Low Calorie Diet Meal Plans


Low calorie diet meal plans are the best possible way to loose weight fast as retain it for a long time. Often people are scared to get into the diet plans because they feel that the diet plans are meant to trap them in a regular based starvation routine which is really tough to stand. But this is a conventional concept which is absolutely wrong.

Those days are gone when you had to take the suggestions of the friends and family members to plan a diet for yourself. Now-a-days there are many professional nutritionists who excel in creating customized low calorie diet meal plans for their clients according to the requirements of nutrition and calorie of that individual.

It is not the same for and not all the plans can work for your body. There are thousands of low calorie diet meal plans available over the internet from which you can select the one which suits your lifestyle and food habit. For an example if you are a vegetarian then a non vegetarian low calorie diet meal plans is not the correct choice for you. But the options are wide and you should not face much problem finding the correct one.

Here is one of the general low calorie diet meal plans that might work for everyone. You can work out some required changes keeping in mind the calorie content of the food that you are including in the plan. And remember that skipping meals is not a good solution as this will give rise to many other complications in your body. You should go for smaller meals which should be taken about 5 times a day. The low calorie diet meal plans will tell you what to have in breakfast and also explain the calorie consumed.

You can start your day with some bran muffins or brown bread or a bowl of oats. This should be accompanied by one fruit except banana and have a glass of juice without sugar or a cup of black tea or coffee. The total calorie count should be maximum 290. In the mid-morning if you feel hungry go for some low fat crackers- maximum 6. The calorie count would be 110 here.

The lunch can be a heavier one. Now it is up to you if you would like to have a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian lunch. You can have a veg sandwich with cucumber, tomatoes, onions and thin layer of low fat butter on the whole grain bread. The other option is chicken sandwich with boiled chicken and less spices.

Have a bowl of salad to fill you and avoid French fries and cold drinks-not even the diet one. You can have microwave popcorns with low fat peanut butter. A cup of black coffee is okay. The calorie count should limit within 350 calories.

The afternoon snacks should be light with popcorns, bran muffins and yogurt without sugar and calorie count is 120. For dinner you can have limited quantity of beef stakes, salad or soup and coffee. Here the calorie should limit within 350 calories again.

These generalized low calorie diet meal plans often show good results in few days.


Source by Eva Young

What Diet Plan Can Best Work For Me?


Diet has a significant role to play in contributing to fat loss. Eating the wrong type of food can add more pounds to your weight. In contrast, eating the right kind of food will burn your fat gradually. So then, what food is best for YOU?


Protein foods: These include white meat (e.g. chicken meat, turkey meat, snails), any fish, beans, plain yoghurt.


DO NOT eat red meat such as beef, pork, goat e.t.c because red meat contains much cholesterol and fat.

Starchy Carbohydrates: This is commonly called Carb Foods. They include yams, potatoes, oatmeal, white rice, corn, wheat, high-fibres e.t.c

Drinking too much water at least 8-ounce glasses of water a day helps.

Foods rich in vitamins such as fruits (e.g mango, tomatoes, orange, watermelon, cucumber e.t.c) and vegetables like waterleaf, lettuce, okra e.t.c

Eating fibre-rich foods such as spinach, apples, broccoli, carrots, cassava meal e.t.c


Certain diet can greatly increase your fat and sadly, though, some of our favourite foods may be included. So if yours is mentioned, be determined to quit eating it because it is poisonous to your health as far as fat is concerned. NO HARD FEELINGS.

Sugar-sweetened beverages like diet sodas. It has been observed that people who drank two or more diet sodas a day grow fatter compared to those who did not.


Cheese contains large amount of fat and thus it’s hard to absorb.

Egg Yolk

The yolk of an egg contains cholesterol more than you can think of, so avoid it. It is preferable to eat egg white (albumin) than to eat the yolk because albumin contains high protein with less cholesterol.

Excessive Use of Alcohol

Alcohol slows down the fat-burning process blocking blood vessels. It also causes a drop in testosterone in men, a hormone which helps to burn fat.

Processed Foods including processed meat are loaded with calories.

Study reveals that meals made from the microwave and frozen meals are high in sodium and calorie-rich fat. In addition to this, stay away from fatty foods and that includes red meat.

Fried Foods.

Eating fried chickens, fried plantain and others really taste good and delicious but is poisonous like worm wood as far as fat is concerned. Why is that so? Because fried foods are oily or greasy and contain high sodium and fat. So if you want to burn your fat, please highly reduce the intake of fried diets. Must you fry every meal?

Hence, be careful as to what you eat because we are the resultant effect of what we eat.


Source by Michael S Huls

Gastroparesis Diet Tips – How to Add More Vegetables Into Your Diet


If you have been diagnosed with gastroparesis or functional dyspepsia you know how painful it can be to eat vegetables. Here are two gastroparesis diet tips to help you to safely add more vegetables (and more nutrition) into your gastroparesis diet.

Tip #1 Make Your Own Vegetable Purees

If you have been diagnosed with gastroparesis you might have been advised to eat small amounts of baby food for easily tolerated and digestible nutrition. However, making your own baby food tastes better, and it’s more varied and more nutritious. You can start by investing in a powerful blender, such as the Vitamix blender, to make your own vegetables purees. You also want to invest in a fine mesh strainer and a rubber spatula to strain the purees. It is important to invest in a powerful blender because a powerful blender will make your vegetable purees silky smooth and easier to digest.

Make sure to peel vegetables with fibrous peels such as sweet potatoes. Then just boil or steam (more of the nutrients are preserved with steaming) the vegetables until tender. Let them cool and then blend them in a powerful blender, such as a Vitamix, until creamy and smooth with some of the cooking water to reach the desired consistency. Add more or less of the cooking water according to what you think will be easiest for you to digest. Then pour the puree through a fine mesh strainer using a rubber spatula to speed up the straining process.

You can add a little bit of lemon juice (if it doesn’t upset your stomach) and sea salt to add some flavor. Put your vegetable purees in glass containers with lids and they should last in the refrigerator for about 3-5 days. If you want to freeze your vegetable purees you can pour the purees into an ice cube tray which you can thaw in the future to make individual servings.

You can use 1 type of vegetable such as well cooked and peeled summer squash, peeled broccoli, peeled carrots, peeled asparagus, de-stemmed mushrooms, peeled sweet potatoes, or a combination of vegetables. Use your discernment to choose which vegetables will be the easiest for you to digest.

Tip 2# Juice Your Vegetables

Investing in a good juicer can help you to get the benefits of consuming raw fruits and vegetables without upsetting your gastroparesis symptoms.

You will still want to invest in a fine mesh strainer to strain your juice to strain out any of the remaining fiber.

Some vegetables that are good to juice are cucumber, celery, carrots, and beets. Wash and peel the vegetables and run them through a juicer. I recommend the Omega 4000 juicer for this purpose. Remember to drink your juice slowly and in small quantities to make sure you are able to tolerate it well.

I hope that these two tips will help you to add more vegetables into your gastroparesis diet and if you are interested in the kitchen appliances I mentioned in the article please check out the resources below:


Source by Cecilia Benjumea