Create a Diet Plan You Love


Late night TV, magazines, book shelves and everywhere else you turn today, people are claiming to have found the ideal solution to your weight loss troubles. One group tells you to cut out all of the fat, good or bad, in their mind, it will all make you balloon out. Other people have this horrible fear of any carbohydrate, knowing this is going to quickly raise your blood sugar level and turn into fat. It seems there are very few people who come out honestly and say what we all know is true, not every diet works for every person.

Here is the secret they all claim to have patented: the best way to lose weight fast for you is a diet you’re going to stick with for the rest of your life. It honestly doesn’t matter if you’re cutting carbs, cutting fat or adding up daily points. The diet you love and enjoy is the diet that’s going to work for you. If you’re cringing at what your diet plan has on the menu for lunch tomorrow, odds are you’re going to quickly ditch it as soon as you hit your target weight, assuming you make it that far.

A truly fast weight loss diet will not only make sure you’re menu plan has less calories in it than you’re burning, it will also suggest you include some sort of exercise in your daily schedule. Raising your heart rate for a short period of time will have a lasting effect on your metabolism, sometimes cranking it up for many hours.

When you stop to think about it, there is no reason you have to follow somebody’s published diet plan in order to be successful. Why don’t you customize your own diet plan and make something that’s going to work for you. That doesn’t mean you eat fat and carbs all day long and call it your own special diet. That’s not going to help you get in any better shape. In fact, this is what people do everyday in America and they’re only getting bigger. What works best for you and helps you lose weight is a diet plan that includes the foods you like, but also watches your calories to make sure you’re getting less than you’re burning, and balances the ratios of fat, protein and carbohydrates.

The first step to your customized and personalized diet plan is to figure out what you’re eating everyday as of right now. To do this, start taking notes on everything you eat. Write down every cookie and chip that touches your lips and take the time to figure out the ratios of the vital nutrients. If you find out your fat intake is greater than 30 percent of your daily calories, you’re probably going to want to cut that back. If you’re carbs are over 30 percent, bring those back a bit. Look at the high carb foods you ate last week and ask yourself what you’re going to reduce this week.

Make your diet fun and make it something you enjoy and look forward to each day. Take it week by week and don’t rush into this. If you’re looking at things with the right mindset, this is a lifelong process, not a short sprint to lose a few pounds. If it takes you 6 months to get your diet worked out and just the way you like it, so be it. At least you’ll have something you can continue for the rest of your wonderful, healthy and fit days.


Source by Victoria Jamison

How to Create a Healthy Diet Plan for Your Pet Bird


Even though they have become quite common, birds are still considered to be exotic pets. This is the reason why many owners are not sure about the right way in which to feed them. Perhaps the largest mistake is to offer only seeds as they do not offer the full spectrum of nutrients required by these lovely creatures. Find out how to feed your pet bird properly so that it is healthy and happy.

Food Diversity

Just like you, your pet requires a diverse and balanced diet. You can feed it some seeds, but they should form only a portion of its diet. The bird pallets are an excellent choice of food to give to your pet on a daily basis. They contain all the nutrients which birds require to be healthy. Just make sure that you pick a natural product which does not contain artificial additives, preservatives or colorings.

Your pet will certainly love to eat vegetables and fruits. They are excellent sources of carbs, fiber and vitamins and minerals. The vegetables and fruits which birds love the most include carrots, turnips, radishes, broccoli, corn, apples, bananas, berries, pineapple, cherries and mango. It is best if you feed your pet with fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits to achieve maximum diversity.

Other foods which you can include in the diet to make it divers are raw almonds, kidney beans and lentils. These are great sources of healthy protein and healthy fat. Sprouted seeds, grains, nuts and legumes are great delicacies for birds in addition to being packed with nutrients. You can potentially sprout dormant seeds and legumes at home by wrapping them a moist cotton ball and leaving them in a jar.


Pet birds do not have set meal times, but it is best if you provide fresh food in the morning and in the evening. One important thing to know is that in nature these animals actually work for their food. They spend about a third of the day foraging. That is why you will do a great favor to your pet if you place a foraging feeder in the cage. That way, you will give it both physical and mental stimulation.


You should never leave food in the cage for more than a day as it may get heavily contaminated with droppings or get spoiled. It is never wise to pour large amounts of feed and then forget about feeding your pet for weeks. You should also wash all feeders and dishes with warm water and detergent every day or every other day.

You now know how to feed your pet bird in the best possible way.


Source by Munira A

Create a Good Diet to Help You to Lose Weight Fast


Want to lose weight fast? Creating a good diet program which includes proper nutrition can be a real challenge. It's essential that you eat well while you lose weight, otherwise as soon as you stop dieting you will put weight on again. The following four tips will help.

1. Low Calorie, Low Carb or Fasting?

Which diet will you choose?

Low-calorie diets are sensible and popular. However on a low-calorie diet you will get hungry. This is inevitable. If feeling hungry is a challenge for you, choose another kind of diet.

Low-carb diets which include lots of protein stop you from feeling hungry because protein is very satisfying. However it does mean that you may get cravings for carbohydrates. Once you overcome these cravings a low-carb diet can help you to lose weight fast.

Recently intermittent fasting has become popular as a weight loss method. In intermittent fast you do not diet at all – you simply stop eating for one day a week. While this sounds as though it would be very challenging, as long as you choose a day on which you're very busy, you will find that it's an effective and simple weight loss method.

2. Good Nutrition Is Important: Take a Vitamin Supplement

When you're on a restricted diet, such as a low-calorie diet or a low-carb diet, it's vital that you take a vitamin supplement to ensure that you're getting as much nutrition as possible.

If you choose intermittent fasting, you do not need to take the same care. On the days on which you're not fast, you'll be eating as well as you normally do. However you may want to ensure that you eliminate junk food as much as possible. Going on a diet is a great way to improve your overall health.

3. Get Plenty of Sleep

Did you know that missing out on sleep can make you fat? Your body needs hours of rest to repair itself, and when you do not get enough rest it kicks your hormones out of kilter and makes you hungrier than you would normally be. This means that you put on weight.

Therefore when you're on a weight loss diet it's essential that you get your full eight hours of sleep a night.

4. See Your Doctor Before You Start Your Diet

Please do not neglect to do this. There are many reasons you could be putting on weight. You may have a medical problem which is causing you to pile on the pounds. Seeing your doctor and getting a checkup ensures that you're in good health and that you'll lose weight fast.


Source by Julia Denham