small meals, it will help keep your metabolism up which means your burn more calories. If you want to lose weight quick you need to keep your metabolism revving and working for you.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients and natural sugars. Eating more fibrous fruits, such as apples and pears, will fill you up more.

3. Drink water throughout the day Your body needs water to function. Drink water with each meal and it will help fill you up too. Doing so can help prevent you from overeating because you will feel full.

4. Eat lean meats Lean meats have less fat. Simply put, the less fat you eat, the less fat you gain. Ask for lean cuts where you buy your meats or just check the package. Hamburgers can be healthy if you buy the 85% fat free ones rather than the cheaper 75% ones.

5. Eat your carbohydrates earlier in the day Carbohydrates provide the energy your body needs to exercise and get through your day. By eating them earlier, you get the energy your body needs and can be burning it through the day when your metabolism is higher than at night when you are settling in from the day then going to bed.

6. Dinner should consist of protein and vegetables Limiting dinner to a meat and vegetables goes along with the above statement. Carbohydrates basically provide instant energy and if you do not need them, they get stored, which means you gain weight, rather than burn it off. This combo is the perfect dinner to help you lose weight quick.

7. Eat foods high in fiber Foods high in fiber will make you feel full. You do not have to eat as much as you would if you were eating sugary carbohydrates such as cookies to start feeling full. You will also be taking in fewer calories.


1. Avoid the 100 calorie snack packs Most are not very filling or healthy which means you will want another or something something more to eat shortly after eating the so called 'snack pack'.

2. Do not starve yourself Believe it or not, doing so will do more harm than good in the long run. By starving yourself, you are training your body to store whatever fat you take in, so you do not lose weight. You are also training your body to slow your metabolism down which means you will burn off calories at a much slower rate.

3. Limit your junk food This is a common sense of course but it is important to be aware of what you are eating. One cookie could have 100's of calories in it.

4. Avoid juices and sodas Check the label on what you drink. You may be surprised to find many drinks which appear to be healthy actually have a lot of sugar and calories in them.

5. Cheat early in the day if you are absolutely craving something By giving in to your craving earlier in the day, you give yourself the rest of the day to burn off those calories rather than having them go right into storage as you are going to bed for the evening. Sometimes you just need to give into a craving so you satisfy it and can focus on your goal to lose weight quick without the distraction.

TIP / TRICK: Try to cheat in moderation – have a scoop of ice cream, not the whole container.

6. Limit alcohol consumption Alcohol is empty calories. Typically when you drink alcohol, you also tend to snack and before you know it you have taken in 100's if not 1000's of calories. If you do alcohol, try to chose a light beer or a clear liquor mixed with tonic water.

TIP / TRICK: Alternate an alcoholic drink with a bottle of water to still allow you to drink, but maybe not as much. It is possible to lose weight quick if you can follow some reasonable healthy eating habits. These are just a few tricks to get you moving in the right direction and before you know it you will have that lean body that you have always desired.



Source by Rachel Riley