Learning On How To Lose Body Fat


I'm sure by now you are one of the masses that are seeking to find the perfect or near perfect diet plan to quickly lose weight now that summer is slowly winding down. Well, you may find a diet plan that can help you to lose some weight, but this is a short-term answer to your problem. True, there are plans available that can assist you to lose the fat, some will require you to purchase food on a monthly basis and for most, this is not financially feasible. Others will require you to follow a near starvation method in order for you to lose weight and this is simply not the answer and can be very dangerous to your health.

To truly understand on how to lose body fat, you must learn the science on how your metabolism works and what foods you can eat and cannot eat. Most foods are often loaded with sugar and sodium and we all know what these can do to your weight loss plan. Most plans will fail at the beginning as these will not include simple and wholesome foods that your body requires in order for the fat burning process to begin. Your body does need healthy omega 3 fatty acids and these are considered healthy fats in order for your body to function. Protein is another important factor that your body needs and so are carbohydrates, but these are to be consumed in moderation. Fiber and other important nutrients must be included in this plan as you must provide the daily requirements needed for the body to fully function.

By combining the above mentioned with healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, you begin to get the picture why clean eating is a requirement in order for you to successfully lose any amount of fat. Most plans insist on eating six small meals throughout the entire day and some will disagree as this is somewhat debatable, for the most, three meals is sufficient and everyone's body and metabolism is different. This is where you will have to decide for yourself as you are the only one who knows what your body needs.

Exercise is a must in achieving success to effective weight loss and there are no short cuts on this matter. It does not have to be strenuous or a back-breaking workout, but it must have you sweating in order for you to lose any amount of weight. You can also add simple but effective routines that will greatly aid you in wanting that ideal body. You can include other exercises and routines to confuse the body and continue the fat burning process. Just make sure to go slow and easy when starting any type of exercise and weight loss plan. This may seem like a difficult task at first, but learning on how to lose body fat is very important to achieving a healthy body and mind.


Source by Alex D Tom

6 Week Diet and Exercise Program


Training with lightweight dumbbells and doing a high number of reps four days a week, as well as eating a high protein low calorie diet is the basis of a good 6 week diet and exercise program. This plan works very well for several reasons. This program helps people lose weight and build muscle within 6 weeks. Read on to find out why this particular routine works so well.

First of all training with lightweights is one of the best ways to lose body fat very fast. A person should do between fifteen and twenty reps per set. This will also build muscle at the same time. A person should also do a little bit of cardio after their workouts, fifteen to twenty minutes is a good amount of time to do cardio. Walking, jogging or running are what people should do for the cardio part of the workout. This is an important part of this 6 week diet and exercise program.

Protein is an extremely important part of this program. A person should strive to get one gram of protein per pound of body weight. This means a person who weighs one hundred pounds should consume one hundred grams of protein every single day. Protein repairs muscles and this is important for a person who is training with lightweights and doing a high number of reps. Consuming a high amount of protein on a daily basis for 6 weeks will help burn fat rapidly as well as help build some solid muscle.

When a person trains with lightweights they should know which exercises to start off with. For biceps a person should start with barbell curls. For triceps a person should start with tricep presses. For back they should start with deadlifts. For shoulders they should start with barbell shoulder presses. For legs they should start with squats.

As far as calories go, while on a 6 week diet and exercise program people should consume a low amount of calories on a daily basis. A man should try to eat around 2,000 calories a day while a woman should try to eat 1,200-1,500 a day. The meals that a person consumes should be low in fat, moderate in carbs as well as high in fiber. A person who sticks with this can expect to lose weight and gain muscle fast.

People who want to get serious about getting into shape should follow the advice listed throughout this article. If a person follows this advice, then they can end up getting into great shape within six weeks following this 6 week diet and exercise program.


Source by Jamie E Bell

Proper Planning For Weight Loss Success


The trite, overused phrase 'if you fail to plan, you're really just planning to fail' could never be more true when it comes to executing a successful weight loss program. The most important place to start is determining how much weight you want to lose in a given time period so you can have realistic goals to shoot for. While many people have in their minds a certain amount they want to lose, it may not be possible in the amount of time they're willing to diet for. This can be figured by a calculation taken from your body fat percentage. Before starting any weight loss program, get your body fat measured by a qualified professional so you know how much fat you actually need to lose. Once you know this, you can set realistic goals and expectations. For mental and physiological health reasons, do not try dieting for longer than 12-16 weeks at a time. Depending on your muscular tone, physical conditioning, body type and several other factors, you can expect to lose 6-20 pounds of body weight in the first 3-4 weeks of any correctly designed nutrition program. Beyond this, a reasonable goal is to try to lose 2 pounds / week for the remainder of the time.

This means a realistic weight loss goal is between 30-40 pounds in a 3-4 month period. If you have 100 lbs. to lose for example, you will need more than one nutrition program to reach this goal. If you need more than one diet program, do not plan on doing one right after another as you will have diminishing returns. For large amounts of weight to lose, string several diet programs together with short breaks in between. For example, if you have to lose 100 lbs., Plan on doing so with three 12 week programs spaced 10 days – 2 weeks apart. To accomplish this, take a break from low calorie eating during the down times however continue to eat the food on your diet, just in larger portions. Expect to put on 5-8 pounds in between diet plans and account for this in your overall weight loss strategy. If you need several diets like this to achieve your goals, sketch out the big plan on a one year calendar but only worry about details of each program as you're getting ready to execute it.

Once you've decided how long your program will be (or how many programs you may need), the next most important planning step is the actual diet. No matter which guru you choose to follow, the best advice is to write down your eating plan before you start. Do not start your weight loss program without a written map to follow or you will veer off the course. Whether you're eating three pre-made microwave meals plus a delicious shake, counting points with an app on your phone or following a bite by bite menu, write it down before executing. Writing down your diet menu will take all the guesswork out of what to eat, when and how much. While this step may take some time to accomplish, if your plan is correctly put together with the right foods and quantities, it will nearly guarantee your success.

For consistent weight loss, it's important you eat the same amount of calories each day. Flying by the seat of your pants and eating different foods every day can easily cause erratic calorie intake and make it harder to lose body fat. A written diet plan will ensure your calories stay consistent. This also makes it easier to raise or lower your calories as you need so you can control your weight loss. If you're eating too many calories and need to cut back, a written diet plan will help you decide which foods (and how much) to reduce. Keeping a written log of your eating will also help you stay mentally strong on your program. If you're committed to eating only the foods written on your diet plan, this will keep your mind from wandering into craving goodies that will derail your efforts. A good written plan may also serve well as an accurate shopping list. After following your written nutrition plan meticulously for a period of time, you will soon have it memorized but until you do, you should keep it by your side every time you prepare and / or eat a meal.

While dieting alone will only net a finite amount of weight loss, you will go much farther by including strenuous exercise in your program. For the greatest amount of fat weight loss, you should include both cardiovascular and strength training as part of your plan. Cardiovascular work should be done for overall physical conditioning but also fat loss. Strength training is a must to preserve lean body mass and improve muscular tone so the end result will be a smaller, more muscular body with improved fitness. Just like a healthy nutrition plan, a good strength training program should also be planned out, however the details do not have to be as meticulous. As long as your strength training program is using progressive resistance over a period of weeks, prioritize balance (so every muscle group gets worked at least 1-2 times / week) and intensity during execution. Cardiovascular training should be performed separately from resistance training if possible, however if scheduling doesn't permit this it's fine.

Plan cardio work to increase in amounts of overall time over your entire program with 30 minutes being the smallest effective period. For example, week 1, perform a total of 2 hours of cardio; week 2, do 2.5 hours; week 3 do 3 hours total, etc. Depending on your fitness level, you will ultimately reach a cumulative amount of cardio work that will be most effective for your program. For most people this is between 4 and 6 hours / week. Plan your strength training and cardio work on a monthly calendar. This way you can see how much cardio you will need to perform each week. Also use the calendar to plan other important weekly / regular events you can use as motivation to keep going. For example body fat measurements, cheat meals and of course your end date. If you don't weigh in everyday (or at least every other), schedule an official weigh in every week. Schedule body fat measurements every 2-3 weeks. Planning your weight loss program on a calendar is important so can physically see how much longer you have and also chart progress. It will also let you know of other events you may have to work around (like trips, business dinners, etc.) so you can plan in advance for them and stay on your program.

Perhaps the most important part of your diet is the start. If you start soft and half-hearted, you can expect to lose steam, fizzle out quickly and stop before you see the results you want. Plan your weight loss program at least 1-2 weeks in advance of starting. This will give your mind time to prepare for making a big change and committing to it. Several days before opening day, start getting everything ready. This includes making sure your gym membership is up to speed, you have proper apparel for all the working out you'll be doing, preparing a shopping list and buying all the food you'll need. If you have trouble with temptations, this time can also be used for getting rid of all the bad, fattening, non-diet food out of their house. Plan your weight loss program correctly ahead of time and the only thing that can derail your efforts is your will power. Anyone can lose 5-10 pounds from simply cutting out sugar, bread or soft drinks for 2-3 weeks, however real weight loss takes planning. If you have more than this to lose, take your time planning ahead and you will be sure to reach your goals!


Source by Dan Levesque