Zone Diet Menu – 1 maps regime that works for you


The Zone Diet is one of the easiest diets to follow, because you meet your carbohydrate intake with your protein intake, keeping both in balance. The preferred ratio is 1: 1, a protein sequence identified by a carbohydrate unit. A protein block is 7 grams, while a carbohydrate block is 9 grams. A good example of a protein block is a raw chicken breast ounce or about 1.5 ounces of sliced ​​deli meat. A carbohydrate block is usually 1 cup of greens, vegetables or fruit. The key is to always combine these two blocks at each meal. The other key is to have 40 percent of complex carbohydrates, 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat in the diet. This is the “magic” formula that combines to make weight loss possible.

timing is everything

Another key element of the Zone Diet plan is timing when you eat because the Zone diet keeps your whole body balanced, and that helps keep hungry. You should eat a Zone Diet meal or snack about every 4 to 5 hours after your last meal Zone, and about 2 to 2 1/2 hours after your last snack area, and you should have a snack area about 30 minutes before you go to bed

Zone Diet Menu Plans

You can find many Zone Diet menu plans online and on paper will help you follow your Zone diet. You have to remember that each person is different, to begin the Zone diet plan, you will need to determine your specific protein needs. Typically, a man needs about 4 blocks of proteins of a meal, while a woman needs about 3 blocks of proteins of a meal.

meal plans are built around these needs, and blocks of proteins may include items such as chicken, turkey, sandwich meat sausages, pork, and even Canadian bacon. Blocks carbohydrates can include fruit, vegetables, salad, and an occasional slice of wholemeal bread.

No-No’s Zone Diet

Do not count calories or carbohydrates on the Zone diet, but there are some things you should avoid. Coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks containing caffeine are out, and so is alcohol, one glass of wine per day is allowed. There are also lists of foods in the Zone Diet menu plans that should be avoided, such as pasta, bread and potatoes, and foods high in sugar such as corn, carrots, peas, bananas, raisins and grapes. You can have these foods in moderation but definitely not every day. Some foods low in carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta are OK occasionally on the Zone diet, as they are created specifically to be low in carbohydrates.

Zone Diet Benefits

A benefit of Zone Diet menu plans is that you can eat almost any food; you just have to follow some items. It also encourages and discourages energy hunger due to the timing of meals. You should not be hungry on this diet and encourages healthy eating habits that can stay with you a lifetime. So check the Zone diet today, and create a healthier future you ,.


Source by Wendy Pan

Perfect Pregnancy Diet Plan



Shot Pregnancy Perfect for unhealthy Curb Cravings

Generally, pregnant women find that their cravings kick in around the second quarter. Some of these cravings can and should be worked into your diet in pregnancy level, while some should be avoided.

Some desires are messages from your body telling you about gaps and others are simply indulgences.

The lack of communication between your body and your actions can lead to some unnecessary weight gain, poor eating habits, and may also limit the ability of your baby develop healthily.

During your second trimester, your baby’s nervous system is designed. This is the stage where the baby is a little flicker on the screen for adorable bundle of joy you envision

Too much of a good thing can go wrong :. Pregnancy Nutrition

Most moms sugar craving at some point during their mandate. This is a normal desire. However, indulging in too much sugar can lead to gestational diabetes, and even cause your child to be overweight in later years.

Also, if you thought the headaches were bad in the first quarter, the ups and downs of sugar that your body will suffer if you over-indulge send these migraines through the roof.

Also, if you are hoping to have your natural baby or if you want to limit the amount of tear you, skip the sugar bowl. Ingesting too much sugar has been linked to increased birth weights and sizes in newborns, which can lead to complicated deliveries, needless tear, and a postpartum recovery process.

Moderation is the key.

It’s OK to have an indulgence of pregnancy, but between meals opt for an organic apple or a warm chamomile tea and sweeten with agave nectar or raw honey. In addition, heartburn is a common side effect of pregnancy when you enter your second trimester, although in your third. If you want something sweet that will not aggravate heartburn, try to cut some fresh papaya from the farmer’s market.

healthy diet for a pregnancy diet plan always includes Protein

Meat and protein sources are rarely noted as a desire for pregnancy. Instead, salt and sugar in the lead. However, even if you do not feel like eating protein, it is always a good idea to make sure you get enough.

These amino acids in the protein and essential vitamins and minerals are essential for your baby development. Healthy bones, teeth and internal organs are just a few bites of lean protein further.

For more information and a variety of healthy and nutritious recipes Check this out!


Source by Brian E Fisher

Popular diet plans can unclog arteries


If you have thickened walls of the arteries, you should try to eat diets that are healthy for the heart. These diets are low carb diet, low fat diet and the Mediterranean diet. In fact, now, the researchers found that people who consume these diets can actually reverse the process of atherosclerosis.

The research was conducted by Israeli researchers who claim that once a person is on any of the above diet, the person should continue with the regime, even if he or she loses less weight. If the person adheres to the diet long enough, he or she will cause atherosclerosis to decline.

Atherosclerosis is a condition in which the arteries become thick and consequently they become narrow. This thickening does not allow blood to flow normally and can lead to cardiac or cerebral stroke.

The study had 140 participants from both sexes and they were middle-aged. Patients were placed on one of three types of healthy diet. Around 1 / 3rd of the patients were taking medication for high blood pressure and 1/4 of them were taking medication to lower their cholesterol. Patients were placed on the diet for 2 years and later, the researchers found that the thickness of the wall of the carotid artery had seen a reduction of 1.1. Moderately reduced levels of blood pressure, while the weight loss was average.

This proves that even if you have minor to modest weight loss, it is beneficial for the arteries. However, the biggest advantage you can get to go on any healthy diet is the reduction of high blood pressure. However, a person should be prepared to be on the diet for a long period of time in order to derive the benefits.


Source by Kum Martin