Calorie Based Diet Plans Without Counting Calories


Planning sensible meals on your diet plan is essential to losing weight. With calorie based diet plans, you control the proper calorie intake, which is the main ingredient in the recipe to lose weight. To lose weight and keep it off you have to burn more calories than you take in. But you must know how many calories you need to eat and how many you need to burn in order to be successful.

Food was meant to be enjoyed – but in moderation. If we base our food decisions on taste alone and disregard nutrition, we will most likely gain weight. We have to strive for a healthy balance of taste and nutrition. To create a calorie based diet plan, you have to structure your daily meals around the number of calories you need to lose weight. The healthy way to lose weight is not the fastest. It is recommended that you lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Most fad diets that lose weight quickly are just losing water weight. That is why you gain the weight back as soon as you start eating normally again.

The average woman may burn 1700 to 2000 calories per day during normal daily activities. The average man, 2200 to 2500 calories each day. A pound of fat contains 3500 calories. You need to burn 3500 additional calories in order to lose one pound. If you reduce the number of calories that you normally eat by 500 to 600 calories you can lose that one pound in a week. A calorie based diet plan of this sort will allow you to lose weight and have a stable appetite during the day. If you’re a woman, create meal plans based on 1200 to 1400 calories per day. A man should plan on 1500 to 1800. Many people skip meals to save calories. This is a big mistake because it causes you to eat more at other times because of low energy and blood sugar levels. Instead of skipping meals, eat 4 to 5 times throughout the day. When you spread your calories throughout the day, you can keep up your energy level. Keeping your metabolism high and your blood sugar level low allows you to burn more calories.

To burn more calories you need to exercise. It is the best way to increase your metabolism. If your body can burn 2000 calories a day without exercise, it will burn 2200 calories per day with regular exercise. The amount of calories burned by exercise depends on your weight. A 150 pound person can burn 140 calories in a 30 minute walk and close to 300 calories walking fast paced for an hour. If you increase your activity level, you increase the number of calories you burn. Then you don’t have to reduce the number of calories that you eat as much. You need to have a 500 calorie deficit each day. You get this by exercising, eating less or a combination of the two. You will find that as you exercise more, your body will want more calories. No exercise plan is going to help you burn calories if you don’t do it. You need to find an activity that you will enjoy and keep doing. Exercise needs to be a life long commitment, just like eating healthy on a calorie based diet plan.

The easy part is determining how many calories you need per day. The hardest part of a calorie based diet plan is determining what you should be eating and how much of it to get those calories.


Source by Helen Wilson

Calorie Shifting Diet Sample Meal Plan


A calorie shifting meal plan sounds like a complicated way to eat but in this article I will break down what calorie shifting is, how and why it works and provide a calorie shifting sample meal plan. Calorie shifting is a simple process where you change and alternate your calorie intake by eating different foods in very specific combinations. An example would be to eat 1000 calories one day followed by 1400 calories the next day then back down to 1100 calories then again back up to 1600 calories.

This would be an very broad example of calorie shifting. What happens when you calorie shift is your bodies metabolism is forced to work hard than usual because it has no idea what rate to burn calories at so it essentially goes into overdrive. A good analogy for this would be muscle building. When you lift weight you have to lift weights that are either more or different than what you previously lifted. If not there is no reason for your muscle to grow. To get muscle to grow you give it constant stimulus and keep it off balance so to speak. This is the same wayou calorie shifting works. If done right it can put your metabolism into overdrive and cause it to burn more calories and fat than normal.

A Few Rules To Follow When Following A Calorie Shifting Meal Plan:

  1. 80% Rule: DO NOT eat till you are full. Over time you will know what this feels like but only eat till 80% full.
  2. Eat 4-5 Meals: Instead of 3 bigger meals eat 5-6 smaller meals
  3. Water: Drink LOTS of water. Aim for half your bodyweight in ounces.

Sample Meal Plan:

Day 1:

10am 1 apple cut in slices 1/2 cup roasted unsalted cashews 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese

1:30pm 1/4lb roast beef 1 can tuna mixed with some mayonnaise steamed broccoli/zucchini/squash one can diet rootbeer

5:30pm broiled orange roughy filet with lemon pepper and parsley 1/4 cup unsalted walnuts

8:30pm 10 small shrimp w/lemon and cocktail sauce 4 slices English cheddar cheese 1/4 cup pinto beans

Day 2:

10am Roast beef sandwich: 2 slices of oat bread, homemade sliced roast beef (up to 3 oz.), tomatoes, iceburg lettuce, sweet white onions, 1 tbsp mayonnaise low fat one diet rootbeer at any time during the day except at night.

For the rest of your meals at 1:30, 5:30 and 8:30 you will only be eating fruit. You can eat as much as you want but ONLY eat till you are not hungry, not till you’re full! That’s very important. You will need to eat slower so your body has time to tell you when it’s full.

You are allowed to eat pears, apples, strawberries, oranges and plums

You can eat just 1 fruit or you can combine them all. But, do make sure you mix them up. Don’t eat just 1 of them for your next 3 meals.

This may seem weird but it is party of the CALORIE SHIFTING program. This IS based on an established and very effective dieting technique that has been proven to work. Hopefully you read my explanation above to learn more.

Day 3

10am 6 strips smoked bacon (broiled crips) 2 egg omelette with garlic and skim milk

1pm The “Big” Salad – Iceburg lettuce, mixed baby greens, roma tomato, sliced sweet onion, sliced red pepper, sliced zuchini, cubed roast ham, 1 oz boneless skinless chicken breast, Lite vinaigrette.

5pm One can diet Rootbeer 6oz can albacore tuna 2 tbsp. mayo 3 Medium roast beef slices

8:30 One hard boiled egg pastrami slices


Source by Ashley Atkinson

What Is the Paleo Diet Plan in Simple Terms?


The paleo diet plan, which you may have heard referred to as the caveman diet, is basically a dietary plan for modern times based on what we believe cavemen ate in the paleolithic time period during the early half of the stone age.

This present-day diet is composed of food groups that consist mainly of fish and other seafood, grass-fed animal meats, poultry, eggs from cage-free chickens, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds and healthy oils, such as flaxseed, coconut and olive oils. In a nutshell, the diet is based on the foods that could be hunted, fished and collected by cavemen thousands of years ago. Consequently, grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar or oils, potatoes and processed foods are excluded from the diet.

Bountiful in nutrients and free from added chemicals and preservatives, research has shown that these natural food groups contribute to a healthy body. While the intention for many is losing weight on this caveman diet, the objective of living a balanced and energetic lifestyle is what keeps so many people committed. It is interesting that medical professionals recommend the same types of foods for weight control and high blood pressure today that our primitive cavemen thrived on so many years ago.

An example of a day’s menu on this diet could consist of a couple of free-range eggs scrambled in olive oil with sautéed onions, peppers and mushrooms for the breakfast meal. A salad loaded with greens, veggies, nuts and sliced fruit for lunch speaks for itself in so far as the paleo diet health benefits. Dinner could be grilled salmon or other fresh fish and as many vegetables as desired seasoned with garlic and olive oil. Berries and fruits are a typical dessert or snack along with raw vegetables or nuts.

Paleo Diet Health Benefits

One of the first noticeable results from being on the paleo diet plan is a loss of excess fat as the body starts to convert stored fat to energy. The omission of processed foods being replaced by all natural foods will automatically cause an upsurge in metabolism rates. People who are on the paleo diet to lose weight generally feel less hungry and do not suffer from sugar cravings. Bottom line, you are eating healthy while burning fat at the same time.

While health benefits of the paleo diet to lose weight are an incentive to undergo this strict diet, the overall health benefits are encouraging. Along with weight loss, these natural foods are recognized for their support in stabilizing blood pressure and cholesterol to healthy levels while increasing energy, a task the body cannot do when overloaded with processed foods and sugar. The distinct health benefits of this unique diet are a stronger immune defense in fighting off illness and disease, thus eliminating many health risks that are so widespread today. For whatever reason you choose for being on a diet that originated thousands of years ago, the natural foods alone will have a significant improvement on your health and vitality.

Is the diet too restrictive? It may seem that way in the very beginning, but after some time most people come to the realization that their body really doesn’t need or even want these outlawed foods. It’s typical for anyone to get bored by eating repetitive foods, so it’s helpful to diversify your food choices as much as possible. There really is a large selection of foods on the paleo diet to choose from after all that are healthy and nutritious for your body. The diet provides the types of foods that your body needs to burn fat and feel energized which is not often found in most diets.

A paleo diet plan is not always easy to follow and probably the biggest downfall is not being able to come up with original meal ideas and staying consistent in putting together a meal plan. With the paleo diet growing in popularity there are a lot of menu plans and paleo recipe books available to help get your paleo diet journey off to a good start.


Source by Margue Rite