Primal Burn Fat Burner System Diet Plan Review – Does It Work?


Primal Burn Book Review – Does it Work?

The Primal Burn program is a popular & successful eBook by Ken Smith and has helped thousands of people worldwide to lose weight successfully. It incorporates a formula that helps the body to burn fat quickly by eating foods and doing targeted exercises that cause the body to speed up metabolism.

Helps Increase Your Metabolism.

Primal Burn Fat Burner System is based upon health and weight loss information obtained from extensive research in this field. The exercise structure of the program has two sections that are designed for various fitness levels. It also includes an “absolute beginner” workout so that those who are brand new to short duration and high intensity exercise can learn gradually. The program also incorporates a plan which includes eating foods that speed up a sluggish metabolism to help lose weight quickly.

Reveals a Secret to Burn More Fat Naturally.

The book will reveal a secret that almost everyone does each day without effort. Research has shown that it helps to shed pounds, simply by going to sleep. Insufficient sleep slows down the metabolism and also increases the BMI, which we know means the body is carrying around excessive fat in. So, in addition to causing an insatiable hunger due to the appetite hormone, the poor restless sleeper also has a slower metabolism because of lack of sleep. To put it another way, lack of sleep often causes an increase in the appetite, leading to overeating either during the night or the next day.

Lose 10, 20 or Even 50 Lbs Naturally.

Primal Burn is a program that incorporates all of these things through safe nutritional guidance that results in weight loss without starvation. The book also addresses exercise, which is vital to losing and maintaining weight, by offering safe and effective routines to supplement the nutritional plan for people at all levels of fitness. No matter your current weight and figure, this formula can help you burn fat fast, set your metabolism right into a fat-burning state, reach your optimal weight, develop more energy, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure, and improve your overall health. It is an easy to use guide including step-by-step pictures, diagrams and schematics show you how everything is done. It works for both men and women as well. So if you need to drop 10, 20, or even 50 lbs of fat, then try the Primal Burn Fat Burner System!


Source by Henrik R Corlin

My Real Life Weight Loss Success


Four years ago I weighed a whopping 90 pounds more than I currently way today. At the time of my weight gain I was very sick and on different medications. Some of the side effects from the medications were excessive weight gain. During my huge weight gain I developed other health problems such as trouble breathing, high blood pressure, and lack of energy to name a few. I became very depressed and just started to eat all the time. I really wanted to give up on life and pretty much loss all motivation and care for anything including myself.

Until one day I looked into the mirror and thought to myself, this is not how I want to live the rest of my life. So I knew that I had to make a complete change in order to gain huge results. So I start doing my research and changed my diet completely. I also began to start exercise program. Let me say this was not an easy journey at all for me. I tried many different types of diet plans and exercise workouts until I finally found the things that worked the best for me.

I feel so great right now with lots of energy and love for life. I wake up everyday waiting to do more to improve myself so i can continue on the success I have already made. Every time I look in the mirror I think something is wrong with it. That there is no way my body and appearance has change so much over this time span. I am very amazed and proud that I was able to overcome my battle with obesity.

I want to encourage others that it is very much possible to lose as much weight as you want to lose. Once you put it all together and get into that routine of exercising and eating right losing the weight will be very easy. I want you to know that there will be some hard times and days where you will feel tired, hurting or not wanting to do anything. But just think about what the final outcome will be and success that is ahead for you when it is all said and done. Remember not to give up, and be sure to learn and gather as much information as you possibly can. Make sure to give it all you have got each and every day. You can and will achieve success by taking those right steps towards losing your weight and becoming a success story.


Source by Paul Balthazar

The Tinnitus Diet – 5 Do’s and Don’ts


Have you ever noticed how the buzzing, ringing hissing, cracking in your ear seems to be worse on some days and then not as bad on another day? Just take a moment now to think what you just ate? Did you have burger and fries or a few cups of strong coffee? My T. used to be worse after a Chinese take away! As you know there’s a lot of salt in one of those. Having a good diet is essential for managing the volume and frequency of the tinnitus noises you hear. As you read this article you’re going to discover 5 do’s and don’ts of the tinnitus diet.

DO…give your body premium fuel. Your body needs it to function properly. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, fish and whole grains,beans, nuts olive oil, cheese, yogurt and eggs. Go organic if you can! These foods will be rich in vitamins and minerals and will boost your immune system.

DO NOT…eat junk foods. The are filled with empty calories. They are also very high in salt. Salt makes tinnitus symptoms worse by restricting the blood vessels, increasing blood pressure and reducing the blood flow to the ears, eyes and brain. When intake of salt is reduced, people report that tinnitus sounds are lessened. Most processed foods are also high in flavour enhancers such as Glutamate. Glutamate floods the neuroreceptors in the auditory pathway and excites them to a point where they fire continuously.

DO…make sure your tinnitus diet includes vitamin A, B1,6 and 12, C Iron and Zinc. Zinc is known to be particularly effective in reducing tinnitus noises. It can be found in oysters, lamb pumpkin seeds, eggs and beans. Include between 2 and 5 mg. of Manganese found in foods like bananas, celery, green leafy vegetables, beans and nuts.

DO NOT…take any mineral such as manganese in excess as this can be dangerous!

DO…include non-gluten grains such as millet, quinoa and amaranth. Wheat can cause inflammation of the inner ear and worsen tinnitus symptoms. Soy and soy products are a great source of anti-oxidants and help the body to produce vitamin B.

DO NOT…choose cows’ milk products, although your tinnitus diet should include a moderate amount of dairy products such a yogurt, milk, and cheese. Try to choose organic produce and opt for sheep or goats’ products.

DO…eat unsaturated fats from vegetables, nuts and fish. These are the fats that are necessary for life and should be included in your tinnitus diet. They lower undesirable cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation in the inner ear. Use olive oil as a cooking oil!

DO NOT…eat fried or fatty foods high in saturated fats as they raise blood pressure, a direct cause of tinnitus and increase blood level fats. This restricts oxygen and nutrients to the inner ear and hearing loss.

DO….eat food as close to its natural state as possible. The best tinnitus diet is the Mediterranean diet that is made up of whole, freshly prepared foods, fresh food and vegetables, whole grain breads, pasta unsaturated fats, beans and nuts. It’s no wonder that incidents of heart disease are so low in Mediterranean countries.

DO NOT…drink caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and cola. Avoid alcohol. They increase tinnitus noise by creating unnatural highs and lows, which can increase anxiety, stress and depression in some people.


Source by Orla Carr