Diet Pop Does Make You Fat!


We all know by now that there is nothing healthy about pop. Pop aka soda is full of harmful chemicals; not necessarily short term harmful, but towards your health it definitely affects you in the long term.

Since you are coming to this site and reading this, at least you are somewhat concerned about your health.

It’s very sad to here that some people think that diet soda helps you lose body fat. I also am amazed as to how many people out there say they eat healthy, and only drink diet pop.

Lets stop all the mumbo jumbo about how there is anything even remotely healthy about these “diet sodas” there is nothing healthy about them, and most people grow even fatter when they are on these rather than non diet soda. Let me explain why…

The reason is that the artificial sweeteners create a negative response towards the hormones in the body. The hormones that are mainly harmed are the production ones, and when they are affected like this it makes the body crave sweets and carbohydrates even more; this causes you to eat more than you thought. So why don’t people stop this craving by will power? Its not that, it’s the fact that most people that drink diet soda think that they can eat more, and they do. So when they eat more you get fatter or instead of saying fatter you consume more calories.

So what’s the point of drinking soda if it’s going to get me fat anyways? Exactly so just stop drinking it. Or learn to manage your calories more effectively. The alternatives that I can give you are… water, and iced tea (unsweetened). However, you must be concerned about your self enough in order to make the switch. It is definitely a healthier choice!


Source by Erik C Fuller

What is an Effective Fat Loss Diet?


Starting in a fat loss diet is a good way to build a healthy body and lose fat.

Diets are predetermined sets of food that a person needs to eat on a regular interval. It affects his weight in the long run as food included in the diet is carefully selected to either curb the appetite or inhibit a change in the body that promotes weight loss. Recent discovery in health and fitness makes it possible for people to lose weight by eating the right kinds of food.

For some, the fat loss diet is simply eating less and doing more. The foods we eat are calorie intake and the things we do burns the calorie so that the body can maintain the amount of fat. When a person starts eating more food while stopping doing something that’s when unwanted fats developed. The failure of the body to burn the calories taken leads to the development of fatty build ups in the body. These are the fats that a dieter is trying to get rid of.

With an effective fat loss diet, the intake of calorie is controlled and exercise is suggested so that the body can get rid of the fats. If the program is maintained the dieter will eventually get rid of the weight and as the diet goes on the loss made will increase. There are diets wherein a person is asked to eat only foods that are helpful in maintaining the newly acquiring body figure. Maintaining the body weight is important because if a dieter starts eating more food the process of accumulation is started again. The diet becomes a cycle of victory and defeat.

The person who has undergone a diet program should be properly guided on how to maintain the fat-free life. That may involve changing the lifestyle especially with regards to the eating habits. There are people who have been to a diet club but stopped who found themselves going back to the same old problem. That could be prevented by setting a personal goal and living a life of discipline. The dieter should try to embrace the newly acquired eating habit and forget the old eating lifestyle. That is not really hard to do. Maintaining the good body is easy if it is done heartily.


Source by Bernice Eker

Fatloss4idiots Diet – A Review


Are you over weight? Have you tried everything you can think of to lose weight and nothing has helped? Are you following a diet and still find yourself hungry even after you have eaten what the plan suggest? If this is you then look no further, the real way to lose weight while still feeling full and satisfied is here.

Fat loss for idiots is a great new e-book that will teach you the correct way to eat without leaving you hungry and unsatisfied. Everyone knows that food is much more powerful than many other things in life from weight lost shakes and diet pills to even the person who eats it. With the fat loss for idiots e-book you will learn that it is not so much what you eat but how you eat it.

Losing weight happens for many reasons but cutting calories really low is not one of them. All you're doing when you cut your calories is leaving your body to feel starved and under nourished. When your body feels this way it will readjust itself to only burn the amount of calories you are feeding it. This adjustment that your body makes will not only cause you to not lose weight but it could also cause you to gain weight. When you're already struggling with a weight problem you do not need to add to it.

Fat loss for idiots will educate you on how to eat and how often you need to eat. By eating more than three meals a day you are giving your body the chance to burn the smaller amount of calories you put into it more times a day. By doing this you are still satisfying your body's need for nutrition and your own need to feel full while helping your body adjust to smaller amounts of calories more frequently.

Are you worried about working out? Maybe you are too busy to make time for the gym or even to work out at home. With fat loss for idiots you do not have to worry about that. This e-book will teach you how to eat to lose weight and not kill yourself trying to work out several times a week just to see a very small result. While working out is good for you it is not the key factor in losing the weight you want to get rid of.

Many diet plans will require you to purchase already packaged meals that their company makes. This means you will have to spend more money to lose weight. Fat loss for idiots offers you a fool proof way to making your meals work for you. By entering your information on the website you will be able to see and print your meal guide for the whole week. This will make it so easy to see what is good for you to eat, what portions you need and even how to prepare it.

Fat loss for idiots could not make it much simpler than this, so what are you waiting for? Come on over and get your e-book today and start learning to eat to lose the weight you want.


Source by Jerome Sherman