Why You Must Use Lemon Water For Fertility


If you are trying to get pregnant and yet cannot conceive, doctors recommend different methods to remedy this. Certain factors have been identified to lower the chances of conceiving. Some of these factors are alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, improper diet, and many more. Because of the different scientific studies that established the effects of diet on fertility, many doctors recommend that proper diet is a key to increase fertility.

Have you heard of lemon water? It has been said that this type of water is good for fertility. In fact, it has many health benefits. How does it help for most infertility couples?

For many years, lemon water for fertility has been gaining popularity among women who find it hard to conceive. Lemon water for fertility is from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which uses natural ingredients to treat and prevent diseases.

Lemon is a great fruit because it is loaded with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. First and foremost, drinking water already does wonders for fertility. Water thins out mucus and increases it as well. And cervical fluid is very important in conception. Without cervical fluid, the sperm won’t be able to reach the egg. Furthermore, if the cervical fluid is of good quality and quantity, it can help the sperm stay alive for several days while waiting ovulation.

And if you add lemon to your drinking water, you are even increasing the likelihood of getting pregnant many times. The bodies are bombarded with harmful free radicals from pollution and food. And these free radicals can harm the sperm, egg, and reproductive organs. This is the importance of antioxidants. Antioxidants in this beverage will help destroy these free radicals thereby making your bodies more ready for conception. This is why it is effective for infertility treatment.

Another great advantage of lemon water for fertility is that it has no adverse effects since you are using an all-natural ingredient. You can continue drinking this even if you are already pregnant. You can also continue with your water regimen even if you are prescribed with fertility drugs or in conjunction with other fertility treatments.

Other health benefits include: detoxification, hormonal balance, enhanced immunity, liver health, digestive health, and great skin. How do you make this type of water? You simply have to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to your warm drinking water.

Lemon water for fertility can be consumed any time. Although many people believe that it is best early in the morning. Instead of drinking coffee or hot chocolate, drinking this beverage is great for re-hydrating your bodies. Furthermore, it can help to stimulate bowel movement in the morning.


Source by Eddy Wai KK

Role Of Diet Pills in Weight Loss


The important aspect of weight loss is diet, exercise and diet pills. All the three work in synergistic to achieve desired results.

Our Body used sugar and carbohydrates from food as an instant source to get energy. The excess energy is stored as fat. This fat causes weight gain. In order to achieve weight loss, we must shed away this excess fat. The stored fat is used by the body when its energy requirements are not met by the sources of energy from the food. The process of utilizing the stored fat is called Thermogenesis.

Thermogenesis can be achieved in two ways:

1. Decreasing the sugar and carbohydrates content of food. It can be achieved by diet control. You should select your diet in such a way that it should contain essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals and should be less in sugar and carbohydrates. Also should be taken in appropriate quantity. There are many weight loss ingredients available which act as appetite suppressant and sugar blockers. Appetite suppressant make you feel fuller for longer time and reduces food intake. The ingredients used as appetite suppressant are mostly dietary fibers and some cactus plants like Hoodia and Caraluma Fimbriatae. There are some ingredients like Gymnema which reduces the sugar craving and may also be helpful.

2. Increase the energy consumption or metabolic rate of your body. So that the energy form the food is not sufficient to meet your body's energy requirements and hence it uses the stored fat. This can be achieved by following a regular exercise plan and by consuming pills which contains ingredients which enhances the metabolism. Some of the ingredients which increases the metabolism are Garcinia Cambogia, L-Carnitine, Green tea and Raspberry Ketones. There are some power antioxidants like Maqui Berry, Goji Berry and Acai Berry which helps in cleansing the body and increasing metabolism.

An effective diet pill will be one which would increase metabolism, reduces appetite and has antioxidants. Diets pills are easily available at Health stores and online marketing companies in the form of capsules and tablets. For people who do not want to swallow capsules and tablets, diet tea and slimming patches are also available. Slimming patches are easy to apply water proof patch which contains all the essential ingredients for weight loss.

Another important point in selecting weight loss products is that the ingredients and the product should be clinically proven to show the results for weight.

In nutshell diet, exercise and weight loss pills work in synergistic to achieve desired result.


Source by Jeegar N Shah

Following A Plant Based Diet Is Easy With Home Gardens


Many people today are turning to a plant-based diet as an alternative to diets too rich in saturated meat products, junk food, and highly processed foods. In some cases, it involves spending more time in the produce section of your local grocery store, looking for fruits and vegetables that are grown organically and spending extra money on them.

You can follow a great plant-based diet in an even better way while growing your fruits and vegetables in your own home garden. If you live in an apartment, you can start a container garden in front of a sunny window. If you have a plot of land to turn into a garden you can go big with a garden filled with healthy fruits and vegetables. You can grow almost anything in a small garden so you have the spring, summer and fall to eat off your own land.

Vegetables Easily Grown At Home

Tomatoes lend themselves well to container gardening and can grow like wild in the good earth of your back yard. They grow and ripen all season long so you can pick what you need for sandwiches, salads, snacks, fresh sauces and even for juicing.

You can grow your own peas or beans in a container or in your backyard garden. They are rich in phytonutrients that have their maximum potency if you simply pick what you need and eat them as soon as possible; you have the greatest amount of healthy phytonutrients and antioxidants in the food shortly after picking them.

Peppers, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, and greens like Kale are great options for a home garden and allow you to reach for healthy and super fresh produce all summer long and into the fall.

Your Home Garden

If you decide to have a back yard home garden, you need to decide if you want to grow organic foods or not. Organic gardening is the best possible choice because the food is grown without pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. This means no harmful chemicals exist with the food you pick and you can even eat them straight out of the garden without having to wash them extensively.

Grow a wide variety of foods that become ripe at different times of the season:

Radishes, for example, take only a few weeks to become edible and, after pulling them up, you have room to grow a row of something else. Most people grow tomatoes and some people grow carrots, lettuce, and potatoes.

Both potatoes and squash need the entire summer to become available for eating so all you need to do is to keep them weed-free and watch them grow. In the early autumn or late summer, you can dig up the potatoes and harvest the squash. These types of produce can be kept at room temperature or in a cool place for many months so you have instant winter eating from vegetables you grew in the summer.

Lettuce and other greens can be grown and harvested all summer long for the best in salads that are high in phytonutrients and antioxidants. All you need to do is harvest some of the leaves, wash them, and enjoy them in a healthy salad with tomatoes, carrots, or radishes you grew yourself. This is the core of a plant-based diet that will give you benefits far beyond a meat-based diet.

Meat-based diets are low in antioxidants and high in saturated fats. You can get the nutrition you need from vegetables and fruits you grow yourself with a known reduction in fatty deposits in your arteries and a lesser chance for heart disease and stroke. There is a reduced risk of certain cancers with a low fat, plant-based diet.

Get Even Better Results With Composting

If you want an especially fruitful garden, consider starting a compost pile or box. All you need to do is put in vegetation and clippings from around your yard, add food scraps and paper, mixing everything with a little bit of soil. Worms thrive in the moist environment of a good compost heap so that you will soon have these things turned into rich soil that will make your organic garden thrive.

Get Started Today

There are millions of guides online for organic vegetable gardening, and many books on the topic. In reality, the best teacher is experience, so learn the initial steps, get the supplies and just do it! Remember to get the kids involved in the garden as well; it is a great learning experience, and a great opportunity to spend quality time together.


Source by J Russell Hart