Quick Ways to Improve Your Metabolism For Fast Weight Loss


Metabolism is a chemical process that occurs in the human body to maintain life. There are two types of metabolism: constructive and destructive. Constructive metabolism synthesizes proteins, carbohydrates and fats that form tissue and store energy. Destructive metabolism breaks down complex substances that produce energy and waste matter. Both of these work together to increase fast weight loss.

The metabolic rate determines how quickly we burn our calories resulting in a decrease or increase of our weight. Some people burn calories faster than others. A person's activity level and diet are the key factors determining their metabolic rate. To achieve fast weight loss, you must learn to increase your metabolism.

Most people believe that decreasing your food intake will result in a reduction in weight. Decreasing food intake causes the body to consume energy instead of using energy and causes the body to store fat rather than burning it. Having four to six small meals throughout the day rather than three larger meals with no snacks in between causes your body to burn more calories than is in the food resulting in fast weight loss.

Skipping breakfast and lunch causes you to overeat in the evening. Irregular eating is one of the two primary causes of binging and overeating. The body works more efficiently if your food intake is spread out through the day. Your metabolic rate will remain higher all day rather than simply spiking once a day. The constant higher rate will result in fast weight loss.

The foods you consume determine your metabolic rate. Choose lean protein rather than carbohydrates to increase your metabolism. Protein requires about 25 per cent more energy to break down than do carbohydrates. Even though they may have the same number of calories, protein takes longer to metabolize resulting in fast weight loss.

Omega 3 fatty acids lower your leptin level. Leptin is a protein that is produced by the fatty tissue of the body for the purpose of regulating fat storage in the body. The lower your leptin level the higher the metabolism resulting in fast weight loss. Consuming fish will help to lower your leptin level and increase your metabolism.

Only eating raw fruits and vegetables on two consecutive days per week will raise your metabolism and result in fast weight loss. Digestion and absorption of these foods will burn more calories than they contain. Examples of low calorie foods include broccoli, carrots, tomatoes lettuce, watermelon, strawberries peaches and plums. Your metabolism is raised as you consume these foods.

Exercising daily will do wonders for your metabolism. Some type of aerobic exercise is most beneficial for raising your metabolic rate. This includes walking, swimming, riding a bike, dancing, yoga or using an aerobic DVD. Start with 5 minutes per day and work up to 30 minutes per day in order to achieve fast weight loss. Once you are comfortable with this, you can add weight training that has also been shown to increase your metabolic rate.

Make sure you drink plenty of water. The best rule of thumb is to drink one half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. If you are exercising or it is extremely hot, you need to drink more. If your body is dehydrated it is very difficult to maintain fast weight loss. Drinking lots of water and adhering to the other guidelines given will be very helpful in increasing your metabolism.


Source by Robert Hudak

Best Diet Advice and Fitness Tips


I guess the important words here are “weight control”. In order to lose fat and get fit, you have to be prepared to control your weight. This involves 3 steps that combine good diet advice and fitness tips.

You need to

1. Take off the excess kilos,

2. Improve your diet and exercise habits and

3. Monitor yourself closely in order to prevent regaining the flabby flesh you fought so hard to burn off.

There is quite a bit of effort involved in changing your shape, size and fitness levels for the better. The results are well worth the effort, but results come at a price.

Best diet advice: You have to cut out the vast majority of saturated fats from your diet. You have to plan your meals in advance ensuring that you don’t go crazy over simple carbs. In fact, you really have to take the time to learn about saturated and unsaturated fats, simple and complex carbs and the role of protein and supplements in a balanced diet.

Best fitness tips: You must work out a sensible daily exercise habit that can work for you. You need to spend 30 minutes to 1 hour a day getting yourself moving and sweating in order to see some good results for your body.

Until you are ready to take responsibility for your current shape and size you are not going anywhere health and fitness wise. Blaming the major fast food chains, a hectic daily schedule or your genetics will get you exactly nowhere fast. It does not give you any sort of mindset or commitment to taking charge of your problem.

You are the one who chooses what you put in your mouth. You are the one who chooses to exercise or skip it. You are the one who is not happy with being overweight. Only you can take charge of your unsatisfactory situation and change it for the better. The fat loss fairy or the fitness genie are not going to magic away your cares and troubles with no effort on your part.

Weight control means that you are in control – believe it and believe in your ability to change your dietary and exercise habits in order to improve your lifestyle, fitness, overall health and daily mood.

Sure, long ingrained habits are as hard to dissolve as ink stains in your favorite blouse. But while you can with some regrets throw out your favorite blouse and buy a new one, you are rather more permanently attached to your body.


Source by Rosie Peters

1400 Calorie a Day Diet – Make Your Own 1400 Calorie Diet Menu Properly and Burn Fat, Not Muscle


The pharmacies and online markets are flooded with weight loss diet supplements. Some of them are good but expensive. Others have side effects. You can lose weight and burn your fat planning a simple 1400 calorie a day diet. You can draft your own meal plan using simple tips. These are as follows:

· Any diet that you take up must give you all required nutrients. Also the diet must not starve you. There is a difference in burning fat and losing muscle mass. Losing muscle mass is very unhealthy for any person. Also that weight comes back the day you stop the diet. Burning fat is the actual healthy eight loss that you should target.

· Read the labels of the food items you purchase. It is important because in order to make your 1400 calorie a day meal plan you must know the caloric value of any product. This would help you chart the diet that you should take in advance.

· Your diet must include lean proteins, raw vegetables & fruits, nuts, etc.

· Avoid oily foods, rice, white flour, potatoes, junk foods, etc.

· Replace cheese and butter with low fat cheese, etc.

· Replace sugar with honey & apples, etc.

· Use cayenne pepper & lemon for dressing the recipes.

· In you meal plan include some low calorie diet recipes.

· Include salads & juices as far as possible in your 1400 calorie a day meal plan.

· Detox drinks like honey lemon and maple syrup lemon would be a great help.

· Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

· You can also include some natural weight loss diets like acai berry & colon cleansers.

· 1400 calorie a day would only help you lose weight if you exercise at least 30 minutes daily. You can so some moderate exercises like swimming, jogging, cycling, walking, etc. In case you do intense exercises, 3 times a week, 30 minutes per session would be good.


Source by Amy Myers