Whether Atkins Diet Plan is Suitable For Effective Weight Loss


What is Atkins diet plan?

It is nothing but a weigh loss meal plan offering high fat, low carbohydrate, but at the same time Atkins diet plan gives the energy normally the body requires.

Atkins Diet plan may not be suitable for vegetarians, because this diet plan recommends for eating meats and cheeses rather than breads, fruits and vegetables.

Atkins diet changes the body metabolism. As per Atkins diet plan carbohydrate intake is reduced.

Normally human body is capable of burning fat and carbohydrates to produce energy for body’s function. Glucose is the first fuel for producing energy to body function. This Glucose comes from Carbohydrate.

As per Atkins diet plan when the intake of Carbohydrates is reduced, fat is compensated as fuel for producing energy to body function. When fat is used as fuel for producing energy to body, weight loss is occurring.

It is the general tendency, that low fat and high carbohydrate diets alone is the solution for weight loss.

But as per Atkins diet plan reverses this fact to those who want weight loss. The Atkins diet plan recommends eating meats and cheeses rather than breads, fruits and vegetables, fat and protein rich foods.

When the intake of carbohydrates are reduced which is essential for producing energy in the form of sugar to the body, the body naturally compensates the fate as fuel for producing energy to the body.

The process of burning fat as fuel may be called as ketosis. Ketones are released through breath and urine during the process of burning fat as fuel, which naturally enables for weight loss. The process of burning fat as fuel also restricts the production of insulin, so additional fat formation in the body is also restricted.

Atkins diet plan recommends for taking three meals per day and does not recommends for skipping any meals or go for walking without eating.

The plan recommends for eating fat and protein rich foods like fish, eggs meat, butter, olive oil, sunflower and other vegetable oils.

So if properly followed the Atkins diet plan may be an effective solution to those who want to reduce weight.


Source by Krishnan Chinnasamy

How Long You Should Stay On The Atkins Diet


A lot of people have lost a lot of weight on the Atkins Diet. However, there are still plenty of questions surrounding this popular diet plan. One of the questions people have is how long you should stay on the Atkins Diet. The typical amount of time is somewhere between six months and a year, but some do not last that long, while others stay on it on a long-term basis.

But how long others stay on the diet is not as important as how long you should stay on it. Therefore, a good starting point is to consider what your specific weight loss and dietary goals are. If you want to reset how your body digests food and burns calories, then you may want to stay on Atkins longer. On the other hand, if you're just trying to lose a few pounds, then you may consider going off the diet once your goal is reached (but be careful that you do not gain all of your weight back).

Let's be honest, though, a lot of people have a hard time sticking to the Atkins Diet. This is usually due to food cravings. While you can generally eat all the fish, meat and eggs you want, the diet places severe restrictions on carbohydrates; especially in the earliest stages of the program. So, while you may enjoy being able to eat tons of bacon or fried fish, the novelty soon wears off and you start missing simple things like bread.

Sticking to any diet is a very hard thing for most people. However, the Atkins Diet can be particularly troublesome. The problem is that they think they can do the diet for a couple weeks, lose some weight and then return to their normal eating habits. This is not the case. Sure, they may drop a few pounds, but if they go off the diet too soon they will not only get back the weight they lost, but may also gain more. This can be very discouraging, and some people are quick to say that the Atkins Diet does not work, when in reality it was not sticking to the diet that made it not work. That would not be so bad, but too many people then give up on diets all together.

One of the things that makes the Atkins Diet different is that it is comprised of four stages. You have to follow each stage precisely and you can not skip ahead. The tricky part is that the first stage is often the hardest, as it removes all but 12 grams of carbohydrates from your daily diet. This leads some people to have cravings, lack of concentration or not feeling well. In other words, the temptation to give up is often at its strongest in the first phase of the diet.

The good news is that each phase allows you to have more carbs, and it gets easier and easier to stick to. The question of how long you should stay on the Atkins Diet is best answered by saying "as long as you can." That's because there is a maintenance phase that is designed to be something you can keep doing. Of course, be sure to check with your personal doctor before starting any new diet.


Source by George Anwar

Why Low Carb Diets Don’t Work – A Personal Experience


Let me share with you my personal experience with a low carbohydrate diet – why it didn’t work and what eventually did.

Like so many people around this world of ours, I struggled, and still do, with weight loss issues. Its not that I am overly obese or overweight but like so many men, I suffer from the good old large belly syndrome. My wife wanted me to lose weight and get back to the body that I had when I first met her. So I looked into what options there were. Turning on the television shopping channel and you are completely inundated with all sorts of whiz bang exercise gadgets and gizmos with beautiful tanned models telling you that all you have to do is purchase this machine and you’ll have a body as great as them. Their sales pitch always goes something along the lines of just an hour a day in front of the television and you’ll be feeling the results in days. I tell you what results I normally feel from these gadgets – I feel exhausted and soon I feel ripped off because after a few weeks, I give up as the initial novelty wears off, the day to day activities get in the way, and I don’t see any real results. So then you turn to diet plans instead. And we all know one of the most commonly marketed diet plan is the low carb diet. There was so much marketing buzz about this plan that I had to try it.

There are many different low carb diet plans on the market but I think the best known and most talked about plan is the Atkins Diet. Essentially all of these plans have the same basic message – limit the amount of carbohydrates that are consumed, as carbohydrates turn into fat. The focus of these plans is that you need to count the number of carbs that go into your daily diet and limit the amount according to your own body type or to a set amount as dictated by the diet program. The Atkins diet also involves a two week induction process that basically says no carbs at all and also eliminate all fruit and vegetable intake. The theory behind this is that your body then goes into a state called ketosis where, unable to get energy from carbohydrate, existing fat stores are burnt as a source of energy. After this initial phase, the diet then moves into somewhat less severe phases of weight loss and weight maintenance, but still operates in a mode of restricted carbohydrate consumption.

On paper and in theory, these programs probably do work. It makes sense that by cutting out the foods that turn into fat, you will be able to reduce your fat stores and thus lose weight. But the issue is, theory does not equal real life. The reason why so many people, including me, fail with low carb diets, is that our bodies are used to the kind of energy that we get from carb intake. What basically happened to me is that during the induction period, when I stopped eating any carbohydrates, no sugar nor fruit nor vegetables, I basically felt completely flat and listless and had no energy at all to do anything. By the end of week one I was completely ready to give it all up. I pushed on, but by the mid week two, I couldn’t take it any longer and binged on carbs and fruit for a few hours. I then felt guilty and decided to restart the two weeks all over again. Needless to say by the end of week three, I was completely out of it and unable to really function properly. I didn’t feel like even getting out of bed which then impacted my family and work life.

I basically didn’t even make it out of the initial induction period and it made me depressed! I felt like I had failed and had a lot of negative thoughts about myself and food altogether.

This is essentially the reason why low carb diets, especially the Atkins diet, simply don’t work. Whilst in theory they should work, they do not take into account practical life and every day living nor the impacts it can have on people. If I was living in a glass bubble where I didn’t actually have any responsibilities nor did I have to go to work, this diet may have worked. But most people I know lead fairly hectic lives that require energy to sustain themselves.

It wasn’t until someone pointed me to an alternative diet plan that I was able to pick myself up out of this rut and start feeling better for myself. What attracted me to this new diet plan was the fact that I didn’t have to go into this unpractical state of consuming no carbs nor did I have to count calories nor purchase some fancy dietary supplements. The new diet was also based on proven results with all sorts of people and was scientifically proven to work. It also allowed me to eat more meals a day and allowed me to eat most of the things I normally eat.

The diet plan is based around the fact that our bodies do one of two things when you eat food, it either fires up fat burning hormones and thus burns off the fat in the food you are eating as well as fat stored in your body, or it fires up fat storage hormones which basically means you add more fat to your body. The diet plan focuses on an eating plan that optimizes the production of your fat burning hormones. The plan not only consists of what foods to eat it also involves a set time to eat. Contrary to popular belief, three meals a day is not a healthy eating plan – five to six meals a day is! (although obviously these meals are smaller than what most people eat during their three meals a day structure).

This revolutionary diet plan is based around a notion called Shifting Calories. This is because your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days because it assumes that you’ll continue to eat in the same general way. If you shift your calories and shock your body by eating different things on different days, then you can start to increase your metabolism and fat burning hormones thus burning away more fat. Whilst it may sound complicated, let me assure you the diet plan is very easy to follow.

To cut a long story short, I basically bought this plan and tried it out. Whilst it might sound cliche, I was personally very happy as the plan worked and I was able to lose quite a lot of fat around my belly. I’m now on my way of getting back the body I had when I was much younger. Low carb diet plans simply don’t work because they do not take into account the practically of real life, but the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan [http://besthealthyweight.com/idiot-proof-diet] does! Make sure you check it out for yourself if you are struggling with your weight like I was.


Source by Colin Lim