Lose 9 Lbs Every 11 Days! Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review


Okay, what you don't need to hear is how one becomes fat and that you need to lose weight because of health reasons, blah, blah, blah. Instead, I will focus on what Fat Loss 4 Idiots says it will do, how well it delivers, the benefits and my pros and cons of the program.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots claims you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days. That is a big claim … is this possible? As I did, you probably have your doubts, however, with the this diet and exercise program, it is possible. It does require though, the right program and applying the strategies outlined. To assist, Fat Loss 4 Idiots comes complete with an extensive handbook that teaches you how to eat and how not to eat, which is an obvious part of any weight loss plan.

A good diet is essential and part of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program is a meal plan (weight loss plan). The meal plans is made up of lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and sources of good fat which come from whole foods, such as eggs or cottage cheese. To help round out your diet, starchy carbohydrates such as oats and pasta are included. The meal plan is divided into four daily meals that should be eaten at a maximum of 2 1/2 hours apart. Unlike oodles of other diets, calorie or carb counting is not part of Fat Loss 4 Idiots and there is no limit on portion size; Fat Loss 4 Idiots says you "just eat short of being full".

After following the meal plan for 11 days, there is a 3-day 'cheat' cycle. During this time, you can eat whatever you want, then the 11-day meal plan cycle begins again. The idea is to not allow your body to get comfortable and therefore, will not feel like it is starving during the 11-day session. This process has been widely advocated. rather than simply sending you to the grocery store empty handed, the meal plan is created by selecting from a list of preferred foods.

Now, this is not going to be like 'The Biggest Loser', where you spend hours a day on a treadmill and though Fat Loss 4 Idiots was developed for mainly sedentary people, they do recommend exercise. Though they do lay out a low-intense exercise program. Exercise is important for the success of any weight loss program. If you are interested in something more regarding exercise routine. May I refer you to RunToFinish.com.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a one thing only … an inexpensive weight loss program, designed solely for helping people lose weight. Don't take the statement as one of the program being weak; Fat Loss 4 Idiots provides you access to an on-line diet generator, diet workbook and a nutritional guide. This weight loss program recommends common-sense weight loss principles … brisk walking, plenty of water, etc., and contains only whole food diets (no processed foods, high-sugar foods, or supplements).

Pros: Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a very simple plan for darn near any person. The 'cheap' nature means that you do not have to spend crazy for a weight loss program. Secondly, the diet plan keeps your metabolism from working against you and allows to easily craft a complex meal plan. Third, the program is highly popular and would presume then, to be a successful program.

Cons: Fat Loss 4 Idiots is so simple though, it may start to get boring to follow. There is a lot of repetition in the meal plan which in these busy days, should be okay with most.


Source by Scott Siegrist

Online Diet Plan – What is best for the 50 Something Woman



As a 50 something female with a few pounds to shed, I started poking around the Internet looking for a diet and exercise program that would work for me. My criteria were: 1) I can do at home, 2) that requires very little, if any, equipment, and 3) that certain dietary advice went with the program.

As my search began, I was struck by the fact that many programs are taught by athletic young men. And while these people are certainly fit candy for the eyes, I am not convinced that their programs are geared toward women, especially women 50 something!

When I came across a program by a woman named Denise Austin, I was impressed by his credentials. Apparently she was very popular for many years (you guessed that I do not do so often exercises I not heard of it). She had a TV show, exercise tapes (opps, I mean the DVD), is a member of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, blah, blah. What really impresses me is that it is fabulous and it is five years shy of my age, which means it is 50 something, too. Now she probably knows where I’m coming!

Without reiterating its website points (you can read them on your own), I’m his program on my short list for several reasons. First, it combines multiple disciplines in its fitness workouts (even yoga poses that I have always wanted to try) to strengthen, tone and burn fat. Second, it provides nutritional information including calories suited to your weight loss goals, selecting the right food, planning meals and recipes. The best part is that it does not sell, frozen prepackaged foods I have to buy it. And she prefers the real sugar and real butter, no artificial sweeteners or margarine. Finally, I can keep track of my good days and sinners days with the help of monitoring online tools that come with a subscription.

I have not decided if this is the right program for me, but it seems to have everything I want. As I review other programs, I will be sure to jot my opinions. Maybe you can find your ideal on the diet plan of the line, too. Let us make 2010 a and a healthy and happy New Year!


Source by Anne Larson