How To Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Dieting the Right Way With The Fat Loss Factor


The Fat Loss Factor begins by measuring your weight, and body fat percentage. You need to know what your starting point is so that as you lose weight you can look back and see where you have come from. You will take photographs of yourself at the very beginning so you can monitor your progress through the program. You're advised to look your clothing at the beginning too, because you'll probably find it to fit more loosely as you apply the principles of the program. Waist measurements are very important for female users of the program: women should ideally be around thirty two inches while a thirty five inch waist is ideal for men.

HOW TO – Lose Weight using The Fat Loss Factor
The program does not promise miracles overnight, but it does promise results if you follow the step by step program as outlined. If you follow the steps what it will give you regardless of your past history is: a lean, healthy body that you will be proud of. Your goals are reached through the consistent adoption of the proven principles of fitness and health. Eating healthy foods that promote fat loss, metabolism, and energy is as important as following the exercise regimen prescribed in the book. The exercise regime is not hard, anyone can do it regardless of your fitness state at the start. You simply need to commit to doing it as the program outlines for you.

Eating healthy is really the best and only way to sustain your weight loss for years to come. Most people fail because they ride the dieting rollercoaster where they starve themselves for short dieting periods and while they do lose weight as soon as they go off the diet the weight returns. More importantly – it feels like it returns almost overnight. If you continue to do this you will simply be on the everlasting rollercoaster of weight gain Vs weight loss. Stop this now, it is not good for you, it is not healthy and it certainly is not going to get you to where you want to be. Feeling good and looking fantastic.

The Fat Loss Factors success is based in scientific research that focuses on cleansing your liver and then kick starting it again by only giving it natural foods, you are also introduced to some basic fat loss principles for exercise. Just 15 minutes of achievable exercise three times a week is enough to get results but the more you do the faster your results will be realized. Building muscle is essential to burning fat, you will not need any diet pills or other supplements to get the body you want. The program will explain how muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, giving you the ability to burn fat even when you're not working out. By working in sets and supersets, The Fat Loss Factor guides you through basic exercises that will build the muscle you need without bulking up.

Citing scientific research from around the world, The Fat Loss Factor urges exercising in shorter bursts and alternating those bursts between high intensity and low intensity. Your body will burn more fat and your workout will be much easier on you and much shorter!

You Will Learn:

• The 4 Words That Will MAKE You Lose Weight Now And Stay Slim Forever!
• How To Maintain The Highest Motivation Levels To Ensure You Lose That Weight
• The "Secret" Most Fat People Will Never Know About Losing Weight
• The 5 'Under The Radar' Methods You Can Begin Using Today To Triple Your Fat Loss Results!
• One Simple Trick To DOUBLE The Effectiveness Of Any Diet.

The Fat Loss Factor is Easy to Stick to
You will find The Fat Loss Factor easy to stick to, informative, and an inspiring read that will motivate you to continue with your weight loss and fitness journey. One of the most exciting aspects of this logical and proven weight loss program is that you get the online support needed to keep you on track. I used to be a whopping 103.5kgs. I tried all the diets but it was not until I actually understood that it is what you eat that makes you fat that I began to see a change in me. I lost 47kgs over a two year period. Yes to lose that much weight takes time if you are going to do it right. What is even more important is that the weight has stayed off. I really do not have to worry about my weight anymore and I want to eat the foods that are good for me and no longer crave bad foods.


Source by Gail Worthington-Eyre

Acupuncture As A Viable Weight Loss Option


Dieting only to have the weight come back, bringing along a few more pounds to keep it company, can be quite stressful. For many people dieting has become too stressful. This may be why there are so many people who are using acupuncture to handle their long term weight issues. Acupuncture involving standard practices, including hair thin needles being inserted into the body in selected areas, is used to help enhance proper functioning of the body.

A release of endorphins by the body is stimulated by this treatment method. These endorphins are used by the body to treat pain and for appetite control, thereby giving the patient increased willpower. For those who are obese, the cause of obesity may have to be evaluated through a question administrated by the acupuncturist. Both behavioral patterns and psychological reasons can be the cause of weight problems.

Whatever the reasons behind the weight problem, this treatment consists of the insertion of needles into specific areas of the body to improve body function and trigger weight loss. Attempting to trigger weight loss is done through the stimulation of the pituitary gland.

This can be an ideal way to shed pounds for those people who have struggled with other weight loss methods. While pills can have side effects and dieting without chemical control requires willpower, acupuncture can stimulate the body to create its own stimulants and the will power needed to succeed.

Reduction in cravings for certain foods is another way that acupuncture can assist in weight loss. Having a smaller appetite along with the loss of certain cravings can go a long way in weight control. Another way overweight patients can be helped by this method is by manipulating and lowering the insulin and lipid levels within the blood with the correct placement of needles.

Those this method for weight loss have the pleasure of not dealing with some of the side effects that come with many of the other weight loss methods that are popular (such as weight loss medications). Acupuncture is non-addictive and is a completely natural way of losing weight. Regular treatments can maximize the results and obtain permanent weight loss.

Diet and exercise are still an important part of the new lifestyle that is to be adopted by those who choose to lose weight through acupuncture. These are used to maximize the efforts and to keep the body in a healthy state. Eating a balanced diet and limiting the number of between meal snacks that are ingested along with drinking plenty water helps the body to keep weight under control.

People who have struggled with weight loss and have not been able to lose the weight they hoped by using diet and exercise methods are often pleased with the boost that they get by using acupuncture for weight loss help. This is one method that can be used without worrying about side effects.


Source by Christopher W Smith

Dieting For Optimal Health


The Importance of Dieting for Your Health

Too many people go on diets for the wrong reason of wanting to be supermodel-thin. It’s true that the problem of obesity has become worse in the past decade but weight loss should be perceived from a more wholesome point of view. The purpose of dieting should solely be to maintain a reasonable body weight proportionate to height, and not to reduce ourselves to practically malnourished skeletons walking around and lacking the necessary supply of vitamins and minerals to keep our body strong and healthy.

Reasons Behind Becoming Overweight

There are several possible reasons why a person becomes overweight. Usually, the problem stems from a deep-seated emotional or psychological issue that needs to be addressed before one gets on the treadmill. Often, the root of the problem is not related to food at all, in which case overeating is simply a person’s way to cope with the emotions and experiences he is dealing with. If this is your case, no amount of dieting will work if you don’t figure out the underlying factors causing this situation. Instead, the problem will just come back again and again.

Approaches to Dieting

People approach dieting for health in many different ways. There are those who like to use diet pills as a quick fix to their problems and there are those who enroll in fitness programs. However, the best way to go about losing weight is to incorporate tiny little changes into your daily routine that will enable you to shed a few pounds little by little.

For instance, you can walk up the stairs to your apartment rather than take the elevator. You can even take up a new hobby that you absolutely enjoy, and that requires some form of physical exertion like dancing. These small lifestyle changes may take a longer time to work, but they are usually more effective than any other diet program in the long run.

One of the best things about participating in physically stimulating activities, besides giving you a lot of fun and enjoyment, is that it keeps you distracted and limits the temptation of grabbing for food, which is what usually happens when people are bored and have nothing much to do. Also, the physical exertion will accelerate your metabolism and help your body burn the extra weight off much faster.

Of course, if you don’t care for dancing too much, you can find other ways to incorporate movement into your daily life. You can try getting a group of neighbors together for a morning walk around the park. Or perhaps spend more time teaching your kids some sports over the weekend. A lot of people also swear that a more active sex life does wonders for their figure, while improving your relationship with your spouse as well.

Why Many Dieters Fail

Many methods of dieting are actually very effective in bringing you down to your desired body weight. However, people usually don’t succeed because they don’t have the will to keep going. Some people want instantaneous results and if they don’t get it, they simply give up. This is why it is very crucial to have the right mindset before starting any diet program. You have to remember that you have to work for the results and that your weight will not go away overnight. Keep focused on your goal and you will be able to achieve the results you want soon enough.

Another issue that many dieters deal with is the weighing scale. For some people, looking at the scale every single day is helpful because it encourages them to continuously take small steps towards their objective. For others though, this can be more detrimental especially if they don’t feel they are losing weight as much as they expected to.

When dieting for health reasons, one of the most important things to remember is that it takes time. You can’t expect a healthy diet program to work overnight. It will involve several factors like a balanced diet, adequate exercise and the right attitude. If you are able to balance these elements, you will have a successful experience in dieting.


Source by Robert Kaye