Weight Loss – What You Need To Know About Fat Loss Over The Age of 50


Trying to experience weight loss over the age of 50? You may wonder if it’s even possible at this point. If you have 30 plus pounds to lose, it may feel like it may not be so. After all, your metabolism just isn’t as fast as it used to be, and you aren’t nearly as active as you were in your 20’s and 30’s.

This said, don’t be discouraged. While weight loss may be slightly harder if you are aged 50 or over, it can certainly be done. Let’s look at a few fat loss over 50 tips to know and remember.

Even with a slower metabolism, don’t be discouraged. While weight loss may be slightly harder if you are aged 50 or over, weight loss is possible. Let’s look at a few “fat loss over 50” tips to keep in mind…

1. Strength Training Is A Must. First. Strength training is a must for those over the age of 50. It’s critical you are focused on maintaining your lean muscle mass as it’s the tissue that will help keep your metabolic rate up and your fat burning on high.

Those over 50 have a greater chance of losing lean muscle mass if they aren’t strength training regularly, so it’s vital you focus on including this in your plan. Three sessions per week at 30 minutes per session will be sufficient.

2. Focus On Daily Activity, Less On Exercise. Also focus on getting more activity in. This tends to be easier for those over 50 compared to trying to do 45 minutes of cardio daily for instance.

If you can just move more – throughout the entire day – it will add up and go a long way towards helping you reach your weight loss goals.

3. Tend To Your Protein Intake. On the diet side of things, protein will be key here. Most people, as they get older, tend to consume less protein when this is the macronutrient you need most.

If you aren’t eating sufficient protein, it will be almost impossible to maintain your lean muscle mass, meaning your metabolic rate will drop even further. Aim for one gram per pound of body weight per day, never less.

4. Avoid Eating Mindlessly. Finally, combat mindless eating. Most older adults find their appetite declines with age. If you simply learn to listen to your hunger cues, you’ll find that eating a moderate calorie reduced diet is not nearly as challenging as you might think. You just need to be sure you cut out snacking when you aren’t hungry.

If you keep these quick tips in mind, you can see optimal results with your “weight loss after 50” plan. Be smart and stay committed – you can feel confident in how you look while improving your health at the same time.


Source by Beverleigh H Piepers