What Is a Gestational Diabetes Diet?


Gestational diabetes occurs when a woman's hormones alter the way your body breaks down sugars. It is brought upon when a woman's blood glucose level spikes. Increased levels of hormones made for the baby in the placenta is what causes the breakage point where the body no longer has the ability to have insulin manage glucose. The technical term for this is insulin resistance. As the baby grows and develops in the woman's womb, the placenta produces more and more hormones which ultimately increases the resistance of insulin. A pregnant woman's pancreas typically produces up to 3 to 4 times the amount of normal insulin to overcome the resistance. If a woman's pancreas can not produce this high amount of insulin, than glucose levels rise as a result, and this is exactly what gestational diabetes is. Following a standard gestational diabetes diet can greatly help these pregnancies and the health of the baby.

If you do not get high glucose levels treated immediately while you are pregnant, it may cause health problems for not just you, but your baby as well. Your baby will not automatically inherent diabetes if this happens, however, your baby may not be able to control its own insulin production, which may cause it to produce too much insulin, and this, in turn, can cause the baby to gain weight too which quickly will spark a premature delivery.

After birth, women usually settle back into their regular blood levels. However, if this occurred to you during your pregnancy, then you have a much higher risk of developing a type 2 diabetes later in life. Carbs tends to have the highest impact on your blood glucose levels since it is what is broken down into glucose during digestion. If you find that carbs are something very difficult to give up, try eating the same amount of carbs as proteins and fats. This way, your body will be provided a variety of nutrients and glucose levels to work with, so that it does not spike your glucose level.

The best way to control you glucose levels is by constantly feeding your body fuel through an effective gestational diabetes diet. It is recommended to eat three smaller meals, and two snack, every single day. You should do this at the same times every day and do your best to not skip either a meal or a snack. If you skip meals or snacks, it could alter the way your body breaks down the next thing that you put into your body. At breakfast, however, it is recommended that carb intake is low, as this is when insulin resistance tend to be at its highest. When indulging in your meals and snacks, it is important to include some carbohydrates; do not avoid them altogether. These portions should be similar throughout the day. When you do eat cabs, make sure you are choosing the right carbs. Foods that are high in fiber are your best options and they include whole-grain bread, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits & vegetables. Be a conscious effort to limit your sugar and fat intake and increase your water intake. All of these tips will help you to control your glucose levels.


Source by Haizul Azri Ab Rahim

Diet and Exercise – Lose Fat and Flab With Fun Weight Loss Exercises


Are you starting a new diet and exercise program? Exercise is vital when you're dieting: not only will exercise help you to feel better, it'll also help you to stick to your diet. Exercise need not be complicated. You can have fun with your weight loss exercises.

1. Yoga Looks Simple, but It Can Change Your Life

Yoga is easy exercise anyone can do. It's great for weight loss, because it's not as strenuous as running, but it can never give you a great workout.Many yoga studios offer yoga for weight loss classes, but if your local studio does not offer these, try a beginners class instead .

Discuss your weight loss goals with your instructor before class. Ask her to show you some configurations of poses which will make them easier for you while you're still overweight.

2. Fun With a Fitness (Stability) Ball

If you hate to exercise, consider exercising with a fitness ball. They're inexpensive.You can have fun while you're exercising with a ball, and will get a great workout. There are many fitness ball exercise programs available on DVD, so you do not even have to leave the comfort of your home.

Start slowly. When you first start your workouts with the ball do no more than 10 minutes of exercise. You can build up the time you spend slowly until you're exercising for 40 minutes each day.

2. Swimming for Weight Loss

Swimming is another great, fun exercise for weight loss. Swimming is especially useful if you're over 40, because you're not putting any stress on your joints. As with any form of exercise, start slowly. There's no need to spend hours in the pool to get benefits. Half an hour is fine. However do ensure that you go at least four times a week.

Combining exercise with dieting ensures that not only will you lose weight, but you'll look great too. Remember to choose an exercise program which is fun for you. When it's fun you're more likely to keep exercising, and over a few weeks your new exercise time will become a healthy habit.


Source by Julia Denham

3 Day Egg Grapefruit Diet – Rapid Weight Loss


The 3 day egg and grapefruit diet is based on that the grapefruit is thermogenic and will help you lose weight more rapid. This diet is also known as the “3 Day Diet” or “Egg Grapefruit Diet”.

The normal grapefruit diet is based on a 12 day diet which is a pretty long time to stay on this diet. Some people are not able to stay with the strict guidelines for 12 days and then the egg and grapefruit 3 day diet is a faster way. Some people also consider the 3 day diet to be healthier for you body since you only “punish” it for a short time.

One thing to consider before starting this diet is that grapefruit juice can interfere with some drugs. Never drink grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit within 45 minutes of taking any kind of medications.

The 3 Day Egg and Grapefruit Diet Menu

This menu is monotone but the reward is great if you stick to it.


  • 1 Cup of black coffee
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Slice of wheat toast
  • ½ Grapefruit


  • ½ Grapefruit
  • Mixed salad
  • 1 Tablespoon olive oil as dressing
  • 1 cup of black coffee


  • ½ Grapefruit
  • 4 Ounces of any meat, baked, broiled or sauteed in olive oil
  • Mixed salad
  • Steamed veggies (all you can eat)

This is the menu for 3 day egg grapefruit diet. If you need a snack in between these are things that are allowed. As a snack you can add one apple, one egg (whites only) or a wheat toast. This should only be done if you feel really hungry.

If you stick to this diet for 3 days you should notice a healthy weight loss. The bad thing about this diet is that it’s really hard to keep the weight away afterwards. For a longer lasting diet you should consider the 12 day grapefruit diet, but this 3 day egg and grapefruit diet is a great way to jump start any diet.


Source by Erika Nilsson