Diabetic Diet – What Is the Best Diabetic Diet Plan?


The popularity and acceptance of Diabetic diet is primarily because of the alarming rate at which this disease is spreading due to various reasons.

Diabetes is often called a silent killer. It is definitely sweet disease which is spreading very fast. Contrary to common belief, it has nothing to do with age. Until a few decades ago this sweet disease was considered to be affecting only people above the age of 40. The statistics of diabetes affected people suggest something quite different.

Due to sedentary lifestyle and junk food culture, young generation is no longer immune to this disease. An estimated 30 million people were affected by diabetes in 1985. The number grew to whopping 171 million by 2000. As per an estimate of WHO the number is going to touch 366 million by year 2030.

Diabetic Diet – The best and easiest way to fight this silent killer

The basic purpose of any diabetic diet is to maintain ideal body weight by providing enough nutrition along with the normal blood sugar level in the blood. It is usually based on the age, sex, physical activities and the nature of diabetes the patient is suffering from.

As carbohydrate is the main component of food that which is responsible for release of glucose or sugar in the blood, any Diabetic diet controls the intake of carbohydrates. While carbohydrates can not and should not be eliminated completely from the food, the purpose of this type of diet is to restrict its consumption to the minimum required level. No diet plan is completely suitable for everyone because of their different nutrition requirements and overall health conditions.

What does the best diabetic diet consist of?

As mentioned above there is no diet that will be suitable for everyone. However there are certain guidelines that must be adhered to if you want to live without worrying about your diabetes.

• Go for 4-5 small meals a day instead of 3 heavy meals
• Make it a point to eat fresh fruits and vegetables as part of your meal every day.
• At least 1.4 oz of fiber must be consumed daily.
• Fast and junk food should be replaced whole grain food.
• Bakery products and extra sugary products should be avoided as much as possible.
• Make sure that you do not eat carbohydrates 2 hours before bed time.

Alternately you can go for some specially formulated diabetic diets that take care of your nutritional needs. You need not worry about the quantity of carbohydrates that you consume or calorie counting.


Source by Felix Godwin

Diabetic diet plan


If you have diabetes, diet plays a vital role in curing the disease. Showing contempt in this aspect can lead to serious problems. A healthy diet, regular exercise and stress free lifestyle can easily cure the disease. Following a diet plans helps a lot and you first arrive at your diet plan. This plan is usually based on your age, height, weight, sex and more. The main objective of this plan is to provide only the necessary calories your body eliminating unwanted and excess calories. This way, you’re more likely to also keep your blood sugar in the blood under control.

The concept of this diet is quite simple. To be free diabetic you have to control your sugar levels in the blood. As everyone knows, all the food we eat is turned into sugar eventually. Sweet food items like candy sugar is converted instantly while other foods such as rice, bread that are rich in carbohydrates may take some two hours. Proteins are next on the queue and they take about 4 hours to break down sugar and fats come last. So if you want to reduce the sugar level in the blood, you should plan a diet that is not good enough high in refined carbohydrates. At the same time too much fat is not good for health as it leads to other complexities.

So you must go for a balanced diet diabetic by including more fruits and vegetables. You should avoid trying to eat rice and wheat because it contains less sugar. If you like eating bread, you can go for brown bread than normal. You should also avoid soft drinks as these contain added sugars. Drinking more water is also a must and water should be the key ingredient in your diet.


Source by Chris Angel

Diabetic diet plans help combat diabetes


If you live with diabetes, one of the best ways to fight against this disease is with a diabetic diet plan. This diabetic meal plan is based of the recommended foods found on the diabetic food pyramid. By following the suggested meal plan, you will receive the proper amounts of recommended nutrients which will ultimately help you fight the disease.

Today there is a wide range of diabetic diet plans. Many doctors and researchers have studied and created countless plans for diabetics. They try to aim for foods that will be tasteful, while providing the right amount of nutrients. We all know a diet is not fun when the food does not taste great!

Recent studies have shown an increase in diabetes over the past 10-20 years. With the large increase, it has created a huge demand for diabetic diet plans to help diabetics battle the disesase. Since diabetes affects all types of people and different lifestlyes, many types of diabetic diet plans have been created to meet these diverse types of people.

Despite the many variables lifestlyes diabetes, all have a common goal. This goal is to fight this disease with the help of a diabetic diet plan. With the proper amount of nutrients, individuals can make progress against diabetes.


Source by Chris Milller