Best Diet Advice and Fitness Tips


I guess the important words here are “weight control”. In order to lose fat and get fit, you have to be prepared to control your weight. This involves 3 steps that combine good diet advice and fitness tips.

You need to

1. Take off the excess kilos,

2. Improve your diet and exercise habits and

3. Monitor yourself closely in order to prevent regaining the flabby flesh you fought so hard to burn off.

There is quite a bit of effort involved in changing your shape, size and fitness levels for the better. The results are well worth the effort, but results come at a price.

Best diet advice: You have to cut out the vast majority of saturated fats from your diet. You have to plan your meals in advance ensuring that you don’t go crazy over simple carbs. In fact, you really have to take the time to learn about saturated and unsaturated fats, simple and complex carbs and the role of protein and supplements in a balanced diet.

Best fitness tips: You must work out a sensible daily exercise habit that can work for you. You need to spend 30 minutes to 1 hour a day getting yourself moving and sweating in order to see some good results for your body.

Until you are ready to take responsibility for your current shape and size you are not going anywhere health and fitness wise. Blaming the major fast food chains, a hectic daily schedule or your genetics will get you exactly nowhere fast. It does not give you any sort of mindset or commitment to taking charge of your problem.

You are the one who chooses what you put in your mouth. You are the one who chooses to exercise or skip it. You are the one who is not happy with being overweight. Only you can take charge of your unsatisfactory situation and change it for the better. The fat loss fairy or the fitness genie are not going to magic away your cares and troubles with no effort on your part.

Weight control means that you are in control – believe it and believe in your ability to change your dietary and exercise habits in order to improve your lifestyle, fitness, overall health and daily mood.

Sure, long ingrained habits are as hard to dissolve as ink stains in your favorite blouse. But while you can with some regrets throw out your favorite blouse and buy a new one, you are rather more permanently attached to your body.


Source by Rosie Peters

Fit and Fat?


When you see an overweight person, do you automatically assume they couldn’t possibly be fit? While carrying too many pounds can be a signal of current or future health problems, it isn’t necessarily that way for everyone who is overweight.

Health professionals define overweight as a body-mass index (BMI) between 25 and 29.9, and obesity as a BMI of 30 or higher. But BMI alone is not sufficient to predict one’s health and risk of death. BMI measurements rely solely on height and weight. It doesn’t take into account how much fat or muscle a person has. You have seen 300 plus pound football players that would be classed as obese using just BMI, but who have very low body fat. You have also probably known someone who is thin but not very muscular.

So can you be fat and fit? This is a complicated question with no black and white answer. As a group, overweight, but not obese, people tend to live the longest. This was the conclusion of a four decade long study of 100,000 people, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2016. The study found that the healthiest BMI was 27, even though this is considered overweight. Being overweight is believed to lend some protection to patients with medical problems including pneumonia, burns, stroke, cancer, hypertension, and heart disease, partly due to the fat reserves they have to fall back on when a major illness takes over their body. Overweight hospital patients typically have shorter recovery times, a stronger immune system, and less risk of arthritis or dementia.

Where your fat is located is important, however. Abdominal fat, or an apple shaped body, is considered to be worse than a pear shaped body where fat is deposited around the hip, thighs, or butt area. Abdominal fat tends to go deep into your abdominal cavity and can surround and even compromise your internal organs.

Some people call this the obesity paradox. Others call it metabolically healthy obesity. What is known is that weight is not a reliable indicator of overall health. One thing everyone can agree on is this: to be healthy, you need to meet the following requirements, regardless of BMI:

· Waist measurement of no more than 40 inches for a man; 35 for a woman

· Normal blood pressure (<120/80)

· Normal lipid levels: cholesterol less than 200, triglycerides less than 150

· Normal sensitivity to insulin

· Normal fasting blood sugar (<100)

· Good physical fitness level

In a perfect world, we would all be lean, fit, and metabolically healthy. But that is far from the case in the U.S, where nearly 3 out of 4 people are classed as overweight or obese. While being overweight is still considered a health condition that should be treated, focusing on restricted dieting and weight cycling is not good for your health either. Eating disorders, muscle mass loss, and a slowed metabolism are all potential side effects of trying to lose weight. Perhaps a better approach is to focus on healthy behaviors, regardless of what the scale says. The benefits of exercise go far beyond burning calories. Being physically active helps prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, some cancers, and osteoporosis. Exercise can improve your mood, reduce anxiety, and help manage stress.

Good nutrition is beneficial in so many ways. A diet high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat and low in sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats has been shown time and time again to be preventative against heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and numerous other diseases. It is impossible to obtain all the various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that are required for our body to function at its best by relying on heavily processed foods, vitamin supplements, or additives.

So if those last few pounds just won’t budge, don’t worry so much about it. Keep active, eat right and be healthy.


Source by Anita Marlay

1 Week Diet Plan to Lose Weight – Yes It’s Possible to Shed Fat to Lose Weight


Need a 1 week diet plan to lose weight and look and feel sexy? I know it is very disheartening being overweight, you don’t feel sexy at all and you have been searching and searching for the right solution for some time. So I believe the quickest way to see results is with a 1 week diet plan to lose weight…and maintain the weight forever!

Your probably thinking that losing weight in just 1 week is impossible. Have you heard the phrase “nothing is impossible”? I’m sure you have…and it also stands when losing weight. How would you feel about losing 1-2 pounds in just 1 week? How about losing this amount of weight every week until you reach your goal? Bare in mind you have to be realistic, you are not going to shed 20 pounds in just 1 week, but you can take it week by week, and start seeing results right away.

Eating and exercise are extremely important for your health. Eating actually helps you lose weight if you are having the right foods, in the right amounts, at the right times. A lot of diet plans claim to lose weight by eating almost no carbs, no fat or just completely starving yourself. They are not healthy ways to lose weight, don’t go there!

Your body needs food. It is as simple as that. You need to stop eating the wrong, unhealthy foods and be determined to stick to a healthy diet plan, you can basically eat what you like as long as you don’t go over the top and you perform some kind of regular exercise. Exercise can be as simple as taking the dog for a walk in the park. Say bye bye to losing weight in the wrong and unhealthy ways, and start doing something that really works in no time at all. Lets stay healthy and feel good!


Source by Helen Marie Hepple